Intel Board of Directors Elects New Chairman and New Director

Andy Bryant to Retire from Board after 2020 Stockholders’ Meeting

From left: In Janu­ary 2020, Andy Bryant tran­si­tio­ned from chair­man of the Intel Cor­po­ra­ti­on board of direc­tors to a mem­ber of the board and exe­cu­ti­ve advi­sor to the com­pa­ny, Dr. Omar Ishrak was named chair­man of the board, and Alys­sa Hen­ry joi­n­ed the board.

SANTA CLARA, Calif., Jan. 21, 2020 – Intel Cor­po­ra­ti­on announ­ced today that at the company’s Jan. 15 board mee­ting Andy D. Bryant step­ped down as chair­man and the board elec­ted lead inde­pen­dent direc­tor Dr. Omar Ishrak to suc­ceed Bryant as an inde­pen­dent chair­man, effec­ti­ve imme­dia­te­ly. Intel also announ­ced that Alys­sa Hen­ry was elec­ted to Intel’s board. Her elec­tion marks the seventh new inde­pen­dent direc­tor added to Intel’s board sin­ce the begin­ning of 2016.

Bryant will remain on the board through the end of Intel’s 2020 annu­al stock­hol­ders’ mee­ting. He had pre­vious­ly noti­fied the board in March 2019 that he did not intend to stand for re-elec­tion at this year’s mee­ting. Bryant made the decis­i­on to lea­ve the role now in order to faci­li­ta­te an effec­ti­ve transition.

I want to thank and con­gra­tu­la­te Andy for over seven years’ ser­vice as chair­man of the board,” said Intel CEO Bob Swan. “Andy has been a rud­der for Intel during a time of chan­ge and trans­for­ma­ti­on. He has led the board with inte­gri­ty and always with Intel’s best inte­rest in mind.”

It has been my gre­at honor to ser­ve as Intel chair­man, and I plan to reti­re from the board in May with gre­at opti­mism about Intel’s future,” Bryant said. “I have full con­fi­dence in Omar lea­ding the board, which is for­t­u­na­te to have his exper­ti­se at lea­ding an inno­va­ti­ve, glo­bal com­pa­ny. In addi­ti­on, Alyssa’s wealth of seni­or lea­der­ship, cloud com­pu­ting and emer­ging tech­no­lo­gies expe­ri­ence fur­ther streng­thens Intel’s board.”

Hen­ry, 49, has ser­ved as sel­ler lead for Squa­re Inc. — a pro­vi­der of soft­ware, hard­ware and finan­cial ser­vices for small busi­nesses and indi­vi­du­als — sin­ce 2014. She over­sees glo­bal engi­nee­ring, pro­duct manage­ment, design, sales, mar­ke­ting, part­ner­ships and sup­port for Square’s sel­ler-facing soft­ware and finan­cial ser­vices pro­ducts. Pri­or to Squa­re, she ser­ved in various posi­ti­ons with Inc. from 2006 to 2014, inclu­ding as vice pre­si­dent of Ama­zon Web Ser­vices Sto­rage Ser­vices, whe­re she led ser­vices inclu­ding Ama­zon S3, Ama­zon EBS and Ama­zon Lamb­da; and as Amazon’s direc­tor of soft­ware deve­lo­p­ment for orde­ring, with respon­si­bi­li­ty for Amazon’s orde­ring work­flow soft­ware and data­ba­ses. Befo­re Ama­zon, Hen­ry spent 12 years at Micro­soft Corp. working on data­ba­ses and data access tech­no­lo­gies in a varie­ty of engi­nee­ring, pro­gram manage­ment and pro­duct unit manage­ment roles. Hen­ry star­ted her care­er as a deve­lo­per in the finan­cial ser­vices indus­try. She has ser­ved as a mem­ber of the board of direc­tors of Unity Tech­no­lo­gies, a pri­va­te­ly held com­pa­ny, sin­ce Decem­ber 2018.