4.2.9 ist eine kos­ten­lo­se Bild­be­ar­bei­tungs­soft­ware für Micro­soft Win­dows, die ursprüng­lich von der Washing­ton Sta­te Uni­ver­si­ty und Micro­soft ent­wi­ckelt wur­de. Seit der Ver­si­on 4.0.20 setzt sie Win­dows 7 SP1 sowie das .NET Frame­work ab Ver­si­on 4.7 voraus.

Die Bild- und Foto­be­ar­bei­tungs­soft­ware bie­tet eine intui­ti­ve und inno­va­ti­ve Benut­zer­ober­flä­che mit Unter­stüt­zung für Ebe­nen, unbe­grenz­tes Rück­gän­gig­ma­chen, Spe­zi­al­ef­fek­te und eine Viel­zahl nütz­li­cher und leis­tungs­fä­hi­ger Werk­zeu­ge. Für sind zahl­rei­che Tuto­ri­als und Plug­ins verfügbar. in der Ver­si­on 4.2

Chan­ge­log: 4.2.9 — released on Janu­ary 31, 2020
This updates impro­ves per­for­mance and signi­fi­cant­ly redu­ces memo­ry usa­ge, adds two new trans­la­ti­ons, and fixes a num­ber of small issues.

  • Redu­ced over­all memo­ry usa­ge (com­mit size) by up to 1/3rd by eli­mi­na­ting the per-image scratch buffer
  • Great­ly impro­ved per­for­mance when finis­hing actions of most tools by employ­ing a shared cache bet­ween the ren­der and com­mit code paths
  • Redu­ced memo­ry usa­ge when working with many tools by con­so­li­da­ting homo­ge­nous tiles (tho­se that are com­pri­sed of a sin­gle color value)
  • Signi­fi­cant­ly impro­ved per­for­mance of most histo­ry actions (com­mit, undo, redo) by swit­ching from NTFS com­pres­si­on to mul­ti­th­rea­ded LZ4 com­pres­si­on for histo­ry files
  • Signi­fi­cant­ly impro­ved per­for­mance of undo/redo with very com­plex sel­ec­tions (e.g. from the Magic Wand tool)
  • Impro­ved per­for­mance of Image -> Flat­ten (also affects flat­tening when saving)
  • Impro­ved per­for­mance of the Invert Colors and Desa­tu­ra­te adjus­t­ments by dis­ab­ling hard­ware acce­le­ra­ti­on for them (too much over­head in copy­ing tiles to the GPU for such tri­vi­al ren­de­ring kernels)
  • Impro­ved per­for­mance when saving by moving thumb­nail ren­de­ring for the File -> Open Recent menu to a back­ground thread
  • Redu­ced memo­ry usa­ge when prin­ting, and remo­ved a rare crash that was rela­ted to its use of the (now remo­ved) scratch buffer
  • Impro­ved per­for­mance of effect ren­de­ring when a com­plex sel­ec­tion is acti­ve (impro­ved caching)
  • New: Added a “busy spin­ner” to the can­vas when using the Magic Wand and Paint Bucket tools
  • New trans­la­ti­on: Hebrew (HE)
  • New trans­la­ti­on: Slo­vak (SK)
  • Fixed a real­ly goofy crash that requi­red dra­wing with the paint­brush and, wit­hout let­ting go of the mou­se but­ton, moving the mou­se into the tool­bar and then using the mou­se wheel to chan­ge the brush width
  • Fixed a lay­out bug with the image list button
  • Fixed an error that pre­ven­ted saving some images as JPEGs if they had EXIF Interop meta­da­ta (Pro­per­ty­Not­Found­Ex­cep­ti­on)
  • Fixed a crash when run­ning on a CPU that sup­ports AVX but with an OS that is con­fi­gu­red to not sup­port it (via bcdedit /set xsa­ve­di­sable 1)
  • Fixed a crash when pres­sing the space­bar after swit­ching to a tool but befo­re it has recei­ved any mou­se input events
  • Fixed a rare crash when ope­ning the Levels adjus­t­ments with cer­tain types of selections
  • Fixed a crash when che­cking for updates with an expi­red alpha/beta build
  • Fixed a crash (FileL­oa­dEx­cep­ti­on) when DLLs are not updated cor­rect­ly by the updater
  • Updated Web­PFile­Ty­pe plug­in to ver­si­on 1.3.2 (thanks @null54!)
  • Updated DDS­File­Ty­pe­Plus plug­in to ver­si­on 1.9.9. This adds sup­port for X8B8G8R8 and R8G8B8 for­mats, and fixes a visu­al glitch when pre­vie­w­ing cube maps in some for­mats. (thanks @null54!)


Ver­si­on: 4.2.9
Datei­grö­ße 9,86 MiB
Ver­öf­fent­licht am: 31.01.2020
Betriebs­sys­tem: Win­dows
Lizenz: Free­ware