GIGABYTE Launches Content Creation Focused DESIGNARE DDR4 Memory

Fea­turing 32GB Per DIMM with a Pro­fes­sio­nal Loo­king Design and Alu­mi­num Heatsinks


Tai­pei, Tai­wan, Febru­ary 6th, 2020 – GIGABYTE TECHNOLOGY Co. Ltd, a lea­ding manu­fac­tu­rer of mother­boards and gra­phics cards, today laun­ched the DESIGNARE Series DDR4 3200MHz 64GB memo­ry kit. With its inno­va­ti­ve mother­board line, the DESIGNARE label has beco­me syn­ony­mous with effi­ci­ent con­tent crea­ti­on and this new­ly laun­ched memo­ry kit advan­ces the brand to new heights with its 32GB capa­ci­ty per DIMM, pro­fes­sio­nal look and high den­si­ty heats­inks. The ultra-high capa­ci­ty per DIMM faci­li­ta­tes video editing and 3D mode­ling on pro­jects with hig­her memo­ry requi­re­ments and ensu­res that con­tent crea­tors will not be limi­t­ed by insuf­fi­ci­ent memo­ry capa­ci­ty on their RAM sticks. With an alu­mi­num heats­ink design that keeps per­for­mance high and tem­pe­ra­tures low, the new memo­ry kit is a wel­co­me addi­ti­on to the DESIGNARE lin­e­up and an indis­pensable asset for buil­ding a powerful con­tent crea­ti­on rig.

Per­for­mance ori­en­ted plat­forms gene­ral­ly ful­fill the needs and requi­re­ments for high-end gam­ing but the hard­ware requi­re­ments for effi­ci­ent con­tent crea­ti­on is even more deman­ding. Con­tent crea­tors requi­re high-end pro­ces­sors, RAM, gra­phics cards, and sto­rage devices to get their work done as effi­ci­ent­ly but low RAM capa­ci­ty limits the effi­ci­en­cy of pro­grams that have hig­her memo­ry requi­re­ments, impo­sing a bot­t­len­eck on over­all per­for­mance. Alt­hough AMD and Intel have added sup­port for sin­gle DIMM 32GB DDR4 memo­ry, the mar­ket is lack­ing when it comes to high capa­ci­ty memo­ry kits, limi­ting poten­ti­al per­for­mance and sys­tem sta­bi­li­ty for con­tent creators.

GIGABYTE reco­gni­zed this lack of high-capa­ci­ty DIMMs on the mar­ket so its R&D put in the resour­ces to deve­lop a 64GB high-capa­ci­ty DDR4 memo­ry kit with 32GB per DIMM at 3200MHz. The new memo­ry kit offers the best balan­ce bet­ween per­for­mance, sup­port, and pri­cing in the mar­ket. With the 4DIMM con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on of the Intel® Z390 or AMD X570 plat­forms, both plat­forms can sup­port up to 128GB memo­ry capa­ci­ty. The 8DIMM con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on of the Intel® X299 and AMD TRX40 enables them to sup­port up to 256GB memo­ry, doubling the DDR4 memo­ry capa­ci­ty of stan­dard con­su­mer plat­forms! In addi­ti­on, the DESIGNARE Series DDR4 3200MHz 64GB memo­ry kit has pas­sed both the Intel and AMD cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on and offers the best sup­port. In terms of style, the new memo­ry kit fea­tures sil­ver and white alu­mi­num heats­inks wit­hout the RGB, which allows it to distin­gu­ish its­elf from the AORUS memo­ry lin­e­up while stay­ing true to the GIGABYTE DESIGNARE design style with its clean, uni­form, and pro­fes­sio­nal look.

Con­tent crea­tors often uti­li­ze appli­ca­ti­ons that have hig­her memo­ry requi­re­ments so GIGABYTE DESIGNARE DDR4 3200MHz 64GB Memo­ry Kit offers users 256GB memo­ry capa­ci­ty to work with which addres­ses tho­se demands,” said Jack­son Hsu, Direc­tor of the GIGABYTE Pro­duct Deve­lo­p­ment Divi­si­on. “GIGABYTE DESIGNARE Series DDR4 Memo­ry Kit stays true to the DESIGNARE brand and builds on the suc­cess of AORUS memo­ry pro­ducts. Having under­go­ne a com­ple­te deve­lo­p­ment pro­cess and rigo­rous­ly tes­ted, this pro­duct offers con­tent crea­tors the best tools to build the most high qua­li­ty con­tent crea­ti­on platform!”

GIGABYTE DESIGNARE Series DDR4 3200MHz 64GB Memo­ry Kit has been pro­du­ced and tes­ted under the GIGABYTE Ultra Dura­ble stan­dard to ensu­re its effi­ci­en­cy and sta­bi­li­ty is ide­al for con­tent crea­ti­on. Pro­ducts have been released to the pro­duct. Plea­se refer to the GIGABYTE web­site for more information.

For more infor­ma­ti­on and news on GIGABYTE pro­ducts, plea­se visit the offi­ci­al GIGABYTE website: