Firefox 73.0

Fire­fox der freie Web­brow­ser des Mozil­la Pro­jek­tes ist in einer neu­en Ver­si­on zum Down­load frei­ge­ge­ben wor­den. Mozil­la Fire­fox setzt seit Fire­fox 57.0 auf die Quan­tum-Engi­ne und sieht die eige­ne Rol­le nach dem Wech­sel von Micro­soft Edge auf die Web-Ren­de­ring-Engi­ne Chro­mi­um gegen­über den wei­te­ren Chro­mi­um-basier­ten Brow­sern Goog­le Chro­me, Ope­ra und Vival­di, als ein­zi­ge unab­hän­gi­ge Wahl bedeu­tend erhöht.




  • Today’s Fire­fox release includes two fea­tures that help users view and read web­site con­tent more easi­ly, quick­ly. Like all acces­si­bi­li­ty impro­ve­ments, the­se fea­tures impro­ve brow­sing for everyone. 
    • Fire­fox has offe­red a page zoom fea­ture for more than a deca­de that allows users to set the zoom level on a per-site basis. For users who need to zoom most web­sites, having to adjust zoom for each new site can be an annoyan­ce. To address this, we have imple­men­ted a new glo­bal default zoom level set­ting. This opti­on is available in about:preferences under “Lan­guage and Appearance” and can be sca­led up or down from 100% as nee­ded and sets the default zoom level for all sites. Per-site zoom is still available to make adjus­t­ments to indi­vi­du­al sites as needed.
    • Many users with low visi­on rely on Win­dows’ High Con­trast Mode to make web­sites more rea­da­ble. Tra­di­tio­nal­ly, to increase the rea­da­bili­ty of text, Fire­fox has dis­ab­led back­ground images when High Con­trast Mode is enab­led. With today’s release of Fire­fox 73, we intro­du­ce a “rea­da­bili­ty back­p­la­te” solu­ti­on which places a block of back­ground color bet­ween the text and back­ground image. Now, web­sites in High Con­trast Mode are more rea­da­ble wit­hout dis­ab­ling back­ground images.


  • Various secu­ri­ty fixes.
  • Impro­ved audio qua­li­ty when play­ing back audio at a fas­ter or slower speed.
  • Fire­fox will now only prompt you to save log­ins if a field in a log­in form was modified.


  • Web­Ren­der will roll out to lap­tops with Nvi­dia gra­phics cards with dri­vers newer than 432.00, and screen sizes smal­ler than 1920x1200.


Web Platform

  • Impro­ved auto-detec­tion of lega­cy text enco­dings on old web pages which don’t expli­cit­ly decla­re the text encoding.


  • Users with 0patch secu­ri­ty soft­ware may encoun­ter cra­s­hes at start­up after updating to Fire­fox 73. This will be fixed in a future Fire­fox release. As a work­around, an exclu­si­on for firefox.exe can be added within the 0patch set­tings.




Ver­si­on: 73.0
Datei­grö­ße ver­schie­den
Ver­öf­fent­licht am: 11.02.2020
Betriebs­sys­tem: Win­dows, Linux, macOS, Android
Lizenz: Free­ware
Web­sei­te Fire­fox