New AMD Processors Drive High-Performance Computing for Embedded Industry

 AMD Ryzen™ Embedded Pro­ces­sors add low-power opti­ons for designs of 10W or less —

— New plat­forms from cus­to­mers expand use of AMD Embedded Pro­ces­sors 

SANTA CLARA, Calif., Feb. 25, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —  AMD (NASDAQ: AMD) today announ­ced the expan­si­on of the AMD Ryzen™ Embedded eco­sys­tem with two new AMD Ryzen™ Embedded R1000 low-power pro­ces­sors that pro­vi­de cus­to­mers with a new TDP ran­ge of 6 up to 10 watts. AMD also announ­ced new cus­to­mers offe­ring Mini PCs based on the AMD Ryzen Embedded pro­ces­sors from Sap­phi­re, SECO, Sim­ply NUC and others.

AMD is ushe­ring in a new age of high-per­for­mance com­pu­ting for the embedded indus­try,” said Raj­nee­sh Gaur, cor­po­ra­te vice pre­si­dent and gene­ral mana­ger, Embedded Solu­ti­ons, AMD. “We are doing this with cut­ting-edge tech­no­lo­gy to dis­play immersi­ve gra­phics in 4K reso­lu­ti­on with AMD Ryzen Embedded pro­ces­sors, and we are now offe­ring access to high per­for­mance in power-effi­ci­ent solu­ti­ons with the­se new low-power Ryzen Embedded R1000 processors.”

New AMD Ryzen Embedded Processors
In April 2019, AMD laun­ched an expan­si­on to the Ryzen Embedded pro­ces­sor lin­e­up with the AMD Ryzen Embedded R1000 SoC. Built on “Zen” CPU and Rade­on™ “Vega” gra­phics cores, the Ryzen Embedded R1000 pro­ces­sor deli­vers 3X bet­ter CPU per­for­mance per watt1 com­pared to the pre­vious gene­ra­ti­on AMD R‑series Embedded pro­ces­sor, and 4X bet­ter CPU and gra­phics per­for­mance per dol­lar than the com­pe­ti­ti­on2.

The AMD Ryzen Embedded R1000 fami­ly now includes two new pro­ces­sors desi­gned for effi­ci­ent power enve­lo­pes, the Ryzen™ Embedded R1102G and R1305G pro­ces­sors. The new pro­ces­sors sca­le from 6 up to 10 watts of TDP respec­tively, while also giving cus­to­mers the abili­ty to redu­ce sys­tem cos­ts with less memo­ry DIMMS and lower power requi­re­ments. With this low power enve­lo­pe, the­se embedded pro­ces­sors give cus­to­mers the abili­ty to crea­te fan­less sys­tems, ope­ning new mar­kets that can levera­ge the high-per­for­mance Ryzen Embedded pro­ces­sors. The­se two new pro­ces­sors are expec­ted to be available for order at the end of March.

Cus­to­mers adop­ting the Ryzen Embedded R1102G and R1305G include Kon­tron with a sca­lable mini-ITX plat­form and Sim­ply NUC with a new mini PC unit cal­led Red Oak, which offers afforda­ble main­stream per­for­mance solu­ti­ons with a cost opti­mi­zed fea­ture set to its lin­e­up of Ryzen Embedded based Mini PCs.

Pro­ces­sor TDP (W) Cores/Threads CPU Base
Freq. (GHz)
1T CPU Boost
Freq. (GHz)
(up to)3
R1305G 8–10W4 2/4 1.5 2.8 3 1.0
R1102G 6W5 2/2 1.2 2.6 3 1.0

A Gro­wing Ryzen Embedded Mini PC Ecosystem
In Decem­ber 2019, AMD, along with OEM part­ners, announ­ced that it was enab­ling an open eco­sys­tem for AMD Ryzen Embedded based Mini PCs, sup­port­ing indus­tries inclu­ding display/signage, enter­pri­se and indus­tri­al com­pu­ting. That list is expan­ding to include:

  • Sapphire’s new 4x4 plat­forms based on AMD Ryzen Embedded Pro­ces­sors: the BP-FP5 and NP-FP5 embedded boards,
  • Sim­ply NUC with the new Post Oak and Red Oak Mini PCs, based on the Ryzen Embedded R1000 and V1000 processors,
  • SECO and its AMD Ryzen Embedded Pro­ces­sor based Mini PC KIT, the UDOO BOLT GEAR, that can dri­ve up to 4 screens in 4K reso­lu­ti­on at 60fps at the same time.

As well, OnLo­gic announ­ced the avai­la­bi­li­ty of pre­vious­ly announ­ced Mini PCs based on AMD Ryzen Embedded processors.

Sup­port­ing Resources

About AMD
For 50 years AMD has dri­ven inno­va­ti­on in high-per­for­mance com­pu­ting, gra­phics and visua­liza­ti­on tech­no­lo­gies ― the buil­ding blocks for gam­ing, immersi­ve plat­forms and the dat­a­cen­ter. Hundreds of mil­li­ons of con­su­mers, lea­ding For­tu­ne 500 busi­nesses and cut­ting-edge sci­en­ti­fic rese­arch faci­li­ties around the world rely on AMD tech­no­lo­gy dai­ly to impro­ve how they live, work and play. AMD employees around the world are focu­sed on buil­ding gre­at pro­ducts that push the boun­da­ries of what is pos­si­ble. For more infor­ma­ti­on about how AMD is enab­ling today and inspi­ring tomor­row, visit the AMD (NASDAQ: AMDweb­siteblogFace­book and Twit­ter pages.

AMD, the AMD Arrow logo, EPYC, Rade­on, and com­bi­na­ti­ons the­reof, are trade­marks of Advan­ced Micro Devices, Inc. Other names are for infor­ma­tio­nal pur­po­ses only and may be trade­marks of their respec­ti­ve owners.

1 Test­ing done at AMD Embedded Soft­ware Engi­nee­ring Lab on 3/13/2019. The AMD R‑series Embedded SOC RX-216GD form­er­ly code­na­med as “Mer­lin Fal­con” scored 118 and the AMD R‑series R1606G scored 361, when run­ning Cine­bench® R15 bench­mark (Ren­de­ring Mul­ti-core pre­set, 1920x1080x32 reso­lu­ti­on). The per­for­mance del­ta of 3x was cal­cu­la­ted based on “Mer­lin Falcon’s” per­for­mance score of 118 and R1606G per­for­mance score of 361.  Sys­tem Con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons: AMD Embedded R‑Series RX-216GD used AMD “Bet­tong” Plat­form, with 2x8GB DDR4-2400 RAM, 250GB SSD Dri­ve (non-rota­ting), TDP 15W, STAPM Enab­led and ECC Dis­ab­led, Gra­phics Dri­ver 18.50.190214a-339560C-AES, BIOS RPD130CB.  The AMD Ryzen Embedded V‑Series R1606G used an AMD R1000 Plat­form with 2x8GB DDR4 2400 RAM, 250GB SSD Dri­ve (non-rota­ting), TDP 15W, STAPM enab­led and ECC Dis­ab­led, Gra­phics Dri­ver  18.50_190207a-339028E-AES, BIOS RBB1190B. Both sys­tems ran Micro­soft  Win­dows 10.0 Pro­fes­sio­nal (x64) Build 17763. EMB-158
2 Test­ing done at AMD Embedded Soft­ware Engi­nee­ring Lab on 3/13/2019.  The AMD R1505G Embedded scored 360 run­ning Cine­bench R15 Mul­ti-core and 1,988 run­ning 3DMark11 bench­marks. The Intel Core i3-7100U (Kaby Lake) scored 254 run­ning Cine­bench R15 Mul­ti-core and 1,444 when run­ning 3DMark11 bench­marks. Recom­men­ded Cus­to­mer pri­ce for Intel Core i3-7100U is $261 as of 4/1/2019 (check‑2–40-ghz.html). DBB pri­ce for R1505G is $80. Sys­tem Con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons: AMD Embedded R1505G used a AMD R1000 Plat­form, with a 2x8GB DDR4-2400 RAM, 250GB SSD Dri­ve (non-rota­ting), TDP 15W, STAPM Enab­led and ECC Dis­ab­led, Gra­phics Dri­ver  18.50_190207a-339028E-AES, BIOS  RBB1190B, Micro­soft Win­dows 10 Pro. Intel Core i3-7100u used a HP 15inch Note­book, i3-7100u with Intel® HD Gra­phics 620, 1x8GB DDR4-2133 RAM, 1 TB 5400 rpm SATA, Micro­soft Win­dows 10 Pro, Gra­phics Dri­ver, BIOS F.07. EMB-159
3 GD-150: Max boost for AMD Ryzen and Ath­lon pro­ces­sors is the maxi­mum fre­quen­cy achie­va­ble by a sin­gle core on the pro­ces­sor run­ning a burs­ty sin­gle-threa­ded workload. Max boost will vary based on seve­ral fac­tors, inclu­ding, but not limi­t­ed to: ther­mal pas­te; sys­tem coo­ling; mother­board design and BIOS; the latest AMD chip­set dri­ver; and the latest OS updates
4 Nomi­nal TDP = 8W. Con­fi­gura­ble in BIOS.
5 Nomi­nal 6W SDP (Sce­na­rio Dis­si­pa­ti­on Power). Con­fi­gura­ble in BIOS.

Aaron Grabein
AMD Communications
(512) 602-8950

Laura Graves
AMD Investor Relations
(408) 749-5467