Cypress Introduces Sixth Generation USB‑C Controllers for PCs and Notebooks

New EZ-PDCCG6DF and CCG6SF Dual-port and Sin­gle-port Solu­ti­ons Deli­ver USB‑C Per­for­mance, Power Deli­very, and Effi­ci­en­cy at Lower Cost

Cypress Semi­con­duc­tor Corp. (NASDAQ: CY), today announ­ced its latest USB‑C con­trol­lers with Power Deli­very, EZ-PD CCG6DF and CCG6SF. The new dual and sin­gle-port USB‑C con­trol­lers offer the hig­hest BOM inte­gra­ti­on for next-gene­ra­ti­on note­books and desk­tops, enab­ling a smal­ler design foot­print and redu­cing cos­ts for OEMs. The latest Cypress EZ-PD con­trol­lers will also sup­port the new USB4 stan­dard as well as the latest Intel Thun­der­bolt platforms.

Cypress’ latest EZ-PD series of USB‑C con­trol­lers impro­ve upon pri­or gene­ra­ti­on designs by inte­gra­ting mul­ti­ple fea­tures inclu­ding a VBUS pro­vi­der load switch for power with fault pro­tec­tion. The con­trol­lers have an embedded 32-bit Arm® Cortex®-M0 pro­ces­sor with 64-KB flash for enhan­ced pro­gramma­bi­li­ty and to enable firm­ware upgrades to sup­port the new USB4 stan­dard, which signi­fi­cant­ly impro­ves the data trans­fer rate to 40Gb/s and allows simul­ta­neous sup­port of USB 3.2, Dis­play­Po­rt, and PCIe. The con­trol­lers are sam­pling today and available in con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons inclu­ding 96-pin BGA and 48-pin QFN packages.

The USB‑C stan­dard for con­nec­ti­vi­ty is being wide­ly adopted by the world’s lea­ding manu­fac­tu­r­ers of PCs as well as makers of peri­phe­ral devices and access­ories. USB‑C can simul­ta­neous­ly power devices as well as trans­mit data using the same cable and stan­dard rever­si­ble con­nec­tor. USB‑C powers devices up to 100W and enables the con­so­li­da­ti­on of dif­fe­rent inter­faces on the same port. USB‑C also offers a ran­ge of user bene­fits inclu­ding sup­port for mul­ti­ple stan­dards inclu­ding USB4, Thun­der­bolt, Dis­play­Po­rt, and HDMI.

As the lea­ding sup­pli­er of USB‑C con­trol­ler solu­ti­ons, our deep sys­tem-level under­stan­ding allows us to con­ti­nue to pro­vi­de high­ly inte­gra­ted solu­ti­ons that maxi­mi­ze value for our cus­to­mers,” said Ajay Srik­rish­na, vice pre­si­dent of Cypress’ Wired Con­nec­ti­vi­ty Busi­ness Unit. “Cypress’ latest CCG6DF and CCG6SF con­trol­lers pro­vi­de the per­for­mance, pro­gramma­bi­li­ty, and field-pro­ven USB Power Deli­very fea­tures nee­ded by makers of note­books, desk­tops, and all-in-one PCs.”

Pro­duct Availability

The CCG6DF and CCG6SF con­trol­lers are now sam­pling to major OEMs and will be in volu­me pro­duc­tion begin­ning Q3 2020.

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About Cypress

Cypress is the lea­der in advan­ced embedded solu­ti­ons for the world’s most inno­va­ti­ve auto­mo­ti­ve, indus­tri­al, smart home appli­ances, con­su­mer elec­tro­nics and medi­cal pro­ducts. Cypress’ micro­con­trol­lers, wire­less and USB-based con­nec­ti­vi­ty solu­ti­ons, ana­log ICs, and relia­ble, high-per­for­mance memo­ries help engi­neers design dif­fe­ren­tia­ted pro­ducts and get them to mar­ket first. Cypress is com­mit­ted to pro­vi­ding cus­to­mers with the best sup­port and deve­lo­p­ment resour­ces on the pla­net enab­ling them to dis­rupt mar­kets by crea­ting new pro­duct cate­go­ries in record time. To learn more, go to

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