Schlagwort: USB-Controller

Cypress Introduces Sixth Generation USB‑C Controllers for PCs and Notebooks

New EZ-PDCCG6DF and CCG6SF Dual-port and Sin­g­le-port Solu­ti­ons Deli­ver USB‑C Per­for­mance, Power Deli­very, and Effi­ci­en­cy at Lower Cost Cypress Semi­con­duc­tor Corp. (NASDAQ: CY), today announ­ced its latest USB‑C con­trol­lers with Power Deli­very, EZ-PD CCG6DF and CCG6SF. The new dual and sin­g­le-port USB‑C con­trol­lers offer the hig­hest BOM inte­gra­ti­on for next-gene­ra­­ti­on note­books and desk­tops, enab­ling a smal­ler design foot­print (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »