Xilinx Announces World’s Highest Bandwidth, Highest Compute Density Adaptable Platform for Network and Cloud Acceleration

SAN JOSE, Calif.March 10, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — Xilinx, Inc. (NASDAQ: XLNX) today announ­ced Ver­sal Pre­mi­um, the third series in the Ver­sal ACAP port­fo­lio. The Ver­sal Pre­mi­um series fea­tures high­ly inte­gra­ted, net­work­ed and power-opti­mi­zed cores and the industry’s hig­hest band­width and com­pu­te den­si­ty on an adap­ta­ble plat­form. Ver­sal Pre­mi­um is desi­gned for the hig­hest band­width net­works ope­ra­ting in ther­mal­ly and spa­ti­al­ly cons­trai­ned envi­ron­ments, as well as for cloud pro­vi­ders who need sca­lable, adap­ta­ble appli­ca­ti­on acceleration.

Ver­sal is the industry’s first adap­ti­ve com­pu­te acce­le­ra­ti­on plat­form (ACAP), a revo­lu­tio­na­ry new cate­go­ry of hete­ro­ge­neous com­pu­te devices with capa­bi­li­ties that far exceed tho­se of con­ven­tio­nal sili­con archi­tec­tures. Deve­lo­ped on TSMC’s 7‑nanometer pro­cess tech­no­lo­gy, Ver­sal Pre­mi­um com­bi­nes soft­ware pro­gramma­bi­li­ty with dyna­mi­cal­ly con­fi­gura­ble hard­ware acce­le­ra­ti­on and pre-engi­nee­red con­nec­ti­vi­ty and secu­ri­ty fea­tures to enable a fas­ter time-to-mar­ket. The Ver­sal Pre­mi­um series deli­vers up to 3X hig­her through­put com­pared to cur­rent gene­ra­ti­on FPGAs, with built-in Ether­net, Inter­la­ken, and cryp­to­gra­phic engi­nes that enable fast and secu­re net­works. The series dou­bles the com­pu­te den­si­ty of curr­ent­ly deploy­ed main­stream FPGAs and pro­vi­des the adap­ta­bi­li­ty to keep pace with incre­asing­ly diver­se and evol­ving cloud and net­wor­king workloads.

The Ver­sal Pre­mi­um series takes ACAPs to the next level deli­ve­ring breakth­rough net­work­ed hard IP inte­gra­ti­on enab­ling the deve­lo­p­ment of sin­gle chip 400G and 800G solu­ti­ons,” said Kirk Saban, vice pre­si­dent of Pro­duct and Plat­form Mar­ke­ting at Xilinx. “Tar­ge­ting next-gene­ra­ti­on net­works and cloud deploy­ments, Ver­sal Pre­mi­um deli­vers supe­ri­or band­width and com­pu­te den­si­ty in a sca­lable plat­form that is rea­di­ly pro­gramma­ble by hard­ware and soft­ware deve­lo­pers ali­ke for opti­mi­zed acce­le­ra­ti­on and redu­ced TCO.”

The Ver­sal Pre­mi­um series is built on a foun­da­ti­on of the curr­ent­ly ship­ping Ver­sal AI Core and Ver­sal Prime ACAP series. New and uni­que to Ver­sal Pre­mi­um are 112Gbps PAM4 trans­cei­vers, mul­ti-hundred giga­bit Ether­net and Inter­la­ken con­nec­ti­vi­ty, high-speed cryp­to­gra­phy, and PCIe® Gen5 with built-in DMA, sup­port­ing both CCIX and CXL. Tog­e­ther with the Vitis uni­fied soft­ware plat­form and Viv­a­do® Design Suite, the Ver­sal Pre­mi­um series offers a com­ple­te solu­ti­on stack for hard­ware and soft­ware deve­lo­pers for maxi­mum productivity.

Fas­ter, More Secu­re Networks

Great­ly increased net­work traf­fic from 5G net­work roll­out is dri­ving demand for power-opti­mi­zed through­put and com­pu­te den­si­ty within the exis­ting foot­print and power enve­lo­pes. The Ver­sal Pre­mi­um series addres­ses the­se chal­lenges by deli­ve­ring up to 9Tb/s of sca­lable, adap­ta­ble seri­al band­width. This is achie­ved by uti­li­zing 112G PAM4 trans­cei­vers and inte­gra­ted con­nec­ti­vi­ty for core, metro and data cen­ter inter­con­nect (DCI) infra­struc­tu­re that dou­bles band­width den­si­ty per port and redu­ce laten­cy by up to 50 percent.

The pre-engi­nee­red con­nec­ti­vi­ty enables secu­re, mul­ti-tera­bit Ether­net with the fle­xi­bi­li­ty to sup­port a varie­ty of data rates and pro­to­cols. Chan­ne­li­zed Ether­net cores deli­ver up to 5Tb/s of through­put in a mini­mi­zed foot­print and high-speed cryp­to­gra­phy engi­nes pro­vi­de up to 1.6Tb/s of encrypt­ed line-rate through­put and sup­port for AES-GCM-256/128, MAC­sec, and IPsec.

As the demand on the core net­work con­ti­nues to grow, the need for adap­ta­ble infra­struc­tu­re hard­ware great­ly increa­ses. The new Ver­sal Pre­mi­um ACAP builds on Xilinx’s port­fo­lio of high-per­for­mance and fle­xi­ble pro­ducts for com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons net­works,” said Jim McGre­gor, prin­ci­pal ana­lyst, TIRIAS Rese­arch. “With the inte­gra­ti­on of net­work­ed, power-opti­mi­zed cores, Ver­sal Pre­mi­um will allow tel­co ope­ra­tors to build fast and secu­re net­works while offe­ring adap­ta­ble acce­le­ra­ti­on for new data-inten­si­ve workloads that are trans­forming net­works and data centers.”

Adap­ta­ble Cloud Acceleration

The Ver­sal Pre­mi­um series is engi­nee­red to help hypers­ca­lers reach the hig­hest levels of acce­le­ra­ti­on for a wide ran­ge of data cen­ter workloads. The over 120TB/s of on-chip memo­ry band­width, cou­pled with the cus­to­mizable memo­ry hier­ar­chy, redu­ces data move­ment to remo­ve key bot­t­len­ecks, while pre-engi­nee­red con­nec­ti­vi­ty and cores allow drop-in inte­gra­ti­on into exis­ting cloud infra­struc­tu­re. From geno­mics, ana­ly­tics and video trans­co­ding to AI infe­rence for speech and image reco­gni­ti­on, Ver­sal Pre­mi­um deli­vers a high­ly inte­gra­ted, cloud-rea­dy plat­form enab­ling breakth­rough per­for­mance for diver­se workloads.


The Ver­sal Pre­mi­um series will begin sam­pling with ear­ly access cus­to­mers in the first half of 2021. Docu­men­ti­on is curr­ent­ly available and cus­to­mers can start pro­to­ty­p­ing now with the Ver­sal Prime Eva­lua­ti­on Kit. Ver­sal Prime devices imple­ment many of the same archi­tec­tu­ral blocks as Ver­sal Pre­mi­um devices and sup­port pin migra­ti­on to Ver­sal Premium.

Visit our web­site for more infor­ma­ti­on on Ver­salVer­sal Prime series and the Ver­sal AI Core series. For more infor­ma­ti­on on Xilinx and its breakth­rough tech­no­lo­gies, plea­se visit www.xilinx.com.

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About Xilinx
Xilinx deve­lo­ps high­ly fle­xi­ble and adap­ti­ve pro­ces­sing plat­forms that enable rapid inno­va­ti­on across a varie­ty of tech­no­lo­gies – from the end­point to the edge to the cloud. Xilinx is the inven­tor of the FPGA, hard­ware pro­gramma­ble SoCs, and the ACAP, desi­gned to deli­ver the most dyna­mic pro­ces­sor tech­no­lo­gy in the indus­try and enable the adap­ta­ble, intel­li­gent, and con­nec­ted world of the future. For more infor­ma­ti­on, visit www.xilinx.com.

© Copy­right 2020 Xilinx, Inc. Xilinx, the Xilinx logo and other desi­gna­ted brands included her­ein are trade­marks of Xilinx in the United Sta­tes and other count­ries. PCI, PCIe and PCI Express are trade­marks of PCI-SIG and used under licen­se. All other trade­marks are pro­per­ty of their respec­ti­ve owners.

PR Cont­act:
Bri­an Garabedian