4.2.11 ist eine kos­ten­lo­se Bild­be­ar­bei­tungs­soft­ware für Micro­soft Win­dows, die ursprüng­lich von der Washing­ton Sta­te Uni­ver­si­ty und Micro­soft ent­wi­ckelt wur­de. Seit der Ver­si­on 4.0.20 setzt sie Win­dows 7 SP1 sowie das .NET Frame­work ab Ver­si­on 4.7 voraus.

Die Bild- und Foto­be­ar­bei­tungs­soft­ware bie­tet eine intui­ti­ve und inno­va­ti­ve Benut­zer­ober­flä­che mit Unter­stüt­zung für Ebe­nen, unbe­grenz­tes Rück­gän­gig­ma­chen, Spe­zi­al­ef­fek­te und eine Viel­zahl nütz­li­cher und leis­tungs­fä­hi­ger Werk­zeu­ge. Für sind zahl­rei­che Tuto­ri­als und Plug­ins verfügbar. in der Ver­si­on 4.2

Chan­ge­log: 4.2.11 — released on May 20, 2020
This update adds XMP meta­da­ta sup­port, 3 new trans­la­ti­ons, some UI impro­ve­ments, and seve­ral bug fixes.

  • New: XMP meta­da­ta is now pre­ser­ved for sup­port­ed file types (PDN, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, JPEG XR, HEIC, AVIFWEBP)
  • New: Bela­ru­si­an (be) translation
  • New: Greek (el) translation
  • New: Slove­ni­an (sl) translation
  • New: Added a right-click con­text menu to the image thumbnail/tab. It con­ta­ins com­mands for Copy Path, Open Con­tai­ning Fol­der, Save, Save As, and Close.
  • New: The items in the File -> Open Recent menu now have a tool­tip with the full file path for the image
  • Chan­ged: The sel­ec­tion out­line ani­ma­ti­on is now smoot­her (2x the framerate)
  • Fixed: Saving with the HEIC file type is no lon­ger limi­t­ed to a max Qua­li­ty value of 90. This limi­ta­ti­on was in place becau­se of a crash due to heap cor­rup­ti­on, which no lon­ger happens.
  • Fixed: The NVIDIA shar­pe­ning set­ting will no lon­ger cau­se trip­py dis­tor­ti­ons in the can­vas area
  • Fixed an issue with loa­ding very small TGA images, first repor­ted here: Thanks @null54 for the fix!
  • Fixed: Error dia­logs when ope­ning images now con­sis­t­ent­ly show the file path
  • Fixed a Pro­per­ty­Not­Found­Ex­cep­ti­on error mes­sa­ge when saving JPEG images with a par­ti­cu­lar orde­ring of meta­da­ta. This was due to a bug in Win­dows 7’s WIC JPEG codec. First repor­ted here:
  • Fixed clip­ped text ren­de­ring in the Cur­ves adjus­t­ment dia­log in some non-Eng­lish translations.
  • Fixed a crash when run­ning the app with a DPI sca­ling set­ting of 500%
  • Fixed a crash that would some­ti­mes hap­pen when run­ning effects with very small selections
  • Fixed some Indi­rec­tUI con­trols not hono­ring their default values if also initia­li­zed in read only (dis­ab­led) mode. Thanks @BoltBait for the fix!
  • Fixed a memo­ry leak in the effect sys­tem that was caus­ing 1 orpha­ned thread per effect invocation
  • Chan­ged: Remo­ved the use of NTFS Tran­sac­tions, which was caus­ing trou­ble with One­Dri­ve. Micro­soft has also depre­ca­ted this tech­no­lo­gy.
  • New: Added /openCrashLogFolder com­mand-line argu­ment. This is inten­ded for sim­pli­fy­ing trou­ble­shoo­ting workflows.
  • New: Added /forceUpdateCheck com­mand-line argu­ment. This is inten­ded for trou­ble­shoo­ting sce­na­ri­os to sim­pli­fy acqui­ring the latest ver­si­on, e.g. “just run paintdotnet:/forceUpdateCheck” ins­tead giving a lon­ger list of but­tons to click on.
  • Updated Web­PFile­Ty­pe plug­in to ver­si­on, which adds XMP meta­da­ta sup­port. Thanks @null54!
  • Updated DDS­File­Ty­pe­Plus plug­in to ver­si­on 1.10.3. This fixes an issue with saving in the A1R5G5B5, A4R4G4B4, and R5G6B5 for­mats, and adds sup­port for rea­ding files that use a ‘BC7\0’ FourCC. Thanks @null54!


Ver­si­on: 4.2.11
Datei­grö­ße 9,66 MiB
Ver­öf­fent­licht am: 21.05.2020
Betriebs­sys­tem: Win­dows
Lizenz: Free­ware