Notepad++ 7.8.7


Note­pad++ ist ein frei­er Text­edi­tor für Win­dows, der unter ande­rem die Syn­tax gän­gi­ger Pro­gram­mier­spra­chen her­vor­hebt und gegen­über dem Win­dows-Ori­gi­nal eini­ge Zusatz­funk­tio­nen bie­tet. Des wei­te­ren kön­nen Plug­ins instal­liert wer­den, die den Funk­ti­ons­um­fang zusätz­lich erweitern.



Note­pad++ v7.8.7 enhance­ments & bug-fixes:

  1. Fix new style save dia­log by sel­ec­ting right file fil­ter and adding exten­si­on automatically.
  2. Add right-click con­text menu to book­mark margin.
  3. Add sub-menu bul­lets for cas­ca­ded Enco­ding and Lan­guage menus.
  4. Dis­play file name as root of workspace ins­tead of “Workspace”.
  5. Add file exten­si­on auto­ma­ti­cal­ly for ses­si­on files and workspace files while saving in new style dialog.
  6. Fix file rea­ding fail­ure (net­work pro­blem) not detec­ted issue.
  7. Impro­ve Docu­ment Map precision.
  8. Fix clickable links break syn­tax high­light­ing issue.
  9. Fix cur­rent ran­ge detached from Docu­ment Map issue.
  10. Dis­al­low back­ward regex sear­ches due to some­ti­mes sur­pri­sing results (an non-UI opti­on is available to enable it).
  11. Fix wrong pro­ject panel at start by ope­ning a pro­ject via com­mand line.
  12. Allow user to skip *.* when adding only exclu­ding Fil­ters for Find/Replace In Files.
  13. Fix Doc swit­cher icon sta­te update issue for clo­ned documents.
  14. Assign CTRL‑M as default short­cut for invo­king mark dialog.
  15. Fix also a fol­ding visu­al glitch in Find result.
  16. Add count of files sear­ched to ‘Find result’ output.
  17. Fix Find/Replace histo­ry lost issue.
  18. Fix bug of Mark clea­ring in sel­ec­tion mode.
  19. Fix auto-com­ple­ti­on sug­gest the same word while the word being modified.



Down­load: Note­pad++
Ver­si­on: 7.8.7
Datei­grö­ße 3,86 MiB (Instal­ler x64)
Ver­öf­fent­licht am: 08.06.2020
Betriebs­sys­tem: Win­dows
Lizenz: Free­ware
Web­sei­te Note­pad++