Die Shareware mIRC ist ein weit verbreiteter IRC-Client für Windows und nun in einer neuen Version erschienen. Die Entwicklung des Clients begann bereits 1994 und er bietet mit der “mIRC scripting language” eine integrierte Skriptsprache und per DCC (Direct Client-to-Client) die Möglichkeit zum Dateiaustausch.
mIRC 7.62 has been released! (July 28th 2020)
This is a small update that addresses a number of issues reported by users since the last release. It includes improvements, changes and fixes to a number of features, including:
Updated colors dialog, control+K dialog, and /color command to support color indexes 16 to 98.
Changed how Control+Break key is handled so that it only works when mIRC is the active application.
Added a “Do Not Disturb” option that allows you to temporarily disable all notifications.
Added on CHAR event that returns translated keyboard presses.
Updated libraries OpenSSL to v1.1.1f, LibZip to v1.6.1, and PCRE to v8.44.
Extended $bfind() to support regex searches.
Extended $regml()/$regmlex() to save result to a &binvar.
Added highlight dialog item that allows you to specify the channels and/or nicks to which the highlight applies.
Reverted change to $cnick() so that it returns default values for non-existent nicks.
Fixed “Mark As Read” menu item not resetting flash/hilight correctly.
In total, there have been around 37 changes since the last release.
For a full list of recent changes, please see the versions.txt file.