Xbox Series X Launches this November with Thousands of Games Spanning Four Generations

We have ple­nty to keep you busy until Chief arri­ves: The­re will be thou­sands of games to play, span­ning four gene­ra­ti­ons, when Xbox Series X laun­ches glo­bal­ly this Novem­ber and over 100 opti­mi­zed for Xbox Series X titles, built to take full advan­ta­ge of our most powerful con­so­le, are plan­ned for this year. And with brand new con­so­le fea­tures like hard­ware-acce­le­ra­ted Direct X ray­tra­cing, frame­ra­tes up to 120 frames per second, fas­ter loa­ding times, and Quick Resu­me for mul­ti­ple games, play­ing will look and feel bet­ter, no mat­ter which games you choo­se to play on day one.

A shared libra­ry of gre­at games through Xbox Game Pass

Hundreds of deve­lo­pers are at work on new games for Xbox Series X that will rai­se the bar for fide­li­ty, speed and immersi­on; and the best way to dis­co­ver new games will be with Xbox Game Pass. Game Pass deli­vers a cura­ted libra­ry of con­tent across con­so­le and PC, inclu­ding all games from Xbox Game Stu­di­os the day they launch, for one low month­ly pri­ce. Begin­ning Sep­tem­ber 15th, Xbox Game Pass Ulti­ma­te mem­bers will also be able to play more than 100 games from the cloud on their Android pho­ne or tablet, enab­ling them to take their con­so­le gam­ing on the go.  Expe­ri­en­ces you expect on Xbox con­so­les such as your fri­ends list, achie­ve­ments, con­trol­ler set­tings and saved game pro­gress all come with you when you play on mobile. 

Play thou­sands of games across four gene­ra­ti­ons of content

Play­ing your favo­ri­te games and fran­chi­ses across four gene­ra­ti­ons of Xbox was a key tenet for us in the next gene­ra­ti­on of con­so­le gam­ing. This com­mit­ment means that you will have access to thou­sands of titles across four gene­ra­ti­ons of con­tent – from Xbox, Xbox 360, and Xbox One.

Our back com­pat team con­ti­nues to deve­lop new inno­va­tions that can be appli­ed to a cura­ted list of titles that will enhan­ce them even fur­ther than was pos­si­ble when they were ori­gi­nal­ly crea­ted.  The­se opti­miza­ti­ons include the abili­ty to ren­der titles with increased reso­lu­ti­ons up to 4K, deli­ve­ring new HDR recon­s­truc­tion tech­ni­ques to games that were deve­lo­ped years befo­re HDR came into exis­tence, app­ly­ing aniso­tro­pic fil­te­ring to impro­ve image qua­li­ty, and crea­ting ways to increase or dou­ble the frame rate of cer­tain titles.

Whe­ther you’ve play­ed for years or have just recent­ly picked up a con­trol­ler, we can’t wait for you to see and feel the first big step into gaming’s next gene­ra­ti­on with Xbox Series X this November.