Lenovo Legion Slim 7 Gaming Laptop Features AMD Ryzen Mobile Processors

Today, Leno­vo™ announ­ced its latest 15-inch gam­ing lap­top, the Leno­vo Legi­on™ Slim 7, fue­led by the next-level AMD Ryzen™ 4000 H‑Series Mobi­le Pro­ces­sors for the first time on this pre­mi­um model. Pai­red with up to powerful NVIDIA® GeForce RTX™ 2060 with Max‑Q Design GPU for real-time ray tra­cing, the Leno­vo Legi­on Slim 7 is also the world’s ligh­test 15-inch gam­ing lap­top with NVIDIA GeForce RTX™.1 Now, gamers have more pro­ces­sor choices when sel­ec­ting which Leno­vo Legion’s sty­lish and sava­ge GeForce RTX™ gam­ing lap­top is right for their needs.

Available in Sla­te Grey hue with up to AMD Ryzen 9 4900H Mobi­le Pro­ces­sor, this season’s sleek design is decked to impress gamers and holi­day shop­pers with a more secu­re, inte­gra­ted power but­ton with fin­ger­print rea­der and the incre­di­bly immersi­ve sound of Dol­by Atmos® Spea­k­er Sys­tem with Sound Radar by Dol­by, all set insi­de Lenovo’s well-desi­gned acou­stics cham­ber for redu­ced ratt­ling and clea­rer audio.

Engi­nee­red for all-day pro­duc­ti­vi­ty with Win­dows 10 Pro and increased gam­ing clock speeds at night, the new sty­lish and sava­ge Leno­vo Legi­on Slim 7 comes with a white back­lit True­Strike key­board for a more mecha­ni­cal feel of deeper key tra­vel via second tran­si­ti­on swit­ches. With top-pla­ced built-in web­cam and pri­va­cy shut­ter, plus seve­ral 15.6‑inch visu­al opti­ons to choo­se from, the Leno­vo Legi­on Slim 7 is ide­al for strea­mers and fea­tures up to a 4K (3840 x 2160) IPS VESA Dis­playH­DR 400 sup­port­ed panel that’s 500 nits bright, a 60Hz refresh rate, 100 per­cent Ado­be RGB color gamut and Dol­by Visi­on® for spec­ta­cu­lar ultra­vi­vid pic­tu­re quality.

Craf­ted from aero­space-gra­de alu­mi­num for extre­me light­ness and less bulk, the Leno­vo Legi­on Slim 7 lap­top is 17.9mm (0.71 inches) thin and weighs just 1.86 kg (3.96 lbs). All opti­mal­ly coo­led by Leno­vo Legi­on Cold­front 2.0 to help you power through a hea­ted in-game batt­le or hea­vy-duty workload, plus a 71WHr bat­tery and up to 9.6 hours of bat­tery life2 and Rapid Char­ge Pro.3 Enjoy Blue­tooth 5.1 and get up to 32GB 3200 MHz DDR4 of memo­ry and 2TB M.2 NVMe PCIe SSD of storage.4 And for more relia­ble con­nec­ti­vi­ty, opt for the Kil­ler™ Wi-Fi 6 AX1650 module5 for lower laten­ci­es while gam­ing, strea­ming shows and crea­ting content.

Down­load the fol­lo­wing news­room links for pho­tos and full specs.

NA Pri­cing and Availability6

The 15-inch Leno­vo Legi­on Slim 7 gam­ing lap­top with AMD Ryzen 4000 H‑Series Mobi­le Pro­ces­sors will be available start­ing in Octo­ber, with an expec­ted pri­ce start­ing at $1369.99.6
1 Based on rese­arch con­duc­ted by Leno­vo (August 10, 2020) on con­su­mer lap­tops sold by major gam­ing PC manu­fac­tu­r­ers ship­ping more than one mil­li­on units world­wi­de annually.

2 All bat­tery life claims are appro­xi­ma­te and based on results using the Mobi­le­Mark® 2018 v bat­tery life bench­mark test. Actu­al bat­tery life will vary and depends on many fac­tors such as pro­duct con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on and usa­ge, soft­ware use, wire­less func­tion­a­li­ty, power manage­ment set­tings, and screen bright­ness. The maxi­mum capa­ci­ty of the bat­tery will decrease with time and use.

3 Rapid Char­ge Pro enables the Leno­vo laptop’s power char­ging from zero per­cent to up to 50 per­cent bat­tery life in less than 30 minu­tes. The maxi­mum capa­ci­ty of the bat­tery will natu­ral­ly decrease with time and usa­ge. Adap­ter power requi­red depends on GPU con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on; the Leno­vo Legi­on 170W/230W slim AC adap­ter is included.

4 Actu­al available capa­ci­ty is less and varies due to many fac­tors, inclu­ding for­mat­ting, par­ti­tio­ning and ope­ra­ting sys­tem, etc. which uti­li­ze part of this capa­ci­ty. The available capa­ci­ty may chan­ge with soft­ware updates.

5 Requi­res sepa­ra­te­ly purcha­sed Wi-Fi rou­ter and plan that may vary by loca­ti­on. Addi­tio­nal terms, con­di­ti­ons and/or char­ges app­ly. Wi-Fi 6 speeds are typi­cal­ly up to 9.6 Gbps com­pared to Wi-Fi 5 with up to 3.5 Gbps. Con­nec­tion speeds will vary due to loca­ti­on, envi­ron­ment, net­work con­di­ti­ons and other factors.

6 Pri­ces may not include tax and do not include ship­ping or opti­ons and are sub­ject to chan­ge wit­hout noti­ce; addi­tio­nal terms and con­di­ti­ons app­ly. Resel­ler pri­ces may vary. On-shelf dates and color opti­ons may vary by geo­gra­phy and pro­ducts may only be available in sel­ec­ted mar­kets. All offers sub­ject to avai­la­bi­li­ty. Leno­vo reser­ves the right to alter pro­duct offe­rings, fea­tures and spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons at any time wit­hout notice.

LENOVO and LENOVO LEGION are trade­marks of Leno­vo. BLUETOOTH is a trade­mark of the Blue­tooth Spe­cial Inte­rest Group (SIG). Dol­by, Dol­by Atmos and Dol­by Visi­on are among the regis­tered and unre­gis­tered trade­marks of Dol­by Labo­ra­to­ries, Inc. in the United Sta­tes and/or other count­ries. NVIDIA, GEFORCE and GEFORCE RTX are trade­marks of NVIDIA Cor­po­ra­ti­on. VESA and DISPLAYHDR are trade­marks of the Video Elec­tro­nics Stan­dards Asso­cia­ti­on. ADOBE is a trade­mark of Ado­be. AMD and Ryzen are trade­marks of Advan­ced Micro Devices. Wi-Fi is a trade­mark of Wi-Fi Alli­ance. Other com­pa­ny, pro­duct and ser­vice names may be trade­marks or ser­vice marks of others and are the pro­per­ty of their respec­ti­ve owners. ©2020, Leno­vo Group Limited.