Thunderbird 78.6.0

Thun­der­bird (Don­ner­vo­gel) ist ein frei­es E‑Mail-Pro­gramm und Per­so­nal Infor­ma­ti­on Mana­ger, Feed­rea­der, News­rea­der sowie Chat Cli­ent. Nun wur­de Ver­si­on 78.6.0 veröffentlicht.

Bit­te die Thun­der­bird Release Notes beach­ten, vie­le Add-ons funk­tio­nie­ren wohl nicht mehr mit Ver­si­on 78.6.0.  In Thun­der­bird (auch in Ver­si­on 68 wird 78 nun als Update ange­bo­ten) sel­ber gibt es nun auch eine inter­ne Updatefunktion.

Update auf Ver­si­on 78.6.0 mit Feh­ler­be­he­bun­gen (OpenPGP, Kalen­der und Adress­buch) , Ände­run­gen und neu­en Funktionen:

What’s New

• Mail­Ex­ten­si­ons: Added


• Thun­der­bird now only shows quo­ta excee­ded indi­ca­ti­ons on the main window
• Mail­Ex­ten­si­ons: menus API enab­led in mes­sa­ges being composed
• Mail­Ex­ten­si­ons: Honor allow­Script­sTo­C­lo­se argu­ment in windows.create API function
• Mail­Ex­ten­si­ons: APIs that retur­ned an accoun­tId will reflect the account the mes­sa­ge belongs to, not what is stored in mes­sa­ge headers


• Key­board short­cut for togg­ling mes­sa­ge “read” sta­tus not shown in menus
• OpenPGP: After import­ing a secret key, Key Mana­ger dis­play­ed pro­per­ties of the wrong key
• OpenPGP: Inline PGP par­sing improvements
• OpenPGP: Dis­co­ve­ring keys online via Key Mana­ger some­ti­mes fai­led on Linux
• OpenPGP: Encrypt­ed attach­ment “Decrypt and Open/Save As” did not work
• OpenPGP: Import­ing keys fai­led on macOS
• OpenPGP: Veri­fi­ca­ti­on of clear signed UTF‑8 text failed
• Address book: Some colum­ns incor­rect­ly dis­play­ed no data
• Address book: The address book view did not update after chan­ging the name for­mat in the menu
• Calen­dar: Could not import an ICS file into a Cal­DAV calendar
• Calen­dar: Two “Home” calen­dars were visi­ble on a new profile
• Calen­dar: Dark the­me was incom­ple­te on Linux
• Dark the­me did not app­ly to new mail noti­fi­ca­ti­on popups
• Fol­der icon, mes­sa­ge list, and cont­act side bar visu­al improvements
• Mail­Ex­ten­si­ons: HTTP refresh in brow­ser con­tent tabs did not work
• Mail­Ex­ten­si­ons: mes­sa­ge­Dis­play­Scripts fai­led to run in main window
• Various secu­ri­ty fixes

Known Issues

• Thun­der­bird per­forms slug­gish­ly on macOS Big Sur

Ver­si­on: 78.6.0
Datei­grö­ße ver­schie­de­ne
Ver­öf­fent­licht am: 15 Dezem­ber 2020
Betriebs­sys­tem: Win­dows, MAC OS, Linux
Lizenz: Mozil­la Public License