CES 2021: Intel Announces Four New Processor Families

Delivering the Best Business, Education, Mobile and Gaming Computing Platforms for More Than 500 New PC Designs Coming in 2021



  • At its CES news con­fe­rence, Intel high­ligh­ted how it is dri­ving tech­no­lo­gy lea­der­ship with the intro­duc­tion of more than 50 pro­ces­sors, resul­ting in more than 500 new designs for lap­tops and desk­tops coming to mar­ket in 2021.
  • Intel laun­ched the 11th Gen Intel® Core™ vPro® plat­form and Intel® Evo™ vPro® plat­form, deli­ve­ring the hig­hest per­for­mance and most com­pre­hen­si­ve hard­ware-based secu­ri­ty1.
  • Intel intro­du­ced the new N‑series 10-nano­me­ter Intel® Pen­ti­um® Sil­ver and Intel® Cele­ron® pro­ces­sors that offer an unmat­ched balan­ce of per­for­mance, media and col­la­bo­ra­ti­on for edu­ca­ti­on systems.
  • Intel announ­ced a new line of 11th Gen Intel® Core™ H‑series mobi­le pro­ces­sors for gam­ing plat­forms that deli­ver an indus­try-lea­ding balan­ce of mobi­li­ty and enthu­si­ast-level gaming.
  • Intel also pre­view­ed pro­ducts coming to mar­ket later in 2021, inclu­ding 11th Gen Intel® Core™ S‑series desk­top pro­ces­sors (code-named “Rocket Lake‑S”) and its next-gene­ra­ti­on pro­ces­sors (code-named “Alder Lake”).

SANTA CLARA, Calif., Jan. 11, 2021 – In a world whe­re com­pu­ting is per­va­si­ve and intel­li­gence is dis­tri­bu­ted across every sur­face – from the cloud to the net­work to the intel­li­gent edge – Intel today at CES 2021 high­ligh­ted how it is dri­ving tech­no­lo­gy lea­der­ship to defi­ne the future of com­pu­ting for peo­p­le, busi­ness and society.

To help peo­p­le navi­ga­te through this extra­or­di­na­ry time, Intel intro­du­ced new pro­ces­sors for busi­ness, edu­ca­ti­on, mobi­le and gam­ing com­pu­ting plat­forms – all desi­gned to offer the pre­mi­um PC expe­ri­en­ces peo­p­le deser­ve, with the most choices and no limits.

More: Intel at CES 2021 (Press Kit) | Mobi­leye Inno­va­ti­on Will Bring AVs to Ever­yo­ne, Ever­y­whe­re (News Release) |  2021 CES Key­note News Con­fe­rence (Press/Analyst Deck) | 11th Gen Intel vPro Plat­form (Pro­duct Brief) | 11th Gen Intel Core H Series Pro­ces­sors (Pro­duct Brief) | 11th Gen Intel Core H Series Pro­ces­sors for Ultra­por­ta­ble Gam­ing (Press Deck)

Only Intel has the breadth of pro­ducts span­ning mul­ti­ple archi­tec­tures; the lar­ge, open eco­sys­tem; sheer sca­le of manu­fac­tu­ring foot­print; and deep tech­ni­cal exper­ti­se cus­to­mers need to unlock oppor­tu­ni­ties in this era of dis­tri­bu­ted intel­li­gence,” said Intel Exe­cu­ti­ve Vice Pre­si­dent Gre­go­ry Bryant. “With an inten­se focus on exe­cu­ti­on for our core pro­ducts and across our broa­der port­fo­lio, we’re intro­du­cing a series of lea­der­ship pro­ducts at CES with more fol­lo­wing throug­hout the year.”

Intro­du­cing 11th Gen Intel® Core™ vPro®: The Best Plat­form for Business

For busi­ness, Intel intro­du­ced the 11th Gen Intel vPro plat­form, an unri­va­led busi­ness plat­form deli­ve­ring the industry’s hig­hest per­for­mance and world’s most com­pre­hen­si­ve hard­ware-based secu­ri­ty2. The new 11th Gen Intel Core vPro pro­ces­sors unvei­led today are based on the world’s best busi­ness pro­ces­sor for thin-and-light lap­tops2 and, when com­bi­ned with the new Intel Core vPro plat­form, offer:

  • Intel® Hard­ware Shield, pro­vi­ding the world’s most com­pre­hen­si­ve secu­ri­ty deep in hard­ware for busi­ness3 and the industry’s first sili­con-enab­led arti­fi­ci­al intel­li­gence (AI) thre­at detec­tion to help stop ran­som­wa­re and cryp­to-mining attacks. It is also equip­ped with Intel® Con­trol Flow Enforce­ment Tech­no­lo­gy, ground-brea­king tech­no­lo­gy to help shut down an enti­re class of attacks that long eva­ded soft­ware-only solu­ti­ons4.
  • Intel 10-nano­me­ter (nm) Super­Fin tech­no­lo­gy, deli­ve­ring indus­try-lea­ding per­for­mance, Intel® Iris® Xe gra­phics and the world’s big­gest Wi-Fi impro­ve­ment in 20 years – with inte­gra­ted Intel® Wi-Fi 6/6E (Gig+) that enables up to six times fas­ter uploads and down­loads in the office and near­ly three times fas­ter speeds at home ver­sus stan­dard Wi-Fi 55.
  • Eight times6 bet­ter AI per­for­mance, enab­ling busi­nesses new com­pu­te power to keep pace with the fast-chan­ging soft­ware eco­sys­tem, and up to 2.3 times fas­ter7 crea­ti­on and video editing com­pared to the pre­vious generation.
  • Up to 23% fas­ter pro­duc­ti­vi­ty8 than the com­pe­ti­ti­on when using apps like Office 365 and the best busi­ness col­la­bo­ra­ti­on expe­ri­ence, enab­ling more than 50% fas­ter9 office pro­duc­ti­vi­ty com­pared to the com­pe­ti­ti­on while on a video con­fe­rence call.

Intel also laun­ched the Intel® Evo™ vPro® plat­form, the best lap­top expe­ri­ence for busi­ness users10. Lap­top designs veri­fied on the Intel Evo vPro plat­form are sty­lish, thin and light and pro­vi­de an ama­zing immersi­ve visu­al expe­ri­ence. They also offer remar­kab­le respon­si­ve­ness, instant wake and real-world bat­tery life. More than 60 new lap­tops from top manu­fac­tu­r­ers will be available this year, com­bi­ning the secu­ri­ty and mana­gea­bi­li­ty of vPro and the ama­zing on-the-go expe­ri­en­ces of Intel Evo. Addi­tio­nal­ly, Intel announ­ced Intel Evo Chrome­books, enab­ling a new class of pre­mi­um Chromebooks.

New Pro­ces­sors and Part­ner­ships for Best Edu­ca­ti­on Platform

Use of the PC as an essen­ti­al edu­ca­ti­on tool has acce­le­ra­ted great­ly world­wi­de over the past year. To meet the gro­wing needs of stu­dents, Intel intro­du­ced new N‑series Intel® Pen­ti­um® Sil­ver and Cele­ron® pro­ces­sors with an unmat­ched balan­ce of per­for­mance, media and col­la­bo­ra­ti­on for edu­ca­ti­on sys­tems. The pro­ces­sors are desi­gned on Intel’s 10nm archi­tec­tu­re, deli­ve­ring up to 35%11 bet­ter over­all appli­ca­ti­on per­for­mance and up to 78% bet­ter gra­phics per­for­mance gen on gen. This enables smooth appli­ca­ti­on per­for­mance and brow­sing while mul­ti­tas­king, plus advan­ced came­ra and con­nec­ti­vi­ty fea­tures for an enri­ched video con­fe­ren­cing and vie­w­ing experience.

As cri­ti­cal as advan­cing tech­no­lo­gy for mee­ting stu­dents’ evol­ving needs is put­ting lap­tops in their hands. Even with acce­le­ra­ted adop­ti­on, up to 30% of U.S. school child­ren still lack inter­net or lap­tops for lear­ning, and the pan­de­mic has only exa­cer­ba­ted tho­se requi­re­ments. During the last 15 years, Intel has inves­ted more than $1 bil­li­on glo­bal­ly in edu­ca­ti­on, inclu­ding trai­ning for more than 15 mil­li­on tea­chers. Last April, Intel laun­ched the Online Lear­ning Initia­ti­ve and has pro­vi­ded hundreds of thou­sands of devices, as well as con­nec­ti­vi­ty and resour­ces, to stu­dents world­wi­de. Intel will con­ti­nue the­se efforts in 2021 along with part­ners from insi­de and out­side the tech­no­lo­gy industry.

New Line of 11th Gen Intel® Core™ H‑series Mobi­le Pro­ces­sors for the Best Gam­ing Platforms

Intel laun­ched a new line of 11th Gen Intel Core H‑series mobi­le pro­ces­sors for gam­ing that extends the 11th Gen mobi­le fami­ly of pro­ducts and pushes the limits of what’s pos­si­ble for enthu­si­ast-level gam­ing in lap­tops as thin as 16 mil­li­me­ters. Led by the Intel® Core™ i7 Spe­cial Edi­ti­on 4‑core pro­ces­sor with up to 5 giga­hertz (GHz) Tur­bo, the­se H35 pro­ces­sors are spe­ci­fi­cal­ly tar­ge­ted for ultra­por­ta­ble gam­ing. They fea­ture new Gen 4 PCIE archi­tec­tu­re for con­nec­ting to latest dis­crete gra­phics and deli­ver ama­zin­gly low laten­cy and immersi­ve game play on the go. At CES, Acer, ASUS, MSI and Vaio announ­ced new sys­tems powered by the 11th Gen Intel Core H35-series pro­ces­sor for ultra­por­ta­ble gam­ing, with more than 40 designs from top manu­fac­tu­ring part­ners laun­ching in the first half of 2021.

For mobi­le enthu­si­asts who want desk­top-cali­ber gam­ing and crea­ti­on per­for­mance, Intel also announ­ced an 8‑core pro­ces­sor that will start ship­ping later this quar­ter. This plat­form is uni­que in the indus­try with fea­tures that would nor­mal­ly only be found in high-end desk­top sys­tems – inclu­ding up to 5GHz, 20 lanes of PCIe Gen 4.0 archi­tec­tu­re for fas­test sto­rage and dis­crete gra­phics, and Intel® Kil­ler™ Wi-fi 6E (Gig+).

Pre­view of Next-Gene­ra­ti­on “Rocket Lake” and “Alder Lake” Tech­no­lo­gies for Lea­der­ship Desk­top and Mobi­le Platforms

Intel also demons­tra­ted next-gene­ra­ti­on desk­top tech­no­lo­gy for gamers and enthu­si­asts coming to mar­ket in 11th Gen Intel® Core™ S‑series desk­top pro­ces­sors (“Rocket Lake‑S”). Fea­turing 19% gen-over-gen ins­truc­tions per cycle (IPC) impro­ve­ment12 for the hig­hest fre­quen­cy cores and head­lined by the Intel Core i9-11900K, the­se pro­ces­sors will bring even more per­for­mance to gamers and PC enthu­si­asts at launch in the first quar­ter of 2021.

Addi­tio­nal­ly, Intel demons­tra­ted “Alder Lake,” the next-gene­ra­ti­on pro­ces­sor that repres­ents a signi­fi­cant breakth­rough in x86 archi­tec­tu­re and Intel’s most power-sca­lable sys­tem-on-chip. Due in second half of 2021, Alder Lake will com­bi­ne high-per­for­mance cores and high-effi­ci­en­cy cores into a sin­gle pro­duct. Alder Lake will also be Intel’s first pro­ces­sor built on a new, enhan­ced ver­si­on of 10nm Super­Fin and will ser­ve as the foun­da­ti­on for lea­der­ship desk­top and mobi­le pro­ces­sors that deli­ver smar­ter, fas­ter and more effi­ci­ent real-world computing.

In thin & light Win­dows-based devices, based on 1) uni­que fea­tures and per­for­mance test­ing on indus­try bench­marks and Repre­sen­ta­ti­ve Usa­ge Gui­des across 3 key usa­ges: pro­duc­ti­vi­ty, crea­ti­on, and col­la­bo­ra­ti­on, com­pa­ring Intel® Core™ vPro® i7-1185­G7 to AMD Ryzen 7 PRO 4750U and 2) an IOAc­ti­ve stu­dy (com­mis­sio­ned by Intel) com­pa­ring Intel® Hard­ware Shield secu­ri­ty capa­bi­li­ties on 11th Gen Intel Core vPro pro­ces­sors with cor­re­spon­ding com­pe­ti­tor tech­no­lo­gies. All test­ing as of Decem­ber 2020. Visit www.Intel.com/11thgenvpro for details. Results may vary.

In thin & light Win­dows-based devices, based on uni­que fea­tures and per­for­mance test­ing (as of Decem­ber 1, 2020) on indus­try bench­marks and Repre­sen­ta­ti­ve Usa­ge Gui­des across 3 key usa­ges: pro­duc­ti­vi­ty, crea­ti­on, and col­la­bo­ra­ti­on of Intel® Core™ vPro® i7-1185­G7, inclu­ding in com­pa­ri­son to AMD Ryzen 7 PRO 4750U. Visit www.Intel.com/11thgenvpro for details. Results may vary.

In thin & light Win­dows-based devices, based on uni­que fea­tures and test­ing by IOAc­ti­ve (com­mis­sio­ned by Intel; as of Decem­ber 2020) com­pa­ring Intel® Hard­ware Shield secu­ri­ty capa­bi­li­ties with cor­re­spon­ding tech­no­lo­gies in an AMD Ryzen Pro 4750U-based sys­tem. Visit www.intel.com/11thgenvpro for details. Results may vary.

Intel Con­trol-flow Enforce­ment Tech­no­lo­gy (CET) is desi­gned to help pro­tect against jump/­call-ori­en­ted pro­gramming (JOP/COP) attack methods and return-ori­en­ted pro­gramming (ROP) attack methods, mal­wa­re known as memo­ry safe­ty issues and which com­pri­se over half of ZDI-dis­c­lo­sed vul­nerabi­li­ties.  Visit www.intel.com/11thgenvpro for details.  Results may vary.

For more infor­ma­ti­on about the data pre­sen­ted, visit www.intel.com/wifi6disclaimers.

As mea­su­red by MLPerf v0.7 Infe­rence, Mobi­le Note­books, Clo­sed Divi­si­on with Off­line Sce­na­rio using Open­VI­NO 2021.1 Pre frame­work on Mobi­leNe­tEdge model int8 GPU (Batch=16) on 11th Gen Intel® Core™ i7-1185­G7 Pro­ces­sor vs hig­hest attainable MLPerfv0.7 Infe­rence, Mobi­le Note­books, Clo­sed Divi­si­on with Off­line Sce­na­rio using Open­VI­NO 2021.1 Pre frame­work on Mobi­leNe­tEdge model int8 GPU (Batch=1) on 10th Gen Intel® Core™ vPro® i7-10810U processor

As mea­su­red by Video Editing work­flow. 11th Gen Intel® Core™ vPro® i7-1185­G7 Pro­ces­sor vs. 10th Gen Intel® Core™ vPro® i7-10610U Processor

As mea­su­red by Micro­soft Office 365 work­flow. 11th Gen Intel® Core™ vPro® i7-1185­G7 Pro­ces­sor vs. MD Ryzen 7 PRO 4750U

As mea­su­red by Pro­duc­ti­vi­ty and Col­la­bo­ra­ti­on Work­flow. 11th Gen Intel® Core™ vPro® i7-1185­G7 Pro­ces­sor vs. AMD Ryzen 7 PRO 4750U

10 In thin & light Win­dows-based devices, based on 1) uni­que fea­tures and per­for­mance test­ing on indus­try bench­marks and Repre­sen­ta­ti­ve Usa­ge Gui­des across 3 key usa­ges: pro­duc­ti­vi­ty, crea­ti­on, and col­la­bo­ra­ti­on, com­pa­ring Intel® Core™ vPro® i7-1185­G7­to AMD Ryzen 7 PRO 4750U and 2) an IOAc­ti­ve stu­dy (com­mis­sio­ned by Intel) com­pa­ring Intel® Hard­ware Shield secu­ri­ty capa­bi­li­ties on 11th Gen Intel Core vPro pro­ces­sors with cor­re­spon­ding com­pe­ti­tor tech­no­lo­gies. All test­ing as of Decem­ber 2020. Intel Evo vPro designs are co-engi­nee­red as part of Intel’s com­pre­hen­si­ve lap­top inno­va­ti­on pro­gram Pro­ject Athe­na then tes­ted, mea­su­red, and veri­fied against a pre­mi­um spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­on and key expe­ri­ence indi­ca­tors to ensu­re unpar­al­le­led user expe­ri­en­ces. Visit www.Intel.com/11thgenvpro for details. Results may vary.

11 Source: Intel esti­ma­tes as of Janu­ary 2021. Based on mea­su­re­ments on Intel Pen­ti­um Sil­ver and Cele­ron mea­su­red on plat­forms with Intel® Pen­ti­um® Sil­ver N6000 Pro­ces­sor, PL1=6W TDP, PL2 = 20W 4C4T, Tur­bo up to 3.3GHz, Mother­board: JSL RVP, Gra­phics: Intel® UHD Gra­phics 605, Memo­ry: 2x4GB DDR4- 3200, Sto­rage: 512GB Intel SSD 660P, OS: Win­dows* 10 20 H1, OS Ver­si­on 19041.546, BIOS : 2385.02_140 vs. Intel® Pen­ti­um® N5030 Pro­ces­sor, PL1=6W TDP, PL2 = 15W 4C4T, Tur­bo up to 3.1GHz, Mother­board: GLK RVP, Gra­phics: Intel® UHD Gra­phics 605, Memo­ry: 2x4GB DDR4 ‑2400, Sto­rage: 256GB Intel® SSD 540s Series, OS: Win­dows* 10 19H1, OS Ver­si­on: 10.0.19041.630 BIOS : 0064_42

12 Source: Intel esti­ma­tes as of Janu­ary 2021. Based on mea­su­re­ments on Intel Inter­nal refe­rence plat­forms run­ning SPEC CPU 2017 1‑copy rate on 11th Gen Intel® Core™ i9-11900K vs 10th Gen Intel® Core™ i9-10900K (run­ning each at the same fixed frequency).

Per­for­mance varies by use, con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on and other fac­tors. Learn more at www.Intel.com/PerformanceIndex​.

Per­for­mance results are based on test­ing as of dates shown in con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons and may not reflect all publicly available ​updates.  See CES 2021 Cla­im Appen­dix on intel.com/PerformanceIndex for con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on details.  No pro­duct or com­po­nent can be abso­lut­e­ly secure.

Your cos­ts and results may vary.

Intel tech­no­lo­gies may requi­re enab­led hard­ware, soft­ware or ser­vice activation.