Thunderbird 78.6.1

Thun­der­bird (Don­ner­vo­gel) ist ein frei­es E‑Mail-Pro­gramm und Per­so­nal Infor­ma­ti­on Mana­ger, Feed­rea­der, News­rea­der sowie Chat Cli­ent. Nun wur­de Ver­si­on 78.6.1 veröffentlicht.

Bit­te die Thun­der­bird Release Notes beach­ten, vie­le Add-ons funk­tio­nie­ren wohl nicht mehr mit Ver­si­on 78.6.1.  In Thun­der­bird (auch in Ver­si­on 68 wird 78 nun als Update ange­bo­ten) sel­ber gibt es nun auch eine inter­ne Updatefunktion.

Update auf Ver­si­on 78.6.1 mit Feh­ler­be­he­bun­gen inklu­si­ve von zwei kri­ti­schen Sicherheitslücken:


• Mail­Ex­ten­si­ons: brow­ser­Ac­tion, com­po­se­Ac­tion, and mes­sa­ge­Dis­playAc­tion tool­bar but­tons now sup­port label and default_label properties


• Run­ning a quick­se­arch that retur­ned no results did not offer to re-run as a glo­bal search
• Mes­sa­ge search tool­bar fixes
• Very long sub­ject lines dis­tor­ted the mes­sa­ge com­po­se and dis­play win­dows, making them unusable
• Com­po­se win­dow: Reci­pi­ent addres­ses that had not yet been auto­com­ple­ted were lost when cli­cking Send button
• Com­po­se win­dow: New mes­sa­ge is no lon­ger mark­ed as “chan­ged” just from tab­bing out of the reci­pi­ent field wit­hout editing anything
• Account auto­dis­co­ver fixes when using MS Exch­an­ge servers
LDAP address book sta­bi­li­ty fix
• Mes­sa­ges with inva­lid vcard attach­ments were not mark­ed as read when view­ed in the pre­view window
• Chat: Could not add TLS cer­ti­fi­ca­te excep­ti­ons for XMPP connections
• Calen­dar: Sys­tem time­zo­ne was not always pro­per­ly detected
• Calen­dar: Descrip­ti­ons were some­ti­mes blank when editing a sin­gle occur­rence of a repea­ting event
• Various prin­ting bugfixes
• Visu­al con­sis­ten­cy and the­me improvements
• Various secu­ri­ty fixes

Ver­si­on: 78.6.1
Datei­grö­ße ver­schie­de­ne
Ver­öf­fent­licht am: 11 Janu­ar 2021
Betriebs­sys­tem: Win­dows, MAC OS, Linux
Lizenz: Mozil­la Public License