Qualcomm to Acquire NUVIA

SAN DIEGO, Jan. 13, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Qual­comm Incor­po­ra­ted (NASDAQ: QCOM) today announ­ced that its sub­si­dia­ry, Qual­comm Tech­no­lo­gies, Inc., has ente­red into a defi­ni­ti­ve agree­ment to acqui­re NUVIA for appro­xi­m­ate­ly $1.4 bil­li­on befo­re working capi­tal and other adjus­t­ments. The tran­sac­tion is sub­ject to cus­to­ma­ry clo­sing con­di­ti­ons, inclu­ding regu­la­to­ry appr­oval under the Hart-Scott-Rodi­no Anti­trust Impro­ve­ments Act of 1976, as amended. 

5G is fur­ther acce­le­ra­ting the con­ver­gence of mobi­li­ty and com­pu­ting. The acqui­si­ti­on of NUVIA builds on Qual­comm Tech­no­lo­gies’ Snapd­ra­gon tech­no­lo­gy lea­der­ship, deli­ve­ring step-func­tion impro­ve­ments in CPU per­for­mance and power effi­ci­en­cy to meet the demands of next-gene­ra­ti­on 5G computing.

NUVIA com­pri­ses a pro­ven world-class CPU and tech­no­lo­gy design team, with indus­try-lea­ding exper­ti­se in high per­for­mance pro­ces­sors, Sys­tems on a Chip (SoC) and power manage­ment for com­pu­te-inten­si­ve devices and appli­ca­ti­ons. The addi­ti­on of NUVIA CPUs to Qual­comm Tech­no­lo­gies’ alre­a­dy lea­ding mobi­le gra­phics pro­ces­sing unit (GPU), AI engi­ne, DSP and dedi­ca­ted mul­ti­me­dia acce­le­ra­tors will fur­ther extend the lea­der­ship of Qual­comm Snapd­ra­gon plat­forms, and posi­ti­ons Snapd­ra­gon as the pre­fer­red plat­form for the future of con­nec­ted computing.

NUVIA CPUs are expec­ted to be inte­gra­ted across Qual­comm Tech­no­lo­gies’ broad port­fo­lio of pro­ducts, powe­ring flag­ship smart­phones, next-gene­ra­ti­on lap­tops, and digi­tal cock­pits, as well as Advan­ced Dri­ver Assis­tance Sys­tems, exten­ded rea­li­ty and infra­struc­tu­re net­wor­king solutions.

5G, the con­ver­gence of com­pu­ting and mobi­le archi­tec­tures, and the expan­si­on of mobi­le tech­no­lo­gies into other indus­tries are signi­fi­cant oppor­tu­ni­ties for Qual­comm,” said Cris­tia­no Amon, Pre­si­dent and CEO-Elect, Qual­comm Incor­po­ra­ted. “The NUVIA team are pro­ven inno­va­tors, and like Qual­comm, have a strong heri­ta­ge in crea­ting lea­ding tech­no­lo­gy and pro­ducts. I am very exci­ted to have them join our team. Tog­e­ther, we are very well posi­tio­ned to rede­fi­ne com­pu­ting and enable our eco­sys­tem of part­ners to dri­ve inno­va­ti­on and deli­ver a new class of pro­ducts and expe­ri­en­ces for the 5G era.”

Crea­ting high per­for­mance, low-power pro­ces­sors and high­ly inte­gra­ted, com­plex SoCs are part of our DNA,” said Jim Thomp­son, Chief Tech­no­lo­gy Offi­cer of Qual­comm. “Adding NUVIA’s deep under­stan­ding of high-per­for­mance design and inte­gra­ting NUVIA CPUs with Snapd­ra­gon — tog­e­ther with our indus­try-lea­ding gra­phics and AI — will take com­pu­ting per­for­mance to a new level and dri­ve new capa­bi­li­ties for pro­ducts that ser­ve mul­ti­ple industries.” 

As part of the tran­sac­tion, NUVIA foun­ders Gerard Wil­liams III, Manu Gula­ti and John Bru­no, and their employees will be joi­ning Qualcomm.

CPU per­for­mance lea­der­ship will be cri­ti­cal in defi­ning and deli­ve­ring on the next era of com­pu­ting inno­va­ti­on,” said Gerard Wil­liams CEO of NUVIA. “The com­bi­na­ti­on of NUVIA and Qual­comm will bring the industry’s best engi­nee­ring talent, tech­no­lo­gy and resour­ces tog­e­ther to crea­te a new class of high-per­for­mance com­pu­ting plat­forms that set the bar for our indus­try. We could­n’t be more exci­ted for the oppor­tu­ni­ties ahead.”

Qualcomm’s broad eco­sys­tem of part­ners have voi­ced strong sup­port for this acquisition:

Micro­soft: “It’s exci­ting to see NUVIA join the Qual­comm team. Our part­ner­ship with Qual­comm has always been about pro­vi­ding gre­at expe­ri­en­ces on our pro­ducts. Moving for­ward, we have an incre­di­ble oppor­tu­ni­ty to empower our cus­to­mers across the Win­dows eco­sys­tem,” said Panos Panay, Chief Pro­duct Offi­cer, Microsoft.

Goog­le: “Com­pu­te per­for­mance, con­nec­ti­vi­ty and power effi­ci­en­cy are cri­ti­cal ingre­di­ents that make the bil­li­ons of Android and Chro­me OS devices shi­ne,” said Hiro­shi Lock­hei­mer, SVP Plat­forms & Eco­sys­tems, Goog­le. “The addi­ti­on of NUVIA extends Qualcomm’s capa­bi­li­ties in the­se three are­as and we’­re exci­ted to see the next gene­ra­ti­on of Snapd­ra­gon with NUVIA.”

Sam­sung: “With NUVIA joi­ning the Qual­comm team, we look for­ward to con­ti­nuing to inno­va­te and buil­ding incre­di­ble expe­ri­en­ces tog­e­ther. Qualcomm’s com­mit­ment to plat­form tech­no­lo­gy will help us offer the pre­mi­um smart­phone per­for­mance to our users around the world,” said TM Roh, Pre­si­dent and Head of Mobi­le Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons Busi­ness, Sam­sung Electronics.

Acer: “Tog­e­ther with Qual­comm we have deli­ver­ed a new gene­ra­ti­on of thin and light always con­nec­ted PCs and Chrome­books.  The acqui­si­ti­on of NUVIA will enable Qual­comm to con­ti­nue to advan­ce Snapdragon’s indus­try lea­der­ship and help Acer to con­ti­nue to inno­va­te and bring high per­for­mance, 5G con­nec­ted devices to our cus­to­mers glo­bal­ly,” said James Lin, Gene­ral Mana­ger, Note­books, IT Pro­ducts Busi­ness, Acer Inc.

ASUS: “We have had the plea­su­re of col­la­bo­ra­ting with Qual­comm for many years to deli­ver pre­mi­um smart­phones, such as our flag­ship ROG Pho­ne for gam­ing, as well as PCs powered by the excep­tio­nal per­for­mance and con­nec­ti­vi­ty of Snapd­ra­gon plat­forms. We are exci­ted for the future of our part­ner­ship as Qual­comm advan­ces and expands its port­fo­lio and capa­bi­li­ties with the addi­ti­on of NUVIA,” said S.Y. Hsu, co-CEO of ASUS.

Bosch: “The auto­mo­ti­ve indus­try is evol­ving at an unpre­ce­den­ted pace of inno­va­ti­on. Bosch con­siders the adop­ti­on of new in-vehic­le ser­vices and capa­bi­li­ties as one major dri­ver for growth. Qual­comm is a strong part­ner to us. We see the need for high per­for­mance, power effi­ci­ent plat­forms and app­re­cia­te Qualcomm’s ambi­ti­on to push the boun­da­ries of inno­va­ti­on even fur­ther,” said Dr. And­ree Zahir, SVP for Info­tain­ment and Con­nec­ti­vi­ty, Bosch.

Con­ti­nen­tal: “Con­ti­nen­tal looks for­ward to the addi­ti­on of NUVIA as we con­ti­nue to part­ner with Qual­comm in brin­ging advan­ced capa­bi­li­ties to next gene­ra­ti­on vehic­les,” said Peter Popp as head of purcha­sing, Vehic­le Net­wor­king and Infor­ma­ti­on, Continental.

Gene­ral Motors: “We look for­ward to NUVIA joi­ning the Qual­comm team as we con­ti­nue to work tog­e­ther to deli­ver advan­ced in-vehic­le ser­vices and tech­no­lo­gies for the cus­to­mers of our next-gene­ra­ti­on vehic­les,” said Dan Nichol­son, VP, Glo­bal Elec­tri­fi­ca­ti­on, Con­trols, SW & Elec­tro­nics at Gene­ral Motors.

HMD“Qual­comm has always been a best-in-class part­ner glo­bal­ly and our ongo­ing col­la­bo­ra­ti­on has enab­led HMD to bring uni­que mobi­le device inno­va­ti­on to the mar­ket and deli­ver on the Nokia brand pro­mi­se of being trus­ted, always secu­re and built to last.  We are exci­ted for the NUVIA team to join Qual­comm and con­gra­tu­la­te the com­pa­ny on its com­mit­ment to ensu­re Snapd­ra­gon con­ti­nues to be the industry’s lea­ding mobi­le plat­form,” said Flo­ri­an Sei­che CEOHMD.

Honor: “As a new, inde­pen­dent com­pa­ny com­mit­ted to brin­ging breakth­rough mobi­le expe­ri­en­ces to con­su­mers, we are plea­sed to see that Qual­comm will acqui­re NUVIA, enab­ling them to con­ti­nue to lead in deve­lo­ping and deli­ve­ring pre­mi­um per­for­mance Snapd­ra­gon mobi­le plat­forms to the mar­ket,” said Biao Wan, Chair­man, Honor Device Co Ltd.

HP: “HP and Qual­comm have been strong part­ners in addres­sing the needs of our mutu­al Per­so­nal Sys­tems cus­to­mers, most recent­ly on the Eli­te Folio, the world’s first pull-for­ward busi­ness con­ver­ti­ble, laun­ched at CES,” said Alex Cho, pre­si­dent of Per­so­nal Sys­tems, HP Inc. “The PC is more essen­ti­al than ever, and we’­re exci­ted to see the indus­try and Qual­comm invest in inno­va­ti­on to sup­port the needs of the 5G world.”

Leno­vo: “With Qual­comm we deli­ver­ed the world’s first 5G con­nec­ted PC. As we look to crea­te the advan­ced capa­bi­li­ties PC users demand, we are exci­ted that the world class CPU deve­lo­p­ment team from NUVIA is joi­ning Qual­comm and we look for­ward to con­ti­nuing to work tog­e­ther to deli­ver breakth­rough PC expe­ri­en­ces to users across the glo­be,” said Gian­fran­co Lan­ci, Pre­si­dent and COO, Lenovo.

LG Elec­tro­nics: “The auto­mo­ti­ve indus­try is evol­ving at an acce­le­ra­ted pace of inno­va­ti­on dri­ven by the adop­ti­on of new in-vehic­le ser­vices and capa­bi­li­ties powered by tech­no­lo­gy part­ners like Qual­comm. The addi­ti­on of the NUVIA team will enable Qual­comm to con­ti­nue to con­so­li­da­te com­pu­te and con­nec­ti­vi­ty ECUs into high per­for­mance, power effi­ci­ent plat­forms to push the boun­da­ries of inno­va­ti­on even fur­ther,” Jin-Yong Kim, Pre­si­dent of Vehic­le com­pon­ents Solu­ti­ons (VS) Com­pa­ny, LG Elec­tro­nics Inc.

LG Mobi­leCon­gra­tu­la­ti­ons to Qual­comm and NUVIA for joi­ning forces to crea­te a new breed of plat­forms that will push the enve­lo­pe on com­pu­te per­for­mance and con­nec­ti­vi­ty,” said Mor­ris Lee, Pre­si­dent LG Mobile.

One­Plus: “We are exci­ted to hear Qual­comm will be exten­ding their indus­try lea­ding Snapd­ra­gon mobi­le plat­form lea­der­ship by acqui­ring the world class CPU team at NUVIA. One­Plus fans will also be exci­ted to see what inno­va­ti­on and new pre­mi­um expe­ri­en­ces we can deli­ver on new flag­ship One Plus devices powered by future gene­ra­ti­ons of Snapd­ra­gon mobi­le plat­forms,” said Pete Lau, Foun­der and CEO, OnePlus.

OPPO: “With NUVIA joi­ning the Qual­comm team, we look for­ward to con­ti­nue inno­vat­ing tog­e­ther and buil­ding incre­di­ble devices powered by the Snapd­ra­gon mobi­le plat­forms. Qualcomm’s com­mit­ment to plat­form lea­der­ship will enable us to deli­ver inno­va­ti­ve new pro­ducts and expe­ri­en­ces for OPPO smart­phone users around the world,” said Tony Chen, Foun­der and CEOOPPO.

Pana­so­nic: “Inno­va­ti­on in the auto­mo­ti­ve mar­ket is occur­ring at an acce­le­ra­ted pace. We wel­co­me the addi­ti­on of the world class NUVIA team to Qual­comm and look for­ward to the con­tin­ued part­ner­ship,” said Masa­shi­ge Mizu­ya­ma, Chief Tech­no­lo­gy Offi­cer, Auto­mo­ti­ve Com­pa­ny, Pana­so­nic Corporation

Renault: “The auto­mo­ti­ve indus­try is the new fron­tier exploi­ting the bene­fits of mobi­le tech­no­lo­gy inno­va­tions in high per­for­mance com­pu­te and con­nec­ti­vi­ty and Qual­comm has always been at the fore­front. The addi­ti­on of NUVIA is wel­co­med as we con­ti­nue to work with Qual­comm to deli­ver world class in-vehic­le ser­vices and expe­ri­en­ces,” said Thier­ry Cammal, Alli­ance Glo­bal Vice Pre­si­dent Soft­ware Factory.

Sharp: “With Qualcomm’s exper­ti­se and lea­ding tech­no­lo­gies, we have been able to deli­ver cut­ting edge devices and pre­mi­um mobi­le expe­ri­en­ces and we wel­co­me the addi­ti­on of NUVIA to extend Qualcomm’s lea­der­ship and enhan­ce their capa­bi­li­ties,” said Shi­ge­ru Koba­ya­shi GM, Sharp Per­so­nal Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons Group.

Sony:  “We have enjoy­ed a gre­at col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with Qual­comm for many years and are exci­ted to hear the NUVIA team will be joi­ning Qual­comm.  As a lea­der in deli­ve­ring ama­zing came­ra and gam­ing expe­ri­en­ces on mobi­le devices we under­stand that to con­ti­nue to lead will requi­re the next gene­ra­ti­on high per­for­mance & low power com­pu­ting and con­nec­ti­vi­ty solu­ti­ons that only Snapd­ra­gon plat­forms can deli­ver,” said Mit­su­ya Kishi­da Pre­si­dent, Sony Mobi­le Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons Inc.

VIVO“Qualcomm’s Snapd­ra­gon plat­forms power mil­li­ons of VIVO pho­nes across the glo­be today, and the addi­ti­on of NUVIA will help Qual­comm con­ti­nue to lead, deli­ve­ring the ulti­ma­te in high per­for­mance com­pu­te, light­ning fast 5G con­nec­ti­vi­ty and indus­try lea­ding power effi­ci­en­cy,” said Shen Wei, CEOVIVO.

Xiao­mi: “Xiao­mi and Qual­comm have part­ne­red for over a deca­de to deli­ver world class pre­mi­um mobi­le expe­ri­en­ces to mil­li­ons of peo­p­le.  The addi­ti­on of NUVIA will extend Qualcomm’s Snapd­ra­gon plat­forms indus­try lea­der­ship hel­ping Xiao­mi to con­ti­nue to bring inno­va­ti­on and next level pre­mi­um mobi­le expe­ri­en­ces to Mi fans around the world,” said Lei Jun, Chair­man and CEO, Xiaomi.

About Qual­comm

Qual­comm is the world’s lea­ding wire­less tech­no­lo­gy inno­va­tor and the dri­ving force behind the deve­lo­p­ment, launch, and expan­si­on of 5G. When we con­nec­ted the pho­ne to the inter­net, the mobi­le revo­lu­ti­on was born. Today, our foun­da­tio­nal tech­no­lo­gies enable the mobi­le eco­sys­tem and are found in every 3G, 4G and 5G smart­phone. We bring the bene­fits of mobi­le to new indus­tries, inclu­ding auto­mo­ti­ve, the inter­net of things, and com­pu­ting, and are lea­ding the way to a world whe­re ever­y­thing and ever­yo­ne can com­mu­ni­ca­te and inter­act seamlessly.

Qual­comm Incor­po­ra­ted includes our licen­sing busi­ness, QTL, and the vast majo­ri­ty of our patent port­fo­lio. Qual­comm Tech­no­lo­gies, Inc., a sub­si­dia­ry of Qual­comm Incor­po­ra­ted, ope­ra­tes, along with its sub­si­dia­ries, sub­stan­ti­al­ly all of our engi­nee­ring, rese­arch and deve­lo­p­ment func­tions, and sub­stan­ti­al­ly all of our pro­ducts and ser­vices busi­nesses, inclu­ding our QCT semi­con­duc­tor business.

About NUVIA Inc.

Head­quar­te­red in San­ta Cla­ra, NUVIA was foun­ded on the pro­mi­se of reim­agi­ning sili­con design for high-per­for­mance com­pu­ting envi­ron­ments. The com­pa­ny is focu­sed on buil­ding pro­ducts that blend the best attri­bu­tes of com­pu­te per­for­mance, power-effi­ci­en­cy and sca­la­bi­li­ty. For more infor­ma­ti­on plea­se visit www.nuviainc.com

Qual­comm and Snapd­ra­gon are trade­marks or regis­tered trade­marks of Qual­comm Incorporated.

Qual­comm Snapd­ra­gon is a pro­duct of Qual­comm Tech­no­lo­gies, Inc. and/or its subsidiaries.

Qual­comm Contacts:
Pete Lan­cia, Cor­po­ra­te Communications
Pho­ne:  1–858-845‑5959
Email:  corpcomm@qualcomm.com

Mau­ricio Lopez-Hodoyan, Inves­tor Relations
Pho­ne: 1–858-658‑4813
Email: ir@qualcomm.com