4.2.15 ist eine kos­ten­lo­se Bild­be­ar­bei­tungs­soft­ware für Micro­soft Win­dows, die ursprüng­lich von der Washing­ton Sta­te Uni­ver­si­ty und Micro­soft ent­wi­ckelt wur­de. Seit der Ver­si­on 4.0.20 setzt sie Win­dows 7 SP1 sowie das .NET Frame­work ab Ver­si­on 4.7 voraus.

Die Bild- und Foto­be­ar­bei­tungs­soft­ware bie­tet eine intui­ti­ve und inno­va­ti­ve Benut­zer­ober­flä­che mit Unter­stüt­zung für Ebe­nen, unbe­grenz­tes Rück­gän­gig­ma­chen, Spe­zi­al­ef­fek­te und eine Viel­zahl nütz­li­cher und leis­tungs­fä­hi­ger Werk­zeu­ge. Für sind zahl­rei­che Tuto­ri­als und Plug­ins verfügbar. in der Ver­si­on 4.2


  • New: “Tole­rance Alpha Mode” togg­le but­ton added to the tool­bar for the Magic Wand, Paint Bucket, and Reco­lor tools. This per­mits swit­ching the algo­rithm for color com­pa­ri­son bet­ween premul­ti­pli­ed (default) and straight. “Straight” will distin­gu­ish bet­ween trans­pa­rent pixels with dif­fe­rent color values, whe­re­as premul­ti­pli­ed will see them as equivalent.
  • New: Hol­ding Ctrl while using the Color Picker tool will sam­ple from the mer­ged image (vs. just the cur­rent layer)
  • New: The file name in the title bar will now have a prepen­ded aste­risk when it has unsa­ved changes
  • Chan­ged: The image clo­se ‘X’ but­ton can now be cli­cked for images that are not curr­ent­ly active
  • Chan­ged: In the Text tool, Ctrl+(Backspace, Dele­te, Arrow Keys) has been impro­ved to work more like Micro­soft Word. Thanks to @Bruce Bowy­er-Smyth for the patch!
  • Fixed: The Rec­tang­le Sel­ect tool, when used to draw a cons­trai­ned, fixed ratio, or fixed size sel­ec­tion, will now cor­rect­ly clamp the rec­tang­le to be within the canvas
  • Fixed: Lay­ers -> Move Lay­er Up/Down/Top/Bottom was not working for images with fewer than 3 layers
  • Fixed: Edit -> Era­se Sel­ec­tion will now fill with trans­pa­rent black (#00000000) ins­tead of trans­pa­rent white (#00FFFFFF)
  • Fixed: Cus­tom Shapes will now be dis­play­ed in a con­sis­t­ent­ly sor­ted order
  • Fixed: “.pdn­Sa­ve” ghost files should no lon­ger lin­ger when saving to the desk­top. This was due to a bug in Win­dows and File Explorer.
  • Fixed cra­s­hes due to DXGI/Direct3D “lost device” or “device remo­ved” errors that can hap­pen for various reasons (duck/undock, dri­ver update, low memo­ry, etc.)
  • New: Plug­ins can now use the IAr­ray­Po­ol­Ser­vice, a wrap­per around .NET’s Array­Po­ol, to opti­mi­ze their array allocations
  • Updated bund­led AVIF File­Ty­pe Plus to v1.1.6. See the pdn-avif releases page on Git­Hub ( for more information.



Ver­si­on: 4.2.15
Datei­grö­ße 12,1 MiB
Ver­öf­fent­licht am: 24.01.2021
Betriebs­sys­tem: Win­dows
Lizenz: Free­ware