AMD StoreMI 2.01.150

Mit AMDs Store­MI kön­nen die Start- und Lade­zei­ten von einer HDD mit­hil­fe einer SSD beschleu­nigt wer­den. Ein Caching-Sys­tem spie­gelt dabei die Daten auf die SSD. Vor­aus­set­zung hier­für ist ein Main­board mit X399‑, 400er‑, 500er‑, TRX40 oder WRX80-Chipsatz.




1 Release Highlights

The fol­lo­wing new fea­tures have been intro­du­ced in this release of AMD StoreMI:

  • Sup­ports AMD Ryzen™ Thre­ad­rip­per™ PRO pro­ces­sors on sWRX8.
  • Sup­port enab­led for SSD par­ti­ti­on to be used as cache.

2 Fixed Issues

The fol­lo­wing issues have been fixed in this release:

  • Fixed bug check 9f and 7e obser­ved with the pre­vious AMD Store­MI Release.
  • Fixes pro­vi­ded for ODD lost issue after instal­ling AMD StoreMI.

3 Known Issues

The fol­lo­wing are known issues in this release:

  • After instal­ling AMD Store­MI, a per­for­mance issue with Solid Sta­te Dri­ve (SSD), which is not
    a part of AMD Store­MI Drive.
  • AMD STOREMI_2.0.1.150 instal­la­ti­on fails on some sys­tems whe­re dual ope­ra­ting system
    (OS) is con­fi­gu­red. In such sce­na­ri­os, AMD Store­MI is only sup­port­ed on the pri­ma­ry OS.
  • When full SSD is used for cache, AMD Store­MI can sup­port a maxi­mum of 7 storage
    devices while crea­ting AMD Store­MI Dri­ve. If SSD is par­ti­tio­ned and used as cache, only 6
    Sto­rage devices are sup­port­ed in AMD Store­MI. This is due to the design limi­ta­ti­on of AMD


Down­load: Store­MI
Ver­si­on: 2.01.150
Datei­grö­ße 72,3 MiB
Ver­öf­fent­licht am: 27.01.2021
Betriebs­sys­tem: Win­dows 10
Lizenz: -
Web­sei­te AMD Store­MI

Quick-Start-Gui­de (PDF)