Notepad++ 7.9.3

Note­pad++ ist ein frei­er Text­edi­tor für Win­dows, der unter ande­rem die Syn­tax gän­gi­ger Pro­gram­mier­spra­chen her­vor­hebt und gegen­über dem Win­dows-Ori­gi­nal eini­ge Zusatz­funk­tio­nen bie­tet. Des wei­te­ren kön­nen Plug­ins instal­liert wer­den, die den Funk­ti­ons­um­fang zusätz­lich erweitern.



Notepad++ v7.9.3 Enhancements & bug-fixes:

    1. Dis­con­tin­ued sup­port for Win­dows XP due to tech­ni­cal reasons. Note­pad++ 7.9.2 is the last ver­si­on to run on Win­dows XP. (Ref)
    2. Upgrade Note­pad++ Licen­se: update GPL ver­si­on from v2 to v3. (Fix #9425)
    3. Fix the regres­si­on of copy­ing line data from search results. (Fix #9334)
    4. Fix “Print Line Num­ber” pre­fe­rence is igno­red for prin­ting regres­si­on. (Fix #9379)
    5. Fix a regres­si­on in Chi­ne­se Sim­pli­fied loca­liza­ti­on. (Fix #9329)
    6. Fix dockable panels not being dis­play­ed regres­si­on due to mul­ti-ins­tance mode acti­va­ti­on. (Fix #9341 & #9363)
    7. Make split-lines fea­ture work again with mul­ti-edge right­most spe­ci­fied edge. (Fix #8262)
    8. Enhan­ce modern style file dia­log for allo­wing UNIX style file path. (Fix #9374)
    9. Use the modern brow­se fol­der dia­log to get fol­der path. (Fix #8513)
    10. Impro­ve opti­on for set­ting save dia­log fil­ter to All Types. (Fix #9325)
    11. Add abili­ty to dele­te ent­ries from com­bo box histo­ry in Find dia­log with DELETE key. (Imple­ment #9366)
    12. Fix lost ses­si­on issue on Win­dows reboot/shutdown. (Fix #7839)
    13. Add “save Fol­der as Workspace in ses­si­on” opti­on in save ses­si­on dia­log. (Imple­ment #9165)
    14. Make value dia­log height accu­ra­te in any DPI. (Fix #8443)
    15. Fix issue that Switch-To-Panel key­board short­cuts can­not be used in con­text menu. (Fix #9435)
    16. Fix a memo­ry leak issue. (Ref)
    17. Fix blur­ry dis­play pro­blem on an exten­ded moni­tor. (Fix #8115)
    18. Fix incom­pa­ti­ble plug­in not being dele­ted issue. (Fix #9377)
    19. Syn­chro­ni­ze GUP loca­liza­ti­on file (if available) with Note­pad++ in installer.
    20. Enhan­ce “No update” dia­log with the down­load page link in the Note­pad++ updater.
    21. Fix NPPM_SETLINENUMBERWIDTHMODE API not working issue. (Fix #9338)



Down­load: Note­pad++
Ver­si­on: 7.9.3
Datei­grö­ße 4,02 MiB (Instal­ler x64)
Ver­öf­fent­licht am: 15.02.2021
Betriebs­sys­tem: Win­dows
Lizenz: Free­ware
Web­sei­te Note­pad++