Pat Gelsinger Becomes CEO of Intel

Today marks Intel’s offi­ci­al CEO tran­si­ti­on as Pat Gel­sin­ger beco­mes the company’s eighth chief exe­cu­ti­ve offi­cer in its histo­ry. Gel­sin­ger is an accom­plished CEO and indus­try vete­ran with more than four deca­des of tech­no­lo­gy and lea­der­ship expe­ri­ence – inclu­ding 30 years at Intel, whe­re he began his career.

Gel­sin­ger shared his thoughts on retur­ning to lead the com­pa­ny, saying:

As the inco­ming CEO, I am just real­ly thril­led that we have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to take this gre­at icon of a com­pa­ny, this com­pa­ny that has been cru­cial to every aspect of tech­no­lo­gy, and have it be that lea­der again into the future. Becau­se I belie­ve that Intel has a tre­asu­re tro­ve of tech­no­lo­gists, of tech­no­lo­gy, and ulti­m­ate­ly its core DNA is being that tech­no­lo­gy lea­der for the future. I’m just thril­led as a tech­no­lo­gist, as a geek at heart, to be able to be in that lea­der­ship role to help bring the pas­si­ons, the histo­ry, the oppor­tu­ni­ty of this gre­at com­pa­ny for­ward as never befo­re. Our best days are in front of us.”

Pat Gelsinger’s News­room Biography