New AMD Radeon PRO W6000X Series GPUs Bring Groundbreaking High-Performance AMD RDNA 2 Architecture to Mac Pro

–New AMD GPUs harness the high-per­for­mance, ener­gy effi­ci­ent AMD RDNA™ 2 archi­tec­tu­re, AMD Infi­ni­ty Cache and other advan­ced tech­no­lo­gies to power deman­ding pro­fes­sio­nal design and con­tent crea­ti­on workloads

AMD Rade­on™ PRO W6800X Duo gra­phics card with high-speed AMD Infi­ni­ty Fabric™ inter­con­nect tech­no­lo­gy deli­vers up to a mas­si­ve 30.2 tera­flops of com­pu­te performance

SANTA CLARA, Calif., Aug. 03, 2021 — AMD (NASDAQ: AMD) today announ­ced avai­la­bi­li­ty of the new AMD Rade­on™ PRO W6000X series GPUs for Mac Pro. The new GPU pro­duct line deli­vers excep­tio­nal per­for­mance and incre­di­ble visu­al fide­li­ty to power a wide varie­ty of deman­ding pro­fes­sio­nal appli­ca­ti­ons and workloads, inclu­ding 3D ren­de­ring, 8K video com­po­si­ting, color cor­rec­tion and more.

Built on ground­brea­king AMD RDNA 2 archi­tec­tu­re, AMD Infi­ni­ty Cache and other advan­ced tech­no­lo­gies, the new work­sta­tion gra­phics line-up includes the AMD Rade­on™ PRO W6900X and AMD Rade­on™ PRO W6800X GPUs. Mac Pro users also have the opti­on of choo­sing the AMD Rade­on PRO W6800X Duo gra­phics card, a dual-GPU con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on that lever­a­ges high-speed AMD Infi­ni­ty Fabric inter­con­nect tech­no­lo­gy to deli­ver out­stan­ding levels of com­pu­te performance.

We deve­lo­ped the AMD Rade­on PRO W6000X series GPUs to unleash pro­fes­sio­nals’ crea­ti­vi­ty and help them bring more com­plex and com­pu­te-inten­si­ve pro­jects to life, from ani­mat­ing 3D film assets to com­po­si­ting 8K sce­nes to game deve­lo­p­ment,” said Scott Her­kel­man, cor­po­ra­te vice pre­si­dent and gene­ral mana­ger, Gra­phics Busi­ness Unit at AMD. “The new AMD Rade­on PRO W6000X series is packed with remar­kab­le ener­gy effi­ci­en­cy, enhan­ced com­pu­te units and a new visu­al pipe­line, enab­ling Mac Pro users to do more in less time across a broad ran­ge of pro applications.”

Key capa­bi­li­ties and fea­tures of AMD Rade­on PRO W6000X series GPUs include:

  • Award-Win­ning AMD RDNA 2 Archi­tec­tu­re – Built on the 7nm manu­fac­tu­ring pro­cess, AMD RDNA 2 archi­tec­tu­re offers an array of advan­ced fea­tures ele­vat­ing pro­fes­sio­nal gra­phics to new levels of per­for­mance and efficiency.
  • High-speed GDDR6 memo­ry – Up to 64GB of GDDR6 memo­ry with up to 512 GB/s band­width pro­vi­des ultra-fast trans­fer speeds to power data-inten­si­ve pro­fes­sio­nal applications.
  • AMD Infi­ni­ty Cache – Up to 256MB (total) of last-level data cache inte­gra­ted on the GPU die is desi­gned to redu­ce laten­cy and power consumption.
  • AMD Infi­ni­ty Fabric – Pro­vi­des a high-band­width, low laten­cy, direct con­nec­tion bet­ween the local AMD GPUs, enab­ling high speed GPU-to-GPU com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons desi­gned to satis­fy today’s crea­ti­ve workloads.


Model Com­pu­te Units Stream Pro­ces­sors Memo­ry Interface FP32 TFLOPS Infi­ni­ty Cache Total
AMD Rade­on PRO W6900X 80 5120 256-bit Up to 22 128MB 300W 32GB
AMD Rade­on PRO W6800X 60 3840 256-bit Up to 16.0 128MB 300W 32GB
AMD Rade­on PRO W6800X Duo 120 (total) 7680 (total) 256-bit (per GPU) Up to 30.2 256MB
400W 64GB (total)

For more infor­ma­ti­on about the Mac Pro visit

Sup­port­ing Resources

  • Learn more about AMD Rade­on PRO W6000X series GPUs for the Mac Pro here
  • Beco­me a fan of AMD on Face­book
  • Fol­low AMD on Twit­ter
  • Fol­low Rade­on PRO gra­phics on Twit­ter

About AMD

For more than 50 years AMD has dri­ven inno­va­ti­on in high-per­for­mance com­pu­ting, gra­phics and visua­liza­ti­on tech­no­lo­gies ― the buil­ding blocks for gam­ing, immersi­ve plat­forms and the data cen­ter. Hundreds of mil­li­ons of con­su­mers, lea­ding For­tu­ne 500 busi­nesses and cut­ting-edge sci­en­ti­fic rese­arch faci­li­ties around the world rely on AMD tech­no­lo­gy dai­ly to impro­ve how they live, work and play. AMD employees around the world are focu­sed on buil­ding gre­at pro­ducts that push the boun­da­ries of what is pos­si­ble. For more infor­ma­ti­on about how AMD is enab­ling today and inspi­ring tomor­row, visit the AMD (NASDAQ: AMDweb­siteFace­book and Twit­ter pages.

AMD, the AMD Arrow logo, Rade­on, AMD RDNA, Infi­ni­ty Fabric, and com­bi­na­ti­ons the­reof are trade­marks of Advan­ced Micro Devices, Inc. Apple, Mac Pro, and the Apple Logo are trade­marks of Apple Inc., regis­tered in the U.S. and other count­ries. Other pro­duct names used in this publi­ca­ti­on are for iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on pur­po­ses only and may be trade­marks of their respec­ti­ve companies.

CONTACT: Contacts: George Millington AMD Communications +1 408-547-7481 Laura Graves AMD Investor Relations +1 408-749-5467