Avnet Collaborates with Digital Realty to Develop “Try and Buy” High Performance, Cloud-Based Universal Video Streaming Solutions

Solu­ti­ons enable com­pa­nies to be their own video broad­cas­ters and appli­ca­ti­on pro­vi­ders to enhan­ce their pro­duct offering

PHOENIX–Leading glo­bal tech­no­lo­gy solu­ti­ons pro­vi­der Avnet (Nasdaq: AVT) is team­ing up with Digi­tal Real­ty (NYSE: DLR), the lar­gest glo­bal pro­vi­der of cloud- and car­ri­er-neu­tral data cen­ter, colo­ca­ti­on and inter­con­nec­tion solu­ti­ons, to equip com­pa­nies and appli­ca­ti­on pro­vi­ders to deve­lop, launch, sca­le and/or enhan­ce their video broad­cast pro­duct offe­rings. Joint­ly deve­lo­ped spe­ci­fi­cal­ly for high per­for­mance, cloud-based and secu­re uni­ver­sal video strea­ming, the solu­ti­ons from Digi­tal Real­ty and Avnet will be one-touch (tran­sac­tion), cost-effec­ti­ve “try and buy” opti­ons. The team’s first available solu­ti­on uti­li­zes a 3rd Gen AMD EPYC-based ser­ver inte­gra­ted with a Xilinx U30 FPGA* acce­le­ra­tor card deli­ve­ring excep­tio­nal per­for­mance and flexibility.

A recent stu­dy by Deloit­te (2021) notes that the avera­ge Ame­ri­can home has four digi­tal video ser­vice sub­scrip­ti­ons and the same stu­dy found that 39% of Baby Boo­mers and 29% of Gene­ra­ti­on X rank on demand video as their pre­fer­red enter­tain­ment acti­vi­ty. The joint Avnet and Digi­tal Real­ty video strea­ming solu­ti­ons enable sup­port for a wide base of video strea­ming appli­ca­ti­ons such as: video-based eCom­mer­ce, social media-based appli­ca­ti­ons, video col­la­bo­ra­ti­on, tele­me­di­ci­ne, live sports and events, auc­tions, gambling and sports betting.

Avnet and Digi­tal Realty’s first offe­ring enables cus­to­mers with high per­for­mance video strea­ming requi­re­ments, who might not be able to engi­neer or afford their own on pre­mi­se solu­ti­ons, to access a qua­li­ty end-to-end solu­ti­on. In addi­ti­on, appli­ca­ti­on pro­vi­ders do not have to purcha­se infra­struc­tu­re to eva­lua­te how the tech­no­lo­gy could bene­fit their offe­rings, by lever­aging the solu­ti­ons’ bench­mar­king capa­bi­li­ties. It also is available for cable com­pa­nies, digi­tal con­tent pro­vi­ders, enter­tain­ment com­pa­nies, remo­te surgery/health care, mili­ta­ry and aero­space, and fin­tech (trad­ers), brin­ging unpre­ce­den­ted per­for­mance, qua­li­ty and total cost reduc­tions with a con­ve­ni­ent way to bench­mark and ine­vi­ta­b­ly launch and sca­le solu­ti­ons uti­li­zing FPGA technology.

The initi­al solu­ti­on offe­ring will provide:

- Com­ple­te solu­ti­on stack from com­po­nent to appli­ca­ti­on layers
— High per­for­mance and a dra­sti­cal­ly lower cost (area and power-per-chan­nel) in the video strea­ming industry
— Abili­ty for lar­ge enter­pri­ses to test their workload for per­for­mance review and bench­mar­king on the infra­struc­tu­re befo­re buy­ing to ensu­re capability

In clo­se col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with Digi­tal Real­ty and Xilinx, Avnet Inte­gra­ted is addres­sing the need to eva­lua­te and sel­ect com­plex hard­ware and workload solu­ti­ons for real-time video trans­port,” said Alp Sezen, head of stra­tegy, Avnet Inte­gra­ted. “Laten­cy-sen­si­ti­ve video con­tent trans­mis­si­on is explo­ding across ver­ti­cal mar­kets such as broad­cas­ting, mixed media, tele­me­di­ci­ne and fin­tech. With our tech­no­lo­gy part­ners and tools, Avnet Inte­gra­ted is enab­ling our cus­to­mers to more effec­tively eva­lua­te and deploy solu­ti­ons globally.”

Avnet Inte­gra­ted glo­bal­ly offers com­pre­hen­si­ve sys­tems inte­gra­ti­on, busi­ness and ser­vice solu­ti­ons in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with the industry’s pre­mier, ser­ver cen­tric, plat­form and ingre­di­ent sup­pli­ers. Digi­tal Real­ty brings solu­ti­ons for high per­for­mance com­pu­te and low-laten­cy requi­re­ments, access to mul­ti­ple clouds across a glo­bal foot­print with access to 290+ faci­li­ties in 47 metro are­as, across 24 count­ries on six con­ti­nents to the solution.

Digi­tal Real­ty is actively sup­port­ing the industry’s shift to a data-cen­tric archi­tec­tu­re and is evol­ving its inter­con­nec­tion capa­bi­li­ties with an updated road­map for Plat­form­DI­GI­TAL®, a first of its kind glo­bal data cen­ter plat­form for sca­ling digi­tal busi­nesses. As we fur­ther enhan­ce our part­ner­ship with Avnet Inte­gra­ted, we are enab­ling enter­pri­ses to dra­ma­ti­cal­ly acce­le­ra­te their AI inno­va­ti­on times­ca­les with Xilinx U30 AI-rea­dy data cen­ters,” says Tony Bishop, SVP, Plat­form, Growth and Mar­ke­ting at Digi­tal Realty.

Avnet is exci­ted to demons­tra­te and deploy the high-per­for­mance and cost-effec­ti­ve digi­tal strea­ming solu­ti­ons made pos­si­ble by our exclu­si­ve, long­stan­ding part­ner­ship with Xilinx along with Digi­tal Realty’s cut­ting-edge glo­bal data cen­ter plat­form,” said Scott Tip­pin, direc­tor of Sup­pli­er Deve­lo­p­ment at Avnet.

For more infor­ma­ti­on on this solu­ti­on visit https://www.avnet.com/wps/portal/integrated/solutions/datacenter-solutions/digital-realty/.

* An FPGA is a field-pro­gramma­ble gate array that is a pro­gramma­ble device that uses pre­built logic blocks and pro­gramma­ble rou­ting resour­ces. Sys­tems uti­li­zing FPGAs can be easi­ly repro­grammed and upgraded to meet new sys­tem requi­re­ments which redu­ces the cost of long-term main­ten­an­ce. The Xilinx U30 FPGA acce­le­ra­tor card pro­vi­des lower cost, sin­gle slot, lower power (25W), low-pro­fi­le and hig­her den­si­ty so it uses less real estate & energy.

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All brands and trade names are trade­marks or regis­tered trade­marks and are the pro­per­ties of their respec­ti­ve owners. Avnet dis­claims any pro­prie­ta­ry inte­rest in marks other than its own.

About Avnet Integrated

Avnet Inte­gra­ted is the inte­gra­ti­on arm of Avnet Inc. and glo­bal­ly offers com­pre­hen­si­ve sys­tems inte­gra­ti­on, busi­ness and ser­vice solu­ti­ons. Col­la­bo­ra­ting with the industry’s pre­mier plat­form sup­pli­ers, Avnet Inte­gra­ted helps cus­to­mers opti­mi­ze capi­tal, acce­le­ra­te sales and deli­ver on their brand expe­ri­ence, ulti­m­ate­ly acce­le­ra­ting reve­nue and mar­gin growth.

About Avnet

As a lea­ding glo­bal tech­no­lo­gy dis­tri­bu­tor and solu­ti­ons pro­vi­der, Avnet has ser­ved cus­to­mers’ evol­ving needs for an enti­re cen­tu­ry. We sup­port cus­to­mers at each stage of a product’s life­cy­cle, from idea to design and from pro­to­ty­pe to pro­duc­tion. Our uni­que posi­ti­on at the cen­ter of the tech­no­lo­gy value chain enables us to acce­le­ra­te the design and sup­p­ly stages of pro­duct deve­lo­p­ment so cus­to­mers can rea­li­ze reve­nue fas­ter. Deca­de after deca­de, Avnet helps its cus­to­mers and sup­pli­ers around the world rea­li­ze the trans­for­ma­ti­ve pos­si­bi­li­ties of tech­no­lo­gy. Learn more about Avnet at www.avnet.com.