AMD Announces Three New Radeon RX 6000 Series Graphics Cards and First Games Adding Support for AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution 2.0

  • Three new models fea­ture fas­ter game clocks, fas­ter GDDR6 memo­ry, and enhan­ced soft­ware and firm­ware com­pared to pre­vious-gene­ra­ti­on pro­ducts, and deli­ver excep­tio­nal per­for­mance-per-watt based on AMD RDNA™ 2 architecture
  • Initi­al list of games adding future sup­port for AMD Fide­li­ty­FX™ Super Reso­lu­ti­on (FSR) 2.0 include Far­ming Simu­la­tor 22, Fors­po­ken, Micro­soft Flight Simu­la­tor, and others; DEATHLOOP expec­ted to add sup­port for AMD FSR 2.0 on May 12, 2022

SANTA CLARA, Calif. — 05/10/2022 AMD (NASDAQ: AMD) today announ­ced new addi­ti­ons to the AMD Rade­on™ RX 6000 Series pro­duct line: the AMD Rade­on RX 6950 XT — the most powerful gra­phics card in the Rade­on RX 6000 Series fami­ly — the Rade­on RX 6750 XT and the Rade­on RX 6650 XT gra­phics cards.

With a 2.1GHz Game Clock1 cou­pled with 16GB of high-speed GDDR6 memo­ry, the AMD Rade­on RX 6950 XT gra­phics card deli­vers incre­di­ble per­for­mance and breath­ta­king visu­als for the most deman­ding AAA and esports titles at 4K reso­lu­ti­on with max set­tings. The AMD Rade­on RX 6750 XT gra­phics card offers a cut­ting-edge, high-per­for­mance gam­ing expe­ri­ence at 1440p reso­lu­ti­on with max set­tings, while the AMD Rade­on RX 6650 XT gra­phics card offers ultra-smooth, high-refresh rate 1080p gam­ing with max set­tings in the latest titles.

All of the new AMD Rade­on gra­phics cards are built on the breakth­rough AMD RDNA 2 gam­ing archi­tec­tu­re, include pro­cess opti­miza­ti­ons plus firm­ware and soft­ware enhance­ments, and are equip­ped with high-band­width, low-laten­cy AMD Infi­ni­ty Cache™ tech­no­lo­gy and ultra-fast GDDR6 memo­ry at up to 18Gbps. They also sup­port Micro­soft Win­dows 11 and Micro­soft DirectX® 12 Ulti­ma­te, AMD Fide­li­ty­FX™ Super Reso­lu­ti­on (FSR1.0, the forth­co­ming AMD FSR 2.02 and AMD Rade­on Super Reso­lu­ti­on ups­ca­ling tech­no­lo­gies, as well as other advan­ced fea­tures that pro­vi­de visual­ly stun­ning, high-refresh rate gam­ing experiences.

The­re are three bil­li­on gamers world­wi­de and coun­ting, and about half play on PCs3,” said Scott Her­kel­man, seni­or vice pre­si­dent and gene­ral mana­ger, Gra­phics Busi­ness Unit at AMD. “As gamers grow in num­bers, the­se new Rade­on gra­phics cards will pro­vi­de next-level gam­ing expe­ri­en­ces and per­for­mance. And the incre­di­ble effi­ci­en­ci­es of AMD RDNA 2 archi­tec­tu­re deli­ver sub­stan­ti­al­ly bet­ter per­for­mance-per-dol­lar with the new Rade­on gra­phics cards com­pared to the com­pe­ti­ti­on4.”

High Performance, High Visual Fidelity & Elevated Gaming Experiences

The new AMD Rade­on RX 6950 XT, Rade­on RX 6750 XT and Rade­on RX 6650 XT gra­phics cards pro­vi­de gamers with incre­di­ble gam­ing per­for­mance, stun­ning visu­als and ele­va­ted expe­ri­en­ces. Key fea­tures and capa­bi­li­ties include:

  • AMD Soft­ware: Adre­na­lin Edi­ti­on™ – Brings advan­ced and inno­va­ti­ve capa­bi­li­ties to unlock the full poten­ti­al of gam­ing expe­ri­en­ces on AMD gra­phics- and pro­ces­sor-powered sys­tems. The latest release offers up to 10 per­cent hig­her per­for­mance across a ran­ge of sel­ect DX®11 titles5. In addi­ti­on, AMD Rade­on Super Reso­lu­ti­on 1.1 dri­ver-based ups­ca­ling tech­no­lo­gy now adds sup­port for sel­ect AMD Ryzen™ 6000 Series pro­ces­sors equip­ped with Rade­on inte­gra­ted graphics.
  • AMD Fide­li­ty­FX Tech­no­lo­gy – AMD Fide­li­ty­FX tech­no­lo­gy is an open-source tool­kit of visu­al enhance­ment effects for game deve­lo­pers available at AMD GPUO­pen. It includes AMD Fide­li­ty­FX Super Reso­lu­ti­on (FSR) 1.0 spa­ti­al ups­ca­ling tech­no­lo­gy, which is sup­port­ed in 80+ games and coun­ting. It also includes the forth­co­ming AMD FSR 2.0, a cut­ting-edge tem­po­ral ups­ca­ling solu­ti­on that boosts frame­ra­tes in sup­port­ed games and gene­ra­tes simi­lar or bet­ter than nati­ve image qua­li­ty on a wide ran­ge of gra­phics cards.
  • AMD Smart Access Memo­ry (SAM) Tech­no­lo­gy  Unlocks hig­her per­for­mance when pai­ring AMD Rade­on RX 6000 Series gra­phics cards with sel­ect AMD Ryzen desk­top pro­ces­sors and AMD 500 Series mother­boards by pro­vi­ding AMD Ryzen pro­ces­sors with access to the enti­re high-speed GDDR6 gra­phics memo­ry. SAM can pro­vi­de up to 14 per­cent hig­her per­for­mance in a sys­tem equip­ped with an AMD Rade­on RX 6950 XT gra­phics card and an AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D pro­ces­sor6.
  • AMD Infi­ni­ty Cache Tech­no­lo­gy – Last-level data cache inte­gra­ted on the GPU die is desi­gned to redu­ce laten­cy and power con­sump­ti­on and can help enable hig­her gam­ing per­for­mance than tra­di­tio­nal archi­tec­tu­ral designs. 

Product Specifications

Model Com­pu­te Units GDDR6 Game Clock (MHz) Boost Clock7 (MHZ) Memo­ry Interface Effec­ti­ve Memo­ry Band­width w/ AMD Infi­ni­ty Cache™ TBP Pri­ce


Rade­on RX 6950 XT 80 16GB 2100 Up to 2310 256-bit Up to 1793GB/s 335W $1099
Rade­on RX 6750 XT 40 12GB 2495 Up to 2600 192-bit Up to 1326GB/s 250W $549
Rade­on RX 6650 XT 32 8GB 2410 Up to 2635 128-bit Up to 469GB/s 180W $399

AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution 2.0 Game Support

The next-gene­ra­ti­on of the wide­ly adopted AMD open-source, cross-plat­form ups­ca­ling tech­no­lo­gy, FSR 2.0 helps boost frame­ra­tes in sup­port­ed games by using pre­vious frame data to pro­vi­de simi­lar or bet­ter than nati­ve image qua­li­ty at all reso­lu­ti­ons. It sup­ports a wide ran­ge of gra­phics pro­ducts and plat­forms, inclu­ding AMD and sel­ect com­pe­ti­tor solu­ti­ons, wit­hout requi­ring dedi­ca­ted machi­ne lear­ning hard­ware. The first game to add sup­port for AMD FSR 2.0 is DEATHLOOP by Arka­ne Stu­di­os and Bethes­da, which is expec­ted to be available via an update on May 12, 2022. Addi­tio­nal games plan­ning to add sup­port for tech­no­lo­gy in the coming months include Aste­ri­gos, Dely­si­um, EVE Online, Far­ming Simu­la­tor 22, Fors­po­ken, Groun­ded, Micro­soft Flight Simu­la­tor, NiS­hui­Han, Per­fect World Remake, Swords­man Remake, and Unknown 9: Awakening.

AMD Radeon Raise the Game Bundle

AMD also announ­ced an upco­ming ver­si­on of the popu­lar AMD Rade­on Rai­se the Game Bund­le, pro­vi­ding gamers with com­pli­men­ta­ry access to games with the purcha­se of eli­gi­ble AMD Rade­on RX 6000 Series pro­ducts. Cus­to­mers purcha­sing a qua­li­fy­ing Rade­on pro­duct from a par­ti­ci­pa­ting etail­er begin­ning May 10, 2022 will recei­ve a code that can be rede­e­med when the pro­mo­ti­on laun­ches later in the quar­ter, with the full offer details to be pro­vi­ded at that time. The new bund­le will include the popu­lar Saints Row and Sni­per Eli­te 5 games, with more being reve­a­led lea­ding up to the launch of the pro­mo­ti­on (bund­le offer may vary by eli­gi­ble pro­duct purcha­sed). Cus­to­mers can visit to find a list of par­ti­ci­pa­ting part­ners and check back for future updates and ins­truc­tions on the promotion.


The AMD Rade­on RX 6950 XT, Rade­on RX 6750 XT and Rade­on RX 6650 XT gra­phics cards are expec­ted to be available start­ing today, May 10, 2022, from glo­bal etailers/retailers and AMD board part­ners, inclu­ding ASRock, ASUS, BIOSTAR, Giga­byte, MSI, Sap­phi­re, Power­Co­lor, XFX and Yes­ton. AMD Rade­on RX 6950 XT and Radon RX 6750 XT gra­phics cards are also expec­ted to be available start­ing today at The latest ver­si­on of AMD Soft­ware: Adre­na­lin Edi­ti­on is expec­ted to be available May 10, 2022.

Supporting Resources

  • Lean more about the AMD Rade­on RX 6000 Series gra­phics cards here
  • Learn more about AMD Soft­ware: Adre­na­lin Edi­ti­on here
  • Learn more about AMD Fide­li­ty­FX Super Reso­lu­ti­on 2.0 here
  • Fol­low AMD on Lin­ke­dIn
  • Fol­low AMD on Twit­ter

About AMD

For more than 50 years AMD has dri­ven inno­va­ti­on in high-per­for­mance com­pu­ting, gra­phics and visua­liza­ti­on tech­no­lo­gies. Bil­li­ons of peo­p­le, lea­ding For­tu­ne 500 busi­nesses and cut­ting-edge sci­en­ti­fic rese­arch insti­tu­ti­ons around the world rely on AMD tech­no­lo­gy dai­ly to impro­ve how they live, work and play. AMD employees are focu­sed on buil­ding lea­der­ship high-per­for­mance and adap­ti­ve pro­ducts that push the boun­da­ries of what is pos­si­ble. For more infor­ma­ti­on about how AMD is enab­ling today and inspi­ring tomor­row, visit the AMD (NASDAQ: AMDweb­siteblogLin­ke­dIn and Twit­ter pages.

©2022 Advan­ced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reser­ved. AMD, the AMD Arrow logo, Adre­na­lin Edi­ti­on, Fide­li­ty­FX, Infi­ni­ty Cache, Rade­on, RDNA, Ryzen, Smart Access Memo­ry, and com­bi­na­ti­ons the­reof are trade­marks of Advan­ced Micro Devices, Inc. Other pro­duct names used her­ein are for iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on pur­po­ses only and may be trade­marks of their respec­ti­ve companies.

The infor­ma­ti­on con­tai­ned her­ein is for infor­ma­tio­nal pur­po­ses only and is sub­ject to chan­ge wit­hout noti­ce. Time­lines, road­maps, and/or pro­duct release dates shown in this press release are plans only and sub­ject to change.

  1. Game clock is the expec­ted GPU clock when run­ning typi­cal gam­ing appli­ca­ti­ons, set to typi­cal TGP (Total Gra­phics Power). Actu­al indi­vi­du­al game clock results may vary. GD-147
  2. AMD Fide­li­ty­FX™ Super Reso­lu­ti­on (FSR) is available on sel­ect appli­ca­ti­ons and requi­res deve­lo­per inte­gra­ti­on.  FSR is “appli­ca­ti­on depen­dent” and sca­les across a broad spec­trum of new and older AMD pro­ducts, inclu­ding inte­gra­ted gra­phics.  It is opti­mi­zed for AMD RDNA™ and AMD RDNA 2™ archi­tec­tu­re-based Rade­on™ PRO W6000 and W5000 Series gra­phics cards.  It is also com­pa­ti­ble with all AMD Ryzen™ Desk­top and Mobi­le pro­ces­sors with AMD Rade­on™ gra­phics if the mini­mum requi­re­ments of the appli­ca­ti­on are met.   FSR is also sup­port­ed on sel­ect com­pe­ti­tor gra­phics solu­ti­ons.  AMD does not pro­vi­de tech­ni­cal or war­ran­ty sup­port for AMD Fide­li­ty­FX Super Reso­lu­ti­on ena­blem­ent on other vendor’s gra­phics cards. GD-200
  3. Source: New­zoo, DFC Intel­li­gence, AMD Research
  4. Test­ing done by AMD per­for­mance labs April 25, 2022 on AMD Rade­on™ RX 6000 Series gra­phics cards, Ryzen™ 9 5900X, Ryzen™ 7 5800X3D and Ryzen™ 5 5600X CPUs, 16GB DDR4-3600MHz with AMD Smart Access Memo­ry enab­led, Win10 Pro 64 ver­sus simi­lar­ly con­fi­gu­red sys­tems with Nvi­dia GeForce RTX 3000 Series and GeForce GTX 1650, ReBAR enab­led. Per­for­mance per watt cal­cu­la­ted with total board power (TBP) of indi­vi­du­al GPUs over avera­ge FPS. Per­for­mance per dol­lar cal­cu­la­ted with com­pe­ti­ti­ve Newegg USD pri­cing as of April 25, 2022 over avera­ge FPS. Games tes­ted at 4K, 1440P and 1080P reso­lu­ti­ons at inten­ded set­tings for each GPU: Assassin’s Creed Val­hal­la (DX12), F1 2021 (DX12), Far Cry 6 (DX12), For­za Hori­zon 4 (DX12), God­fall (DX12), Hori­zon Zero Dawn (DX12), Watch Dogs Legi­on (DX12). Per­for­mance may vary. RX-785.
  5. Test­ing con­duc­ted by AMD as of April 26th, 2022, on a test sys­tem con­fi­gu­red with a Ryzen 7 5800X3D CPU, 32GB DDR4, Rade­on RX 6950 XT GPU, and Win­dows 10 Pro, with AMD Soft­ware: Adre­na­lin Edi­ti­on 22.5.2 and 22.3.1 in 10 sel­ect DX®11-based games at dif­fe­rent reso­lu­ti­ons and set­tings: Assassin’s Creed Odys­sey (1080p, ultra­high pre-set),  Far Cry 6,  (1080p, ultra pre-set), Far­ming Simu­la­tor 22 (1080p very high pre-set), Grand Theft Auto V (4K, ultra pre-set), Total War Saga: Troy (1080p, ultra pre-set), Total War Ham­mer 3 (1080p, ultra pre-set), Watch Dogs Legi­on (1080p, ultra pre-set), Apex Legends (4K, ultra pre-set), Over­watch (1080p, Epic pre-set), Valorant (1440p, high pre-set). Per­for­mance may vary. RS-470
  6. Test­ing done by AMD per­for­mance labs April 2022 with AMD Rade­on RX 6950 XT on dri­ver 22.10–220411n and Ryzen 7 5800X3D with sys­tem BIOS P4.80, 32GB DDR4-3600MHz. Fol­lo­wing games tes­ted with AMD Smart Access Memo­ry enab­led ver­sus dis­ab­led at UHD reso­lu­ti­on: For­za Hori­zon 5 (Extre­me, DX12); Watch Dogs Legi­on (Ultra, DX12); Hori­zon Zero Dawn (Ulti­ma­te Qua­li­ty, DX12); Assassin’s Creed Val­hal­la (Ultra High, DX12); Bor­der­lands 3 (Bad­ass, DX12). Per­for­mance may vary. RX-779
  7. Boost Clock Fre­quen­cy is the maxi­mum fre­quen­cy achie­va­ble on the GPU run­ning a burs­ty workload. Boost clock achie­va­bi­li­ty, fre­quen­cy, and sus­taina­bi­li­ty will vary based on seve­ral fac­tors, inclu­ding but not limi­t­ed to: ther­mal con­di­ti­ons and varia­ti­on in appli­ca­ti­ons and workloads.  GD-151