NVIDIA Announces Financial Results For First Quarter Fiscal 2024

  • Quar­ter­ly reve­nue of $7.19 bil­li­on, up 19% from pre­vious quarter
  • Record Data Cen­ter reve­nue of $4.28 billion
  • Second quar­ter fis­cal 2024 reve­nue out­look of $11.00 billion

SANTA CLARA, Calif., May 24, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — NVIDIA (NASDAQ: NVDA) today repor­ted reve­nue for the first quar­ter ended April 30, 2023, of $7.19 bil­li­on, down 13% from a year ago and up 19% from the pre­vious quarter.

GAAP ear­nings per diluted share for the quar­ter were $0.82, up 28% from a year ago and up 44% from the pre­vious quar­ter. Non-GAAP ear­nings per diluted share were $1.09, down 20% from a year ago and up 24% from the pre­vious quarter.

The com­pu­ter indus­try is going through two simul­ta­neous tran­si­ti­ons — acce­le­ra­ted com­pu­ting and gene­ra­ti­ve AI,” said Jen­sen Huang, foun­der and CEO of NVIDIA.

A tril­li­on dol­lars of instal­led glo­bal data cen­ter infra­struc­tu­re will tran­si­ti­on from gene­ral pur­po­se to acce­le­ra­ted com­pu­ting as com­pa­nies race to app­ly gene­ra­ti­ve AI into every pro­duct, ser­vice and busi­ness process.

Our enti­re data cen­ter fami­ly of pro­ducts — H100, Grace CPU, Grace Hop­per Super­chip, NVLink, Quan­tum 400 Infi­ni­Band and BlueField‑3 DPU — is in pro­duc­tion. We are signi­fi­cant­ly incre­asing our sup­p­ly to meet sur­ging demand for them,” he said.

During the first quar­ter of fis­cal 2024, NVIDIA retur­ned to share­hol­ders $99 mil­li­on in cash dividends.

NVIDIA will pay its next quar­ter­ly cash divi­dend of $0.04 per share on June 30, 2023, to all share­hol­ders of record on June 8, 2023.

Q1 Fis­cal 2024 Summary

($ in mil­li­ons, except ear­nings per share) Q1 FY24 Q4 FY23 Q1 FY23 Q/Q Y/Y
Reve­nue $ 7,192   $ 6,051   $ 8,288   Up 19% Down 13%
Gross mar­gin   64.6 %   63.3 %   65.5 % Up 1.3 pts Down 0.9 pts
Ope­ra­ting expenses $ 2,508   $ 2,576   $ 3,563   Down 3% Down 30%
Ope­ra­ting income $ 2,140   $ 1,257   $ 1,868   Up 70% Up 15%
Net inco­me $ 2,043   $ 1,414   $ 1,618   Up 44% Up 26%
Diluted ear­nings per share $ 0.82   $ 0.57   $ 0.64   Up 44% Up 28%
($ in mil­li­ons, except ear­nings per share) Q1 FY24 Q4 FY23 Q1 FY23 Q/Q Y/Y
Reve­nue $ 7,192   $ 6,051   $ 8,288   Up 19% Down 13%
Gross mar­gin   66.8 %   66.1 %   67.1 % Up 0.7 pts Down 0.3 pts
Ope­ra­ting expenses $ 1,750   $ 1,775   $ 1,608   Down 1% Up 9%
Ope­ra­ting income $ 3,052   $ 2,224   $ 3,955                 Up 37% Down 23%
Net inco­me $ 2,713   $ 2,174   $ 3,443   Up 25% Down 21%
Diluted ear­nings per share $ 1.09   $ 0.88   $ 1.36   Up 24% Down 20%

NVIDIA’s out­look for the second quar­ter of fis­cal 2024 is as follows:

  • Reve­nue is expec­ted to be $11.00 bil­li­on, plus or minus 2%.
  • GAAP and non-GAAP gross mar­gins are expec­ted to be 68.6% and 70.0%, respec­tively, plus or minus 50 basis points.
  • GAAP and non-GAAP ope­ra­ting expen­ses are expec­ted to be appro­xi­m­ate­ly $2.71 bil­li­on and $1.90 bil­li­on, respectively.
  • GAAP and non-GAAP other inco­me and expen­se are expec­ted to be an inco­me of appro­xi­m­ate­ly $90 mil­li­on, exclu­ding gains and los­ses from non-affi­lia­ted investments.
  • GAAP and non-GAAP tax rates are expec­ted to be 14.0%, plus or minus 1%, exclu­ding any dis­crete items.


NVIDIA achie­ved pro­gress sin­ce its pre­vious ear­nings announce­ment in the­se areas: 

Data Cen­ter


  • First-quar­ter reve­nue was $2.24 bil­li­on, down 38% from a year ago and up 22% from the pre­vious quarter.
  • Announ­ced the GeForce RTX™ 4060 fami­ly of GPUs, brin­ging the advance­ments of NVIDIA Ada Love­lace archi­tec­tu­re and DLSS, start­ing at $299.
  • Laun­ched the GeForce RTX 4070 GPU based on the Ada archi­tec­tu­re, which enables DLSS 3, real-time ray-tra­cing and the abili­ty to run most modern games at over 100 frames per second at 1440p resolution.
  • Added 36 DLSS gam­ing titles, brin­ging the total num­ber of games and apps to 300.
  • Made path tra­cing available for the first time on a major gam­ing title through col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with CD PROJEKT RED on an update to Cyber­punk 2077
  • Expan­ded GeForce NOW’s game titles to more than 1,600, inclu­ding the first Micro­soft Xbox game, Gears 5

Pro­fes­sio­nal Visualization

  • First-quar­ter reve­nue was $295 mil­li­on, down 53% from a year ago and up 31% from the pre­vious quarter.
  • Announ­ced NVIDIA Omni­ver­se™ Cloud, a ful­ly mana­ged ser­vice run­ning in Micro­soft Azu­re, for the deve­lo­p­ment and deploy­ment of indus­tri­al meta­ver­se applications.
  • Expan­ded its col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with Micro­soft to con­nect Micro­soft 365 appli­ca­ti­ons with Omni­ver­se
  • Announ­ced six new NVIDIA RTX™ GPUs for mobi­le and desk­top work­sta­tions based on the Ada architecture.


CFO Com­men­ta­ry
Com­men­ta­ry on the quar­ter by Colet­te Kress, NVIDIA’s exe­cu­ti­ve vice pre­si­dent and chief finan­cial offi­cer, is available at https://investor.nvidia.com/.

Con­fe­rence Call and Web­cast Information
NVIDIA will con­duct a con­fe­rence call with ana­lysts and inves­tors to dis­cuss its first quar­ter fis­cal 2024 finan­cial results and cur­rent finan­cial pro­s­pects today at 2 p.m. Paci­fic time (5 p.m. Eas­tern time). A live web­cast (lis­ten-only mode) of the con­fe­rence call will be acces­si­ble at NVIDIA’s inves­tor rela­ti­ons web­site, https://investor.nvidia.com. The web­cast will be recor­ded and available for replay until NVIDIA’s con­fe­rence call to dis­cuss its finan­cial results for its second quar­ter of fis­cal 2024.

Non-GAAP Mea­su­res
To sup­ple­ment NVIDIA’s con­den­sed con­so­li­da­ted finan­cial state­ments pre­sen­ted in accordance with GAAP, the com­pa­ny uses non-GAAP mea­su­res of cer­tain com­pon­ents of finan­cial per­for­mance. The­se non-GAAP mea­su­res include non-GAAP gross pro­fit, non-GAAP gross mar­gin, non-GAAP ope­ra­ting expen­ses, non-GAAP inco­me from ope­ra­ti­ons, non-GAAP other inco­me (expen­se), net, non-GAAP net inco­me, non-GAAP net inco­me, or ear­nings, per diluted share, and free cash flow. For NVIDIA’s inves­tors to be bet­ter able to compa­re its cur­rent results with tho­se of pre­vious peri­ods, the com­pa­ny has shown a recon­ci­lia­ti­on of GAAP to non-GAAP finan­cial mea­su­res. The­se recon­ci­lia­ti­ons adjust the rela­ted GAAP finan­cial mea­su­res to exclude acqui­si­ti­on ter­mi­na­ti­on cos­ts, stock-based com­pen­sa­ti­on expen­se, acqui­si­ti­on-rela­ted and other cos­ts, IP-rela­ted cos­ts, legal sett­le­ment cos­ts, other, los­ses from non-affi­lia­ted invest­ments, inte­rest expen­se rela­ted to amor­tiza­ti­on of debt dis­count, and the asso­cia­ted tax impact of the­se items whe­re appli­ca­ble. Free cash flow is cal­cu­la­ted as GAAP net cash pro­vi­ded by ope­ra­ting acti­vi­ties less both purcha­ses of pro­per­ty and equip­ment and intan­gi­ble assets and prin­ci­pal pay­ments on pro­per­ty and equip­ment and intan­gi­ble assets. NVIDIA belie­ves the pre­sen­ta­ti­on of its non-GAAP finan­cial mea­su­res enhan­ces the user’s over­all under­stan­ding of the company’s his­to­ri­cal finan­cial per­for­mance. The pre­sen­ta­ti­on of the company’s non-GAAP finan­cial mea­su­res is not meant to be con­side­red in iso­la­ti­on or as a sub­sti­tu­te for the company’s finan­cial results pre­pared in accordance with GAAP, and the company’s non-GAAP mea­su­res may be dif­fe­rent from non-GAAP mea­su­res used by other companies.

Sin­ce its foun­ding in 1993, NVIDIA (NASDAQ: NVDA) has been a pio­neer in acce­le­ra­ted com­pu­ting. The company’s inven­ti­on of the GPU in 1999 spark­ed the growth of the PC gam­ing mar­ket, rede­fi­ned com­pu­ter gra­phics, igni­ted the era of modern AI and is fue­ling the crea­ti­on of the indus­tri­al meta­ver­se. NVIDIA is now a full-stack com­pu­ting com­pa­ny with data-cen­ter-sca­le offe­rings that are res­ha­ping indus­try. More infor­ma­ti­on at https://nvidianews.nvidia.com/.

For fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on, contact:

Simo­na Jankowski   Robert Sher­bin
Inves­tor Relations   Cor­po­ra­te Communications
NVIDIA Cor­po­ra­ti­on   NVIDIA Cor­po­ra­ti­on
sjankowski@nvidia.com   rsherbin@nvidia.com

Cer­tain state­ments in this press release inclu­ding, but not limi­t­ed to, state­ments as to: the com­pu­ter indus­try going through two simul­ta­neous tran­si­ti­ons – acce­le­ra­ted com­pu­ting and gene­ra­ti­ve AI; instal­led glo­bal data cen­ter infra­struc­tu­re tran­si­tio­ning from gene­ral pur­po­se to acce­le­ra­ted com­pu­ting as com­pa­nies race to app­ly gene­ra­ti­ve AI into every pro­duct, ser­vice and busi­ness pro­cess; NVIDIA’s enti­re data cen­ter fami­ly of pro­ducts being in pro­duc­tion; NVIDIA signi­fi­cant­ly incre­asing sup­p­ly to meet sur­ging demand; NVIDIA’s next quar­ter­ly cash divi­dend; NVIDIA’s finan­cial out­look and expec­ted tax rates for the second quar­ter of fis­cal 2024; the bene­fits, impact, per­for­mance, fea­tures and avai­la­bi­li­ty of our pro­ducts and tech­no­lo­gies, inclu­ding NVIDIA Ada, NVIDIA Hop­per, NVIDIA Grace Hop­per CPU, NVIDIA L4 Ten­sor Core GPU, NVIDIA AI Foun­da­ti­ons, NVIDIA cuLi­tho soft­ware libra­ry, NVIDIA H100 Ten­sor Core GPU, NVIDIA AI Enter­pri­se, GeForce RTX GPUs, DLSS 3, GeForce NOW, NVIDIA Omni­ver­se Cloud, Omni­ver­se, NVIDIA RTX GPUs, and NVIDIA DRIVE Orin; and the bene­fits and impact of our col­la­bo­ra­ti­ons, inclu­ding with Goog­le Cloud, Ama­zon Web Ser­vices, Micro­soft Azu­re, Ora­cle Cloud Infra­struc­tu­re, Ser­viceNow, Med­tro­nic, Dell Tech­no­lo­gies, CD PROJEKT RED, Micro­soft, and BYD are for­ward-loo­king state­ments that are sub­ject to risks and uncer­tain­ties that could cau­se results to be mate­ri­al­ly dif­fe­rent than expec­ta­ti­ons. Important fac­tors that could cau­se actu­al results to dif­fer mate­ri­al­ly include: glo­bal eco­no­mic con­di­ti­ons; our reli­ance on third par­ties to manu­fac­tu­re, assem­ble, packa­ge and test our pro­ducts; the impact of tech­no­lo­gi­cal deve­lo­p­ment and com­pe­ti­ti­on; deve­lo­p­ment of new pro­ducts and tech­no­lo­gies or enhance­ments to our exis­ting pro­duct and tech­no­lo­gies; mar­ket accep­tance of our pro­ducts or our part­ners’ pro­ducts; design, manu­fac­tu­ring or soft­ware defects; chan­ges in con­su­mer pre­fe­ren­ces or demands; chan­ges in indus­try stan­dards and inter­faces; unex­pec­ted loss of per­for­mance of our pro­ducts or tech­no­lo­gies when inte­gra­ted into sys­tems; as well as other fac­tors detail­ed from time to time in the most recent reports NVIDIA files with the Secu­ri­ties and Exch­an­ge Com­mis­si­on, or SEC, inclu­ding, but not limi­t­ed to, its annu­al report on Form 10‑K and quar­ter­ly reports on Form 10‑Q. Copies of reports filed with the SEC are pos­ted on the company’s web­site and are available from NVIDIA wit­hout char­ge. The­se for­ward-loo­king state­ments are not gua­ran­tees of future per­for­mance and speak only as of the date hereof, and, except as requi­red by law, NVIDIA dis­claims any obli­ga­ti­on to update the­se for­ward-loo­king state­ments to reflect future events or circumstances.

© 2023 NVIDIA Cor­po­ra­ti­on. All rights reser­ved. NVIDIA, the NVIDIA logo, GeForce, GeForce NOW, GeForce RTX, NVIDIA DRIVE Orin, NVIDIA Grace Hop­per, NVIDIA Hop­per, NVIDIA Omni­ver­se, and NVIDIA RTX are trade­marks and/or regis­tered trade­marks of NVIDIA Cor­po­ra­ti­on in the U.S. and/or other count­ries. Other com­pa­ny and pro­duct names may be trade­marks of the respec­ti­ve com­pa­nies with which they are asso­cia­ted. Fea­tures, pri­cing, avai­la­bi­li­ty, and spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons are sub­ject to chan­ge wit­hout notice.



(In mil­li­ons, except per share data)
      Three Months Ended
      April 30,   May 1,
        2023       2022  
Reve­nue $ 7,192     $ 8,288  
Cost of revenue   2,544       2,857  
Gross pro­fit   4,648       5,431  
Ope­ra­ting expenses      
  Rese­arch and development   1,875       1,618  
  Sales, gene­ral and administrative   633       592  
  Acqui­si­ti­on ter­mi­na­ti­on cost   -       1,353  
    Total ope­ra­ting expenses   2,508       3,563  
Inco­me from operations   2,140       1,868  
  Inte­rest income   150       18  
  Inte­rest expense   (66 )     (68 )
  Other, net   (15 )     (13 )
    Other inco­me (expen­se), net   69       (63 )
Inco­me befo­re inco­me tax   2,209       1,805  
Inco­me tax expense   166       187  
Net inco­me $ 2,043     $ 1,618  
Net inco­me per share:      
  Basic $ 0.83     $ 0.65  
  Diluted $ 0.82     $ 0.64  
Weigh­ted avera­ge shares used in per share computation:    
  Basic   2,470       2,506  
  Diluted   2,490       2,537  
(In mil­li­ons)
      April 30,   Janu­ary 29,
       2023    2023
Cur­rent assets:      
  Cash, cash equi­va­lents and mar­ke­ta­ble securities $ 15,320   $ 13,296
  Accounts receiva­ble, net   4,080     3,827
  Invent­ories   4,611     5,159
  Pre­paid expen­ses and other cur­rent assets   872     791
    Total cur­rent assets   24,883     23,073
Pro­per­ty and equip­ment, net   3,740     3,807
Ope­ra­ting lea­se assets   1,094     1,038
Good­will   4,430     4,372
Intan­gi­ble assets, net   1,541     1,676
Defer­red inco­me tax assets   4,568     3,396
Other assets   4,204     3,820
    Total assets $ 44,460   $ 41,182
Cur­rent liabilities:      
  Accounts paya­ble $ 1,141   $ 1,193
  Accrued and other cur­rent liabilities   4,869     4,120
  Short-term debt   1,250     1,250
    Total cur­rent liabilities   7,260     6,563
Long-term debt   9,704     9,703
Long-term ope­ra­ting lea­se liabilities   939     902
Other long-term liabilities   2,037     1,913
    Total lia­bi­li­ties   19,940     19,081
Share­hol­ders’ equity   24,520     22,101
    Total lia­bi­li­ties and share­hol­ders’ equity $ 44,460   $ 41,182
(In mil­li­ons)
    Three Months Ended
    April 30,   May 1,
      2023       2022  
Cash flows from ope­ra­ting activities:      
Net inco­me $ 2,043     $ 1,618  
Adjus­t­ments to recon­ci­le net inco­me to net cash      
pro­vi­ded by ope­ra­ting activities:      
  Stock based com­pen­sa­ti­on expense   735       578  
  Depre­cia­ti­on and amortization   384       334  
  Los­ses on invest­ments in non affi­lia­tes, net   14       17  
  Defer­red inco­me taxes   (1,135 )     (542 )
  Acqui­si­ti­on ter­mi­na­ti­on cost   -       1,353  
  Other   (34 )     23  
Chan­ges in ope­ra­ting assets and lia­bi­li­ties, net of acquisitions:      
  Accounts receiva­ble   (252 )     (788 )
  Invent­ories   566       (560 )
  Pre­paid expen­ses and other assets   (215 )     (1,261 )
  Accounts paya­ble   11       255  
  Accrued lia­bi­li­ties and other cur­rent liabilities   689       634  
  Other long-term liabilities   105       70  
Net cash pro­vi­ded by ope­ra­ting activities   2,911       1,731  
Cash flows from inves­t­ing activities:      
  Pro­ceeds from matu­ri­ties of mar­ke­ta­ble securities   2,512       5,947  
  Pro­ceeds from sales of mar­ke­ta­ble securities   -       1,029  
  Purcha­ses of mar­ke­ta­ble securities   (2,801 )     (3,932 )
  Purcha­se rela­ted to pro­per­ty and equip­ment and intan­gi­ble assets   (248 )     (361 )
  Acqui­si­ti­ons, net of cash acquired   (83 )     (36 )
  Invest­ments and other, net   (221 )     (35 )
Net cash pro­vi­ded by (used in) inves­t­ing activities   (841 )     2,612  
Cash flows from finan­cing activities:      
  Pro­ceeds rela­ted to employee stock plans   246       204  
  Pay­ments rela­ted to tax on rest­ric­ted stock units   (507 )     (532 )
  Divi­dends paid   (99 )     (100 )
  Prin­ci­pal pay­ments on pro­per­ty and equip­ment and intan­gi­ble assets   (20 )     (22 )
  Pay­ments rela­ted to repurcha­ses of com­mon stock   -       (1,996 )
Net cash pro­vi­ded by (used in) finan­cing activities   (380 )     (2,446 )
Chan­ge in cash and cash equivalents   1,690       1,897  
Cash and cash equi­va­lents at begin­ning of period   3,389       1,990  
Cash and cash equi­va­lents at end of period $ 5,079     $ 3,887  
(In mil­li­ons, except per share data)
    Three Months Ended
    April 30,   Janu­ary 29,   May 1,
      2023       2023       2022  
GAAP gross profit $ 4,648     $ 3,833     $ 5,431  
  GAAP gross margin   64.6 %     63.3 %     65.5 %
  Acqui­si­ti­on-rela­ted and other cos­ts (A)   119       120       94  
  Stock-based com­pen­sa­ti­on expen­se (B)   27       30       38  
  IP-rela­ted costs   8       16       -  
Non-GAAP gross profit $ 4,802     $ 3,999     $ 5,563  
  Non-GAAP gross margin   66.8 %     66.1 %     67.1 %
GAAP ope­ra­ting expenses $ 2,508     $ 2,576     $ 3,563  
  Stock-based com­pen­sa­ti­on expen­se (B)   (708 )     (709 )     (540 )
  Acqui­si­ti­on-rela­ted and other cos­ts (A)   (54 )     (54 )     (55 )
  Acqui­si­ti­on ter­mi­na­ti­on cost   -       -       (1,353 )
  Legal sett­le­ment costs   -       -       (7 )
  Other ©   4       (38 )     -  
Non-GAAP ope­ra­ting expenses $ 1,750     $ 1,775     $ 1,608  
GAAP inco­me from operations $ 2,140     $ 1,257     $ 1,868  
  Total impact of non-GAAP adjus­t­ments to inco­me from operations   912       967       2,087  
Non-GAAP inco­me from operations $ 3,052     $ 2,224     $ 3,955  
GAAP other inco­me (expen­se), net $ 69     $ 32     $ (63 )
  Los­ses from non-affi­lia­ted investments   14       10       17  
  Inte­rest expen­se rela­ted to amor­tiza­ti­on of debt discount   1       1       1  
Non-GAAP other inco­me (expen­se), net $ 84     $ 43     $ (45 )
GAAP net income $ 2,043     $ 1,414     $ 1,618  
  Total pre-tax impact of non-GAAP adjustments   927       978       2,105  
  Inco­me tax impact of non-GAAP adjus­t­ments (D)   (257 )     (218 )     (280 )
Non-GAAP net income $ 2,713     $ 2,174     $ 3,443  
Diluted net inco­me per share          
  GAAP $ 0.82     $ 0.57     $ 0.64  
  Non-GAAP $ 1.09     $ 0.88     $ 1.36  
Weigh­ted avera­ge shares used in diluted net inco­me per share computation   2,490       2,477       2,537  
GAAP net cash pro­vi­ded by ope­ra­ting activities $ 2,911     $ 2,249     $ 1,731  
  Purcha­ses rela­ted to pro­per­ty and equip­ment and intan­gi­ble assets   (248 )     (509 )     (361 )
  Prin­ci­pal pay­ments on pro­per­ty and equip­ment and intan­gi­ble assets   (20 )     (4 )     (22 )
Free cash flow $ 2,643     $ 1,736     $ 1,348  
(A) Acqui­si­ti­on-rela­ted and other cos­ts are com­pri­sed of amor­tiza­ti­on of intan­gi­ble assets, tran­sac­tion cos­ts, and cer­tain com­pen­sa­ti­on char­ges and are included in the fol­lo­wing line items:
    Three Months Ended
    April 30,   Janu­ary 29,   May 1,
      2023       2023       2022  
  Cost of revenue $ 119     $ 120     $ 94  
  Rese­arch and development $ 12     $ 10     $ 9  
  Sales, gene­ral and administrative $ 42     $ 44     $ 46  
(B) Stock-based com­pen­sa­ti­on con­sists of the following:  
    Three Months Ended
    April 30,   Janu­ary 29,   May 1,
      2023       2023       2022  
  Cost of revenue $ 27     $ 30     $ 38  
  Rese­arch and development $ 524     $ 527     $ 384  
  Sales, gene­ral and administrative $ 184     $ 182     $ 156  
© Other con­sists of assets held for sale rela­ted adjustments.          
(D) Inco­me tax impact of non-GAAP adjus­t­ments, inclu­ding the reco­gni­ti­on of excess tax bene­fits or defi­ci­en­ci­es rela­ted to stock-based com­pen­sa­ti­on under GAAP accoun­ting stan­dard (ASU 2016-09). 
    Q2 FY2024 Outlook
    ($ in millions)
GAAP gross margin   68.6 %
  Impact of stock-based com­pen­sa­ti­on expen­se, acqui­si­ti­on-rela­ted cos­ts, and other costs   1.4 %
Non-GAAP gross margin   70.0 %
GAAP ope­ra­ting expenses $ 2,710  
  Stock-based com­pen­sa­ti­on expen­se, acqui­si­ti­on-rela­ted cos­ts, and other costs   (810 )
Non-GAAP ope­ra­ting expenses $ 1,900  

A pho­to accom­pany­ing this announce­ment is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/463fe102-9bba-4d9e-931c-3c5898b67a27