Firefox 64.0

Fire­fox der freie Web­brow­ser des Mozil­la Pro­jek­tes ist in einer neu­en Ver­si­on zum Down­load frei­ge­ge­ben wor­den. Mozil­la Fire­fox setzt seit Fire­fox 57.0 auf die Quan­tum-Engi­ne und sieht die eige­ne Rol­le nach dem Wech­sel von Micro­soft Edge auf die Web-Ren­de­ring-Engi­ne Chro­mi­um gegen­über den wei­te­ren Chro­mi­um-basier­ten Brow­sern Goog­le Chro­me, Ope­ra und Vival­di, als ein­zi­ge unab­hän­gi­ge Wahl bedeu­tend erhöht.

Fire­fox 64.0 Release Notes:


  • Bet­ter recom­men­da­ti­ons: You may see sug­ges­ti­ons in regu­lar brow­sing mode for new and rele­vant Fire­fox fea­tures, ser­vices, and exten­si­ons based on how you use the web (for US users only)
  • Enhan­ced tab manage­ment: You can now sel­ect mul­ti­ple tabs from the tab bar and clo­se, move, book­mark, or pin them quick­ly and easily
  • Easier per­for­mance manage­ment: The new Task Mana­ger page found at about:performance lets you see how much ener­gy each open tab con­su­mes and pro­vi­des access to clo­se tabs to con­ser­ve power
  • Impro­ved per­for­mance for Mac and Linux users, by enab­ling link time opti­miza­ti­on (Clang LTO). (Clang LTO was enab­led for Win­dows users in Fire­fox 63.)
  • More seam­less sha­ring on Win­dows: Win­dows users can now share web pages using the nati­ve sha­ring expe­ri­ence. You can access Share in the Page Actions menu
  • Added opti­on to remo­ve add-ons using the con­text menu on their tool­bar buttons
  • New for enter­pri­se users: Updated the poli­cy engi­ne on macOS to allow using con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on pro­files to cus­to­mi­ze Fire­fox for enter­pri­se deployments




  • You may now over­lay mul­ti­ple CSS grids at the same time (up to 3) in the CSS Grid Inspector
  • The Web Console’s com­mand line now high­lights Java­Script syntax
  • When hove­ring over ele­ments in the Acces­si­bi­li­ty panel, the con­trast ratio of text against back­ground is now indicated
  • Added sup­port for the new CSS scroll­bar specification
  • Web­VR is now available on macOS
