Intel to Showcase Technology Innovation for the Next Era of Computing at CES 2019

Intel tech­no­lo­gy is the foun­da­ti­on for many of the world’s most important inno­va­tions and advan­ces. At CES 2019, Intel will high­light the future of com­pu­ting and explo­re advance­ments in the cli­ent, net­work, cloud and edge desi­gned to unlock human potential.

Intel News Con­fe­rence – “Inno­va­tions and the Com­pu­te Foundation”

Join Intel exe­cu­ti­ves, Cli­ent Com­pu­ting Group Seni­or Vice Pre­si­dent Gre­go­ry Bryant and Data Cen­ter Group Exe­cu­ti­ve Vice Pre­si­dent Navin She­noy, who will take the stage to show­ca­se news rela­ted to inno­va­tions in cli­ent com­pu­ting, data cen­ter, arti­fi­ci­al intel­li­gence, 5G and more. During the event, Intel will touch on how expan­ding tech­no­lo­gy capa­bi­li­ties have a direct impact on human expe­ri­en­ces. Plea­se note, the­re is limi­t­ed sea­ting. Doors open to press and ana­lysts at 3:30 p.m. PST.

Whe­re: Man­da­lay Bay South Con­ven­ti­on Center
Level 2, Ball­rooms E & F
When: Jan. 7, 4–4:45 p.m. PST
Live­stream:    Watch on the Intel News­room

Intel Press Break­fast & Booth Preview

Mix and ming­le with Intel exe­cu­ti­ves and take part in a gui­ded tour of Intel’s booth to see the latest Intel tech­no­lo­gy in action – befo­re the CES show flo­or opens to atten­de­es. The CES ope­ning key­note will be live­strea­med at 8:30 a.m., and a light con­ti­nen­tal break­fast will be ser­ved. Plea­se note, only cre­den­tia­led press will be allo­wed access, and regis­tra­ti­on is reques­ted at the link below.

Whe­re:    Las Vegas Con­ven­ti­on Center
Intel Booth in Cen­tral Hall South (Booth #10048)
When: Jan. 8, 7:30–9:30 a.m. PST


» Regis­ter for the Press Breakfast

Mobi­leye Press & Cus­to­mer Con­fe­rence – “An Hour with Amnon”

Join Mobi­leye CEO Amnon Shash­ua as he deli­vers a “sta­te of the sta­te” on auto­ma­ted dri­ving tech­no­lo­gies, along with a look at how the­se tech­no­lo­gies are being deli­ver­ed glo­bal­ly. Shash­ua will touch on Mobileye’s uni­que per­spec­ti­ve on visi­on and map­ping tech­no­lo­gies, along with the company’s pro­po­sed model for indus­try-wide safe­ty standards.

Whe­re:    Las Vegas Con­ven­ti­on Cen­ter Room S228
When: Jan. 8, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. PST


Visit Intel in the Cen­tral Hall South (Booth #10048)

Stop by our booth for an up-clo­se look at how Intel’s tech­no­lo­gy is hel­ping power the smart, con­nec­ted data-cen­tric world and how it is hel­ping acce­le­ra­te the expan­si­on of human potential.

Whe­re:    Las Vegas Con­ven­ti­on Center
Cen­tral Hall South, C2 lob­by entrance
When: Jan. 8, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. PST
Jan. 9 and Jan. 10, 9 a.m.-6 p.m. PST
Jan. 11, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. PST


Throug­hout CES:

  • Rech­ar­ge in Intel’s Media-Only Lounge: Intel’s media lounge is a gre­at geta­way for you to enjoy. Loca­ted ups­tairs in the Intel booth, stop by to relax in our com­for­ta­ble sea­ting, snack, quench your thirst and use our dedi­ca­ted inter­net access.
  • Spot­light Ses­si­ons: Throug­hout the week, Intel will host Spot­light Ses­si­ons at the Intel booth. They will focus on spe­ci­fic topics inclu­ding 5G, auto­no­mous dri­ving, arti­fi­ci­al intel­li­gence and more. Final sche­du­le will be uploa­ded to the CES press kit on the Intel News­room pri­or to the show.
  • Booth Demons­tra­ti­ons: Expe­ri­ence Intel tech­no­lo­gy and products.

Can’t Make It to CES 2019?

Visit our news­room at and fol­low us on social media at @IntelNews@Intel and