WinRAR 5.70

Der Packer RAR oder eben Win­RAR gilt nach wie vor als einer der leis­tungs­fä­higs­ten sei­ner Art. Als kos­ten­pflich­ti­ge Share­ware hat er es jedoch seit gerau­mer Zeit schwer, auf dem Markt gegen die inte­grier­te Out-of-the-box-Lösung für ZIP-Datei­en unter Micro­soft-Betriebs­sys­te­men oder gar die völ­lig kos­ten­lo­sen und noch dazu Open-Source-Lösun­gen wie 7‑Zip zu bestehen. 

Release Notes Ver­si­on 5.70

1. “Files to pro­cess” opti­on on “Time” page of archi­ving dialog
allows to choo­se files based on modi­fi­ca­ti­on, crea­ti­on or last access
file time. Pre­vious­ly it was pos­si­ble for modi­fi­ca­ti­on time only.

2. Com­mand line ‑ta, ‑tb, ‑tn, ‑to swit­ches accept ‘m’, ‘c’ and ‘a’
modi­fiers after the switch name. So file time con­di­ti­ons can include
not only the file modi­fi­ca­ti­on time as in pre­vious versions,
but also crea­ti­on and last access time.

Such switch can include mul­ti­ple modi­fiers to set the same date
for all spe­ci­fied times. For exam­p­le, ‑tamc20190215 will pro­cess files
modi­fied and crea­ted after 2019-02-15.

New ‘o’ modi­fier per­mits to switch from AND to OR logic,
so ‑tamco20190215 includes files modi­fied or crea­ted after 2019-02-15.
It is also allo­wed to spe­ci­fy seve­ral time fil­te­ring switches
with dif­fe­rent dates in the same com­mand line, like:
‑taco20190201 ‑tbmo20190210

Swit­ches ‑ta and ‑tn also include files matching the spe­ci­fied date
exact­ly. Swit­ches ‑tb and ‑to exclude such files.

3. Win­RAR file list can dis­play crea­ti­on and last access file times
if they are available.

Crea­ti­on and last access colum­ns are dis­ab­led by default and can be
enab­led in “Sel­ect file list colum­ns” dia­log. This dia­log is opened
after right cli­cking on file list column hea­ders or after pressing
“File list/Files/Columns…” but­ton in Win­RAR settings.

4. “Dou­ble exten­si­ons for archi­ves” and “Archi­ves in subfolders”
opti­ons on “Files” page of archi­ving dia­log modi­fy beha­vi­or of
“Put each file to sepa­ra­te archi­ve” option.

You can switch bet­ween archi­ve names in filename.ext.rar
and filename.rar style with “Dou­ble exten­si­ons for archives”.

You can crea­te a sepa­ra­te archi­ve for every file in sel­ec­ted subfolders
or store the enti­re con­tents of every sel­ec­ted fol­der in separate
archi­ve depen­ding on the sta­te of “Archi­ves in sub­fol­ders” option.

5. New ‑ad1 switch can be used when unpack­ing mul­ti­ple archives
recur­si­ve­ly, such as ‘rar x ‑r ‑ad1 arc\*.rar’. It creates
a sepa­ra­te fol­der for files unpa­cked from each archive,
but unli­ke alre­a­dy exis­ting ‑ad switch, it crea­tes such folders
in each archi­ve folder.

6. If con­text menu “Extra­ct each archi­ve to sepa­ra­te fol­der” is applied
to archi­ves from dif­fe­rent fol­ders in Win­dows Explo­rer “Search results”,
sub­fol­ders with unpa­cked files are crea­ted in each archi­ve folder.
Pre­vious ver­si­ons crea­ted them all in a fol­der of right cli­cked archive.

7. New “File list/List style/Checkboxes” opti­on in Win­RAR settings
allows to use check­bo­xes to sel­ect file list items.

8. New “File list/Files/Exact sizes” opti­on in Win­RAR settings.

If this opti­on is on, file sizes are always dis­play­ed in bytes.
If it is off, sizes are roun­ded up and use units such as KB or MB.
Smal­ler files can be still dis­play­ed in bytes.

9. If seve­ral con­so­le RAR are star­ted with ‑ioff switch, PC is tur­ned off
by RAR copy finis­hed last. Pre­vious­ly this switch was processed
by first finis­hed copy.

10. Read and wri­te buf­fer size is increased for .iso files.
It can help to impro­ve .iso extra­c­tion per­for­mance in some cases,
such as for net­work drives.

11. If “Dele­te archi­ve” opti­on in extra­c­tion dia­log is appli­ed to a set
of RAR and REV volu­mes in volname.part# for­mat, Win­RAR will delete
REV volu­mes as well. Pre­vious­ly only RAR volu­mes were deleted
kee­ping REV files intact.

12. If “Dele­te archi­ve” opti­on in extra­c­tion dia­log is appli­ed to set
of ZIP volu­mes with .zip.001, .zip.002, .zip.003 extensions,
Win­RAR will dele­te all ZIP volu­mes. Pre­vious­ly only .zip.001 volume
was dele­ted for such volu­me naming scheme.

13. If we unpack arcname.rar using “Extra­ct to arc­na­me\” Explo­rer context
menu com­mand and “arc­na­me” file alre­a­dy exists, Win­RAR shell extension
will pro­po­se “Extra­ct to arcname~1\” ins­tead. Pre­vious­ly this context
menu com­mand attempt­ed to crea­te a fol­der with same name as already
exis­ting file and failed.

14. If we pack a short­cut file with .lnk exten­si­on from Explo­rer context
menu, .lnk file its­elf is added to archi­ve. Pre­vious ver­si­ons added
.lnk file tar­get ins­tead of .lnk file.

15. Win­dows does not allow exe­cu­ta­bles excee­ding 4 GB, so Win­RAR issues
an error imme­dia­te­ly when attemp­ting to crea­te 4 GB or larger
RAR SFX volu­mes. Pre­vious­ly Win­RAR issued such error only after
crea­ting the first RAR volume.

16. Total extra­c­tion pro­gress is dis­play­ed for 7z mul­ti­vo­lu­me archives.
Accu­ra­cy of 7z total extra­c­tion pro­gress is improved.

17. “Find” com­mand “Disks and fol­ders” drop down list has been renamed
to “Search area”. Addi­tio­nal­ly to alre­a­dy exis­ting choices,
it includes a new “Sel­ec­ted items” opti­on rest­ric­ting search
to files and fol­ders sel­ec­ted in Win­RAR file list.

18. “Find” com­mand dis­plays the num­ber of found items in sta­tus bar.

19. “Dia­gno­stic mes­sa­ges” win­dow dis­plays archi­ve names in a separate
column to pro­vi­de the bet­ter mes­sa­ge visi­bi­li­ty for lengthy
archi­ve names.

20. Switch ‑isnd[-] in com­mand line Win­RAR mode allows to override
“Enable sound” opti­on in Win­RAR set­tings. Use ‑isnd to turn sound
noti­fi­ca­ti­ons on and ‑isnd- to turn them off.

21. Nadav Gross­man from Check Point Soft­ware Tech­no­lo­gies infor­med us
about a secu­ri­ty vul­nerabi­li­ty in UNACEV2.DLL library.
Afo­re­men­tio­ned vul­nerabi­li­ty makes pos­si­ble to crea­te files
in arbi­tra­ry fol­ders insi­de or out­side of desti­na­ti­on folder
when unpack­ing ACE archives.

Win­RAR used this third par­ty libra­ry to unpack ACE archives.
UNACEV2.DLL had not been updated sin­ce 2005 and we do not have access
to its source code. So we deci­ded to drop ACE archi­ve for­mat support
to pro­tect secu­ri­ty of Win­RAR users.

We are thank­ful to Check Point Soft­ware Tech­no­lo­gies for reporting
this issue.

22. Bugs fixed:

a) con­so­le RAR mixed up source and desti­na­ti­on file sizes and times
in the over­wri­te prompt when updating a file in RAR archive
with ‑o switch;

b) drag­ging files from 32-bit appli­ca­ti­ons to 64-bit Win­RAR window
did not work;

c) Win­RAR Shift+Del com­mand appli­ed to a fol­der could fail to delete
some its sub­fol­ders. This com­mand is used to dele­te files and folders
per­ma­nent­ly ins­tead of moving them to Recy­cle Bin;

d) fol­der tree panel could not chan­ge fol­ders if archi­ved pathnames
star­ted from path sepa­ra­tor, such as in archi­ves crea­ted by tar tool
with –abso­lu­te-names option;

e) if rela­ti­ve “Path=.\somefolder” was spe­ci­fied in SFX comment
and SFX archi­ve nee­ded to ele­va­te pri­vi­le­ges when extracting,
it crea­ted ’somefolder\somefolder’ ins­tead of ’som­e­fol­der’;

f) com­mands modi­fy­ing an exis­ting RAR4 volu­me reset the volu­me number
field to 1. While it did not affect extra­c­tion, Win­RAR displayed
a wrong volu­me num­ber for such volumes;

g) fixed a crash when rea­ding a com­ment from a cor­rupt RAR file;

h) tool­bar in “Find” com­mand “Search results” win­dow was not adjusted
to dif­fe­rent tool­bar icon sizes properly.


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