Intel-Netzwerktreiber v23.5.2 für I210 und I211-AT

Intels Netz­werk­chips I210 und I211-AT kom­men auf zahl­rei­chen AM4-Main­boards zum Ein­satz. In unse­rer AMD-Main­board-Daten­bank fin­den sich unter ande­rem zusam­men mit dem ASRock Fatal1ty X470 Gam­ing K4, dem ASUS ROG Strix X399‑E Gam­ing, dem MSI X399 Gam­ing Pro Car­bon AC oder dem Giga­byte X399 Designa­re EX über 50 Main­boards mit einem die­ser bei­den LAN-Chips.

What's New in This Release
Support for Microsoft Windows® 10 1809.
Support for Microsoft Windows Server* 2019
Support for Intel® PROSet Adapter Configuration Utility on Microsoft Windows Server 2019 and Microsoft Windows 10 1809
Universal Windows Driver (UWD)
Advanced Network Services (ANS) Support on Microsoft Windows 10 1809 and Microsoft Windows Server 2019 using Intel PowerShell IntelNetcmdlets
Known Issues

System does not get link when connected to a 10GbE switch
Systems that contain an Intel(R) i210 or i211 device may not link to a 10GbE 
switch. This may happen when the system's Ethernet cable is not connected to 
the switch during power up or if the cable is disconnected for more than a 
couple of minutes. Disabling and enabling the device in the operating system 
will restore link.
