System Information Viewer Version 5.38 — Support für AMD Matisse und Renoir

Sys­tem Infor­ma­ti­on View­er (SIV) ist ein kos­ten­lo­ses Win­dows-Tool zur Anzei­ge vie­ler nütz­li­cher Infor­ma­tio­nen des eige­nen PC-Sys­tems. Mit Win­dows 10, 8.1, 8.0, 7, Vis­ta, XP und NT 4 sowie Win­dows Me, 98 und 95 wer­den zahl­rei­che, auch älte­re Win­dows-Ver­sio­nen unterstützt.

Ver­si­on 5.38 released on 14-Apr-2019

  • Added Win­dows 10 19H1 Build 18362 + 20H1 Build 18875 sup­port. Enab­led ope­ra­ti­on of [ACPI Eval], etc..
  • Added Intel Xeon (Cas­ca­de Lake-AP/SP/­D/­W/X) + AMD Ryzen (Matis­se) + (Renoir) support.
  • Fixed AMD Sum­mit Ridge codename.
  • Cir­cum­vent the Sam­sung NVMe dri­ver bug when rea­ding the Name­space information.
  • Enhan­ced Reset Posi­ti­ons to also reset each LCD Panel size.
  • Added VCo­re (Max) to [Sta­tus] and also as a CPU‑0 Con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on on LCD panels.
  • Ren­a­med PSU to SIO and moved PSU from I/O to a new item. Added report­ing of CLTT/TSOD repor­ted DIMM temperatures.
  • Updated Over­all in Tool­tips to report the Maxi­mum of the Cur­rent values rather than their Average.
  • Impro­ved NVi­dia GTX 1660 support.
  • Fixed L3 Uni­fied Cache report­ing when the­re is no CPU with an APIC of 0.0.0.
  • Rework­ed all Menu->File->Download-><item> to direct­ly down­load from the mir­ror rather than using ReWri­te rules in .htac­cess.
  • Enhan­ced [ CSMI RAID ] to report ATAPI Device names and fixed [ Dri­ves ] to report all the disk con­trol­ler drives.
  • Added Con­trol­led­By to which can be used to sel­ect which devices SIV will report and/or control.
  • Cor­rect to report VCCIN for X299 motherboards.
  • Added ASUS Ram­pa­ge VI Extre­me Ome­ga mother­board support.


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