GIGABYTE will enable your solutions of tomorrow and bring smart to life


Tai­pei, Tai­wan. GIGABYTE TECHNOLOGY Co. Ltd has been com­mit­ted to pio­nee­ring com­pu­ter inno­va­tions and making breath­ta­king tech­no­lo­gy advance­ments. This year at Com­putex, GIGABYTE has brought along its part­ners to form a smart eco­sys­tem, tog­e­ther, to demons­tra­te solu­ti­ons that inspi­re buy­ers and real life appli­ca­ti­ons that enligh­ten visitors.


-Data Cen­ter-

The inter­con­nec­ti­vi­ty of remo­te smart devices will see a signi­fi­cant impro­ve­ment as 5G draws near, but achie­ving “smart” takes a gre­at amount of com­pu­ting power. The key to evol­ving smart tech­no­lo­gy lies in machi­nes’ abili­ty to store and ana­ly­ze lar­ge amount of infor­ma­ti­on, using it to learn how to make pre­dic­tions or decis­i­ons and crea­te valuable eco­no­mic data. GIGABYTE has tea­m­ed up with seve­ral indus­try lea­ders to demons­tra­te how hard­ware infra­struc­tu­re, cou­pled with soft­ware inte­gra­ti­on, can crea­te ide­al sys­tem solu­ti­ons that initia­te smar­ter technologies.


AI and smart clouds for 5G

A part­ner­ship with ITRI has brought to the show an iMEC (Intel­li­gent Mobi­le Edge Cloud) plat­form that can inte­gra­te net­wor­king & cloud vir­tua­liza­ti­on tech­no­lo­gies into the next gene­ra­ti­on of 5G net­works, redu­cing laten­cy and incre­asing net­work ser­vice relia­bi­li­ty and sca­la­bi­li­ty, and an on-pre­mi­ses AI deve­lo­p­ment plat­form that can impro­ve the accu­ra­cy and redu­ce the time requi­red for DNN (Deep Neu­ral Net­works) trai­ning. And coope­ra­ti­on with Infi­ni­tiesSoft has brought to life a hybrid cloud plat­form that inte­gra­tes sophisti­ca­ted con­tai­ner manage­ment and soft­ware defi­ned sto­rage, allo­wing busi­nesses to achie­ve the pos­si­bi­li­ty of an on-pre­mi­ses self-built AI cloud.


Liquid coo­ling and soft­ware-defi­ned storage

With an on-going effort to impro­ve data cen­ter effi­ci­en­cy, GIGABYTE has part­ne­red with Ase­tek to show­ca­se amo­du­la­ri­zed direct-to-chip liquid coo­ling solu­ti­on for increased per­for­mance pos­si­bi­li­ties and redu­ced power and coo­ling requi­re­ments in the data cen­ter. A joint-ven­ture with Big­te­ra brought live Vir­tu­alS­tor, in which it helps con­so­li­da­ting­busi­nesses’ exis­ting media and effort­less­ly adds new capa­ci­ty that sup­ports all main sto­rage types, while sim­pli­fy­ing manage­ment and redu­cing infra­struc­tu­re costs.


-Smart Life-

To vin­di­ca­te that a 5G smart future is not a far-fet­ched visi­on but a cur­rent trans­for­ma­ti­on taking place, GIGABYTE has dedi­ca­ted a gre­at por­ti­on of this year’s booth to show­ca­se seve­ral rea­dy-to-deploy appli­ca­ti­ons in dif­fe­rent 5G sce­na­ri­os. On-pre­mi­se IoT sce­na­ri­os exem­pli­fy both GIGABYTE’s hard­ware exper­ti­se and solu­ti­on know-how. By using IoT gate­way sys­tems and embedded com­pu­ters, GIGABYTE is able to exhi­bit seve­ral Inter­net of Things (IoT) sce­na­ri­os such as smart agri­cul­tu­re, retail, mar­ke­ting, secu­ri­ty and AI human detection.


GIGABYTE and AIoT solutions

The smart solu­ti­ons will huge­ly enhan­ce the effi­ci­en­cy and con­ve­ni­ence of indi­vi­du­als and busi­nesses who deci­de to invest in this tech­no­lo­gy. Uti­li­zing Big Data, AI, and edge com­pu­ting, an IoT Eco Box can gather neces­sa­ry infor­ma­ti­on from the cloud and con­trol varia­bles that are vital to a crop’s growth in order to increase yield; digi­tal signage can use a face reco­gni­ti­on sys­tem and 3D lens to ana­ly­ze and judge the gen­der and age of the audi­ence to dis­play appro­pria­te and effec­ti­ve adver­ti­se­ments; and came­ras are able to cap­tu­re faces of the cus­to­mers in a retail envi­ron­ment to pro­vi­de secu­ri­ty and gene­ra­te useful data for mar­ke­ting analysis.


AR/MR appli­ca­ti­on

Uti­li­zing GIGABYTE’s ser­ver know-how, com­pa­nies such as Jor­jin Tech­no­lo­gy Inc. is also able to intro­du­ce at GIGABYTE’s booth a pair of AR/MR glas­ses that can assist enter­pri­ses to sim­pli­fy pro­blems ori­gi­nal­ly cau­sed by long tra­vel distances and rela­ted time con­sump­ti­on, and this pro­duct will be able to be wide­ly used in indus­tri­al main­ten­an­ce, warehousing and logi­stics, public secu­ri­ty and medi­cal fields to effi­ci­ent­ly per­form main­ten­an­ce, edu­ca­ti­on, trai­ning, and iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on of sen­si­ti­ve infor­ma­ti­on etc.



Renow­ned for inno­va­ti­on and craft­sman­ship of its mother­boards, this year GIGABYTE is going to revo­lu­tio­ni­ze the indus­try with seve­ral game chan­gers for pro­fes­sio­nals working in fields like video editing, indus­tri­al design, and 3D rela­ted work.


World’s first PCIe 4.0 M.2 SSD

GIGABYTE is one of the very few com­pu­ter tech com­pa­nies to design work­sta­tion gra­de mother­boards that are com­pa­ti­ble with NVIDIA’s Qua­dro gra­phics cards for pro­fes­sio­nal indi­vi­du­als. At Com­putex, GIGABYTE also releases the world’s first PCIe 4.0 inter­face M.2 SSD on the latest AMD plat­form to pro­vi­de video edi­tors with 5000 MB/s read/write speeds in low temperatures.


Lea­ding the indus­try into AMOLED 4K

At the other end of the spec­trum the­re is demand for pro­fes­sio­nals who need to pre­sent their demos and editing on the go. Sin­ce 2017, GIGABYTE’s AERO 15 lap­top con­ti­nues to recei­ve prai­se from the media and cus­to­mers ali­ke, with two con­se­cu­ti­ve years of reco­gni­ti­on from NVIDIA® CEO Jen­sen Huang, by per­so­nal­ly show­ca­sing the lap­top at the world’s lar­gest elec­tro­nic show (CES) and naming the AERO as a new gene­ra­ti­on of thin and light per­for­mance laptops.

The AERO series is now recei­ving a fresh rede­sign in both appearance and per­for­mance. And for the first time GIGABYTE will release a 17” model for tho­se who crea­te con­tent con­stant­ly on a mobi­le PC. Both 15” and 17” AERO come with the latest Intel and NVIDIA tech­no­lo­gies, and lead the indus­try by being the first to offer a 4K Sam­sung AMOLED dis­play. Not only does it sup­port a 100% DCI-P3 color gamut which offers a 25% wider ran­ge of colors than the tra­di­tio­nal sRGB, but it also meets the VESA Dis­play HDR 400 stan­dard. Cou­pled with being Xri­te™ Pan­to­ne® cali­bra­ted and cer­ti­fied befo­re it lea­ves the fac­to­ry, the AERO series lap­tops pro­du­ce more details and color accu­ra­cy than com­pe­ting pro­ducts with a tra­di­tio­nal LCD, offe­ring desi­gners and con­tent crea­tors ali­ke a vivid repre­sen­ta­ti­on of their ima­gi­na­ti­ve worlds.


Upgrade Your Life

At the fore­front of inno­va­ti­on, GIGABYTE echo­es the show’s main the­mes to show­ca­se key solu­ti­ons for the intel­li­gent gene­ra­ti­on. Com­putex is the time of year for Taiwan’s most bril­li­ant minds in the indus­try to come tog­e­ther and show­ca­se future inno­va­tions. As the show gets under­way, GIGABYTE is pri­med and rea­dy to exhi­bit its smart solu­ti­ons that will pro­pel 5G tech­no­lo­gy advance­ment and uphold its capa­bi­li­ty to “Upgrade Your Life”. From May 28th to June 1st GIGABYTE expects to share tech­no­lo­gy insights and explo­re future endea­vors with inno­va­tors from around the glo­be at Nan­gang Exhi­bi­ti­on Cen­ter Hall 2 ‚Tai­pei TAIWAN.



New AERO series lap­tops VIP launch event

Loca­ti­on: CTBC Finan­cial Park Buil­ding A. 3F Luxu­ry Ball­room, Tai­pei TAIWAN

Time: 12:00pm May 28th (regis­tra­ti­on starts at 11:30AM)


AORUS Com­putex press event

Loca­ti­on: The One @Taipei 101, Tai­pei TAIWAN

Time: from 15:30 to 18:00 on May 28th

Plea­se fol­low the link regis­ter: