WinSCP 5.15.2

Die Open-Source-Soft­ware Win­SCP von Mar­tin Prik­ryl ist ein SFTP‑, FTP‑, Web­DAV- und S3-Cli­ent für Win­dows, der auch das alte SCP-Pro­to­koll unter­stützt. Die Free­ware bie­tet einen geschütz­ten Daten- und Datei­trans­fer zwi­schen ver­schie­de­nen Rech­nern und ermög­licht die Nut­zung ver­schlüs­sel­ter “Tun­nel”.

Release Notes der Ver­si­on 5.15.2:

  • TLS/SSL core upgraded to Open­S­SL 1.0.2s.
  • SSH pri­va­te key tools (PuT­TY­gen and Pageant) upgraded to latest deve­lo­p­ment snapshot of PuT­TY (2019–05-13.45be166). It brings the fol­lo­wing change: 
  • Trans­la­ti­ons updated: Dutch and Polish.
  • Not scan­ning unvi­si­ted net­work fol­ders to speed up start up and brow­sing. 1737
  • Start­ing main win­dow with the last user local fol­der ins­tead of always start­ing in Docu­ments fol­der. 1740
  • When ren­aming an ad-hoc site, using a gene­ra­ted fri­end­ly name as a start.
  • Bug fix: Some nume­ri­cal fol­ders are dupli­ca­ted in remo­te direc­to­ry tree. 1736
  • Bug fix: Ad hoc site ope­ned from a workspace show­ed its inter­nal num­ber a name ins­tead of a fri­end­ly gene­ra­ted name.
  • Bug fix: Fail­ure in .NET assem­bly when ProgramFiles(x86) envi­ron­ment varia­ble is not set and Win­SCP exe­cu­ta­ble can­not be found any­whe­re. 1741
  • Bug fix: Key­board acce­le­ra­tor for Octal box on Pro­per­ties dia­log does not work. 1743
  • Bug fix: Fail­ure when .NET assem­bly times out wai­ting for Win­SCP to start. 1744
  • Bug fix: Fail­ure when shut­ting down Win­dows. 1746
  • Bug fix: Two con­se­cu­ti­ve dif­fe­rent file mask deli­mi­t­ers are pro­ces­sed incor­rect­ly. 1745
  • Bug fix: Fail­ure when undo­cking tool­bar on a sys­tem with mul­ti­ple moni­tors with dif­fe­rent DPI1748
  • Bug fix: Fail­ure after a ses­si­on lost while in Con­so­le dia­log is recon­nec­ted. 1749
Down­load: Win­SCP & Win­SCP Portable
Ver­si­on 5.12.2
Ver­öf­fent­licht am: 29.05.2019
Betriebs­sys­tem: Win­dows
Lizenz: Open Source
Web­sei­te: Win­SCP






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