PuTTY 0.72

PuT­TY ist ein Open Source Cli­ent-Pro­gramm für die Netz­werk­pro­to­kol­le SSH, Tel­net und Rlo­g­in, mit dem ver­schlüs­sel­te Ver­bin­dun­gen zu Remo­te-Rech­nern her­ge­stellt wer­den kann.


The­se fea­tures are new in 0.72 (released 2019-07-20):

  • Secu­ri­ty fixes found by the EU-fun­ded bug bounty: 
    • two sepa­ra­te vul­nerabi­li­ties affec­ting the obso­le­te SSH‑1 pro­to­col, both available befo­re host key checking
    • a vul­nerabi­li­ty in all the SSH cli­ent tools (PuT­TY, Plink, PSFTP and PSCP) if a mali­cious pro­gram can imper­so­na­te Pageant
  • Bug fix: crash in GSSAPI / Ker­be­ros key exch­an­ge affec­ting third-par­ty GSSAPI pro­vi­ders on Win­dows (such as MIT Ker­be­ros for Windows)
  • Bug fix: crash in GSSAPI / Ker­be­ros key exch­an­ge trig­ge­red if the ser­ver pro­vi­ded an ordi­na­ry SSH host key as part of the exchange
  • Bug fix: trust sigils were never tur­ned off in SSH‑1 or Rlogin
  • Bug fix: trust sigils were never tur­ned back on if you used Restart Session
  • Bug fix: PSCP in SCP down­load mode could crea­te files with a spu­rious new­li­ne at the end of their names
  • Bug fix: PSCP in SCP down­load mode with the -p opti­on would gene­ra­te spu­rious com­plaints about ille­gal file renaming
  • Bug fix: the initi­al ins­truc­tion mes­sa­ge was never prin­ted during SSH keyboard-interactive authentication
  • Bug fix: pas­ting very long lines through con­nec­tion sha­ring could crash the down­stream PuT­TY window
  • Bug fix: in key­board lay­outs with a ‘,’ key on the nume­ric key­pad (e.g. Ger­man), Win­dows PuT­TY would gene­ra­te ‘.’ ins­tead for that key
  • Bug fix: PuT­TY­gen could gene­ra­te RSA keys with a modulus one bit shorter than requested
Down­load: PuT­TY
Ver­si­on: 0.72
Datei­grö­ße 2,34  bis 3,03 MiB
Ver­öf­fent­licht am: 20.07.2019
Betriebs­sys­tem: Win­dows, Linux 
Lizenz: Open Source
Web­sei­te PuT­TY