WinSCP 5.15.3

Die Open-Source-Soft­ware Win­SCP von Mar­tin Prik­ryl ist ein SFTP‑, FTP‑, Web­DAV- und S3-Cli­ent für Win­dows, der auch das alte SCP-Pro­to­koll unter­stützt. Die Free­ware bie­tet einen geschütz­ten Daten- und Datei­trans­fer zwi­schen ver­schie­de­nen Rech­nern und ermög­licht die Nut­zung ver­schlüs­sel­ter “Tun­nel”.


Release Notes der Ver­si­on 5.15.3:
  • Back-pro­pa­ga­ted SSH secu­ri­ty fixes from PuT­TY 0.72:
  • SSH pri­va­te key tools (PuT­TY­gen and Pageant) upgraded to PuT­TY 0.72.
  • Using recom­men­ded sizes of icons when instal­led from Micro­soft Store. 1754
  • XML par­ser upgraded to Expat 2.2.7.
  • Trans­la­ti­ons updated: Hun­ga­ri­an, Sim­pli­fied Chi­ne­se and Spanish.
  • File panel incre­men­tal search can be dis­ab­led using raw con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on set­ting. 1742
  • Retry­ing dele­ting fake tem­po­ra­ry fol­der crea­ted when pas­ting remo­te files to Win­dows File Explo­rer. 1765
  • Bug fix: With every start on a moni­tor with dif­fe­rent DPI than the pri­ma­ry moni­tor, dimen­si­ons of the win­dow and some of its com­pon­ents chan­ge slight­ly. 1750
  • Bug fix: Speed limit does not work with S3 pro­to­col. 1755
  • Bug fix: Site fol­der loses names of its sites. 1756
  • Bug fix: Compa­re Files exten­si­on can­not hand­le paths with spaces. 1760
  • Bug fix: Local recy­cle bin is unin­ten­tio­nal­ly scan­ned, slo­wing down brow­sing. 1761
  • Bug fix: .NET assem­bly debug log file timestamps shows as GMT, while they are actual­ly local times. 1762
  • Bug fix: Can­not upload files over 50 GB to S31764
  • Bug fix: When using a local cus­tom com­mand from Syn­chro­niza­ti­on check­list win­dow, ope­ned from a com­mand-line, the con­nec­tion was closed.
  • Bug fix: When saving an edi­ted site or default set­tings, Win­SCP prompt­ed for the mas­ter pass­word, even when the site does not have any pass­word to protect.
  • Bug fix: When ope­ning a con­nec­tion from a com­mand-line, which does not have a local direc­to­ry set yet, local panel is ope­ned empty.
Down­load: Win­SCP & Win­SCP Portable
Ver­si­on 5.15.3
Ver­öf­fent­licht am: 21.07.2019
Betriebs­sys­tem: Win­dows
Lizenz: Open Source