Marvell Unveils Industry’s Lowest Power PCIe Gen4 NVMe SSD Controllers

Offers unparalleled performance-power benefits for emerging edge computing and cloud data center applications

San­ta Cla­ra, Cali­for­nia (August 1, 2019) – Mar­vell (NASDAQ:MRVL) today released the industry’s lowest power PCIe® Gen4 NVMe™ solid-sta­te dri­ve (SSD) con­trol­ler port­fo­lio.  Marvell’s newest SSD con­trol­lers are desi­gned to meet the need for lower power and hig­her per­for­mance in next-gene­ra­ti­on data cen­ters and edge devices as arti­fi­ci­al intel­li­gence (AI) and 5G gain momen­tum.  This breakth­rough tech­no­lo­gy deli­vers unpar­al­le­led per­for­mance in an ultra-com­pact foot­print, lever­aging the company’s com­plex sys­tem-on-chip (SoC) design exper­ti­se and ground­brea­king sto­rage IP to help data cen­ter, note­book, tablet, gam­ing and edge com­pu­ting plat­form archi­tects advan­ce their solu­ti­ons for the high­ly dis­tri­bu­ted data era. 

Marvell’s latest fami­ly of sto­rage con­trol­lers has been archi­tec­ted to opti­mal­ly address edge com­pu­ting and data cen­ter pain points of power-per­for­mance and capa­ci­ty-per­for­mance,” said Nigel Alva­res, vice pre­si­dent of mar­ke­ting for the Flash Busi­ness Unit at Mar­vell Semi­con­duc­tor, Inc.  “With today’s launch, we’re once again demons­t­ra­ting Marvell’s lea­der­ship in sto­rage, deli­ve­ring the industry’s first 4‑Channel PCIe Gen4 NVMe SSD con­trol­lers with the industry’s lowest power con­sump­ti­on that will help revo­lu­tio­ni­ze SSD solu­ti­ons for the data economy.”

Eco­sys­tem Support

AMD recent­ly intro­du­ced the world’s first PCIe® 4.0 rea­dy desk­top PC plat­form, the 3rd Gene­ra­ti­on AMD Ryzen™ pro­ces­sor and AMD X570 chip­set for socket AM4,” said Chris Kilb­urn, cor­po­ra­te vice pre­si­dent and gene­ral mana­ger, Cli­ent Chan­nel, AMD. “We are deligh­ted with the Mar­vell DRAM-less PCIe Gen4 SSD con­trol­ler hel­ping bring the increased band­width and per­for­mance requi­red to ele­va­te the user expe­ri­ence with next gene­ra­ti­on com­pu­ting devices.”

As a stra­te­gic sto­rage part­ner of Leno­vo, we are dedi­ca­ted to trans­forming our cus­to­mers’ expe­ri­ence with tech­no­lo­gy inno­va­ti­on,” said JP Yang, gene­ral mana­ger of SSD BU, Uni­on Memo­ry (a Leno­vo com­pa­ny).  “The PCIe Gen4 host inter­face, high-speed 1200MT/s NAND flash inter­face and low power 12nm tech­no­lo­gy of the Mar­vell SSD con­trol­lers sup­port our visi­on of brin­ging signi­fi­cant value with supe­ri­or power-per­for­mance in small form fac­tors, low laten­cy for fast wake-up and pro­lon­ged bat­tery life operation.” 

We have work­ed clo­se­ly with Mar­vell to vali­da­te Micron’s high-per­for­mance, 96-lay­er NAND com­pon­ents sup­port­ing 1.2 GT/s inter­face with its PCIe Gen4 SSD con­trol­ler fami­ly,” said Arie Tal, seni­or direc­tor of busi­ness deve­lo­p­ment for the Con­su­mer and Com­pon­ents Group at Micron Tech­no­lo­gy. “Marvell’s opti­mi­zed con­trol­lers will allow our mutu­al cus­to­mers to deli­ver inno­va­ti­ve, low-power, small form fac­tor SSD solu­ti­ons for emer­ging data cen­ter, edge com­pu­ting and PC OEM use cases.”

Mar­vell and Toshi­ba Memo­ry Cor­po­ra­ti­on have a strong estab­lished rela­ti­onship deli­ve­ring best-in-class SSD offe­rings for mar­kets that span cli­ent to cloud data cen­ter,” said Hiroo Ohta, tech­no­lo­gy exe­cu­ti­ve, Toshi­ba Memo­ry Cor­po­ra­ti­on.  “We belie­ve Marvell’s PCIe Gen4 con­trol­ler pro­duct fami­ly com­bi­ned with our TLC, QLC and XL-FLASH BiCS FLASH™ Gen. 4 devices will enable new edge and data cen­ter sto­rage archi­tec­tu­re solu­ti­ons uti­li­zing flash technology.”

Advan­cing Next-Gene­ra­ti­on Technology

The Mar­vell SSD con­trol­ler port­fo­lio of devices, inclu­ding the 88SS1321, 88SS1322 and 88SS1323, repre­sent the industry’s first PCIe Gen4 DRAM and DRAM-less SSD con­trol­lers to be fabri­ca­ted on a 12nm pro­cess.  With sup­port cove­ring all exis­ting and emer­ging m.2 (22110 to 2230), BGA, EDSFF and U.2 SSD form fac­tors, the con­trol­ler fami­ly is ide­al for cloud data cen­ter ser­ver com­pu­te sto­rage, enter­pri­se boot dri­ves, PC cli­ent sto­rage and gam­ing sto­rage as well as emer­ging indus­tri­al and edge device applications. 

Important­ly, the new Mar­vell solu­ti­ons will enable next-gene­ra­ti­on 3D and QLC NAND devices that maxi­mi­ze cost effi­ci­en­cy and redu­ce total cost of owner­ship.  The ultra-com­pact DRAM-less con­trol­ler archi­tec­tu­re allows for a stand-alo­ne SSD con­trol­ler and NAND unit to be moun­ted side-by-side on a sin­gle-sided ultra-com­pact m.2230 form fac­tor SSD.  This signi­fi­cant space savings enables plat­form OEMs more room to house bat­tery packs ver­sus m.2280 SSDs, while also pro­vi­ding bet­ter per­for­mance com­pared to PCIe Gen 3x4 SSDs and lower power con­sump­ti­on com­pared to eight NAND chan­nel con­trol­ler-based SSDs.

Marvell’s revo­lu­tio­na­ry SSD con­trol­lers are available for sam­pling today.  For more infor­ma­ti­on, plea­se visit:

Mar­vell will show­ca­se its SSD con­trol­ler pro­duct line at the Flash Memo­ry Sum­mit, August 6–8, at the San­ta Cla­ra Con­ven­ti­on Cen­ter (Expo Booth #511, Exhi­bit Hall A).  Nigel Alva­res’ con­fe­rence key­note, “Inno­va­ti­ve Chip­set Solu­ti­ons for Acce­le­ra­ting the Data Eco­no­my” takes place on August 7 at 2:10 p.m.

About Mar­vell

Mar­vell first revo­lu­tio­ni­zed the digi­tal sto­rage indus­try by moving infor­ma­ti­on at speeds never thought pos­si­ble. Today, that same breakth­rough inno­va­ti­on remains at the heart of the company’s sto­rage, pro­ces­sing, net­wor­king, secu­ri­ty and con­nec­ti­vi­ty solu­ti­ons. With lea­ding intellec­tu­al pro­per­ty and deep sys­tem-level know­ledge, Marvell’s semi­con­duc­tor solu­ti­ons con­ti­nue to trans­form the enter­pri­se, cloud, auto­mo­ti­ve, indus­tri­al, and con­su­mer mar­kets. To learn more, visit:


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