Rufus 3.7

Mit dem Open-Source Pro­gramm Rufus kann man USB-Spei­cher­me­di­en schnell und ein­fach for­ma­tie­ren und boot­fä­hig machen. Man kann damit zum Bei­spiel USB-Instal­la­ti­ons­me­di­en aus boot­fä­hi­gen ISOs erstel­len (Win­dows, Linux, UEFI, usw.) oder ein ande­res Betriebs­sys­tem nut­zen oder einen Boot­stick erstel­len und damit an einem Sys­tem arbei­ten, auf dem kein Betriebs­sys­tem instal­liert ist.



  • Fina­li­ze per­sis­tent par­ti­ti­on sup­port for Debi­an and Ubuntu: 
    • Debi­an with per­sis­tence should work out of the box with any recent Debi­an Live ISO.
    • Ubun­tu with per­sis­tence should also work IF using a post 2019.08.01 ISO (such as dai­ly-live)
      Note that, becau­se of bug #1489855, try­ing to use per­sis­tence with Ubun­tu ISOs that were released befo­re August 2019 will only result in res­cue mode during boot — You have been warned!
    • Other dis­tros may work with per­sis­tence as long as they use a Debi­an-like or Ubun­tu-like method, and, in the case of Ubun­tu-like, if they use cas­per with the #1489855 bugfix.
  • Add cheat mode (Alt) to switch bet­ween per­cent completed/transfer rate/time remai­ning on some ope­ra­ti­ons [EXPERIMENTAL]
  • Report SuperSpeed+ devices in the log (Come on USB-IF, just add “Ludicrous Speed” already!)
  • Fix UI check­bo­xes (Extended labelFixes for old BIOSes) being cle­ared on START
  • Fix Can't mount GUID volume regres­si­on when crea­ting Win­dows To Go dri­ves [#1351]
  • Fix Volume label is invalid error with emp­ty labels on Win­dows 7 [#1352]
  • Fix sta­le pro­gress bar during stan­da­lo­ne ext2/ext3 formatting
  • Fix an extra­c­tion fail­ure with R‑Drive Image boota­ble ISOs
  • Disable ISO mode for Pop_OS
  • Other cos­me­tic and inter­nal improvements


Down­load: Rufus (Git­Hub)
Ver­si­on: 3.7 (build 1576)
Datei­grö­ße 1,09 MiB
Ver­öf­fent­licht am: 09.09.2019
Betriebs­sys­tem: ab Win­dows 7
Lizenz: Open Source