Exasol and AMD Achieve World Record Results on TPC‑H Benchmark

Best ever” results for a 1 TB scale factor on industry standard decision support benchmark were achieved with AMD EPYC™ 7002 series processors


Lon­don, 10 Sep­tem­ber 2019 – Exa­sol, the ana­ly­tics data­ba­se, is proud to announ­ce world record “best ever” results on indus­try stan­dard decis­i­on sup­port bench­mark TPC‑H. Exa­sol has main­tai­ned its posi­ti­on as the undis­pu­ted lea­der – by a signi­fi­cant mar­gin – for both raw per­for­mance and pri­ce-per­for­mance for over a deca­de across seve­ral cate­go­ries. In July, the com­pa­ny announ­ced out­stan­ding results for 3 TB and 10 TB sca­le fac­tors. Now, run­ning the bench­mark on AMD EPYC™ 7002 series pro­ces­sor-based ser­vers, records have been bro­ken for the 1 TB sca­le fac­tor category.

We are very exci­ted to be working with AMD on new and more ambi­tious bench­marks to put both Exa­sol and AMD EPYC pro­ces­sor-based ser­vers to the test. The results we have achie­ved with the new gene­ra­ti­on pro­ces­sors are the best ever for this cate­go­ry in par­ti­cu­lar,” said Mathi­as Golom­bek, CTO at Exasol.

The bench­mark was com­ple­ted on a sca­le fac­tor of 1 Tera­byte (TB) on 4 nodes and 8 nodes, demons­t­ra­ting out­stan­ding sca­la­bi­li­ty and brea­king records for per­for­mance and pri­ce-per­for­mance. At over 6.1 mil­li­on QphH@1TB, this is the best per­for­mance ever recor­ded at the 1 TB sca­le fac­tor. The pri­ce per per­for­mance result, also the best ever recor­ded for this cate­go­ry, is $0.06.

The­se results, available as of 31 July 2019, demons­tra­te Exasol’s speed, sca­la­bi­li­ty and cost/performance which have con­sis­t­ent­ly domi­na­ted the TPC‑H bench­marks sin­ce 2008. The latest results were achie­ved with Exa­sol 6.2 run­ning on a clus­ter of eight HPE Pro­Li­ant DL325 Gen10 ser­vers, each with one AMD EPYCTM 7702 64 core processor.

We are plea­sed that Exa­sol has once more achie­ved remar­kab­le bench­mark results, this time using 2nd Gene­ra­ti­on AMD EPYC pro­ces­sor-based ser­vers,” said Rag­hu Nam­bi­ar, cor­po­ra­te vice pre­si­dent and CTO, Dat­a­cen­ter Eco­sys­tems & Appli­ca­ti­on Engi­nee­ring, AMD. “Per­for­mance demands are incre­asing but IT bud­gets and data cen­ter space are not. Built on 7nm tech­no­lo­gy, AMD EPYC™ 7002 Series pro­ces­sors pack more cores and more capa­bi­li­ty into the same space as the pre­vious gene­ra­ti­on, deli­ve­ring excep­tio­nal per­for­mance and scalability”

Over the years, the­re have been over 220 recor­ded TPC‑H bench­marks. Many data­ba­se ven­dors have pos­ted results on a vast ran­ge of hard­ware and at various sca­le fac­tors up to 100TB. By run­ning the same unbi­a­sed scripts, you can compa­re data­ba­se ven­dor with data­ba­se ven­dor – and you can often see how well the same data­ba­se runs on dif­fe­rent hardware.



The full TPC‑H bench­mark results are as fol­lows and are available as of 07/31/19. Full results can be found in the link pro­vi­ded below.

SF 1000
Avai­la­bi­li­ty Date: 07/31/19
Per­for­mance: 6,145,628 QphH@1000GB
Price/Performance: 0.06 USD per QphH@1000GB
Sys­tem: 8x HPE Pro­Li­ant DL325 Gen10 ser­vers, each with:

256 GB RAM, 1x AMD EPYCTM 7702, 1x 1.6TB NVMe

Refe­rence URLhttp://www.tpc.org/3341
Claims Cur­rent of: 07/31/19


About the TPC‑H benchmarks

The TPC‑H bench­mark is a per­for­mance test of the TPC, a non-pro­fit cor­po­ra­ti­on foun­ded to defi­ne data­ba­se bench­marks and to dis­se­mi­na­te objec­ti­ve, veri­fia­ble per­for­mance data to the indus­try. The TPC‑H bench­mark is a decis­i­on sup­port bench­mark; it con­sists of a suite of busi­ness-ori­en­ted ad-hoc queries and con­cur­rent data modi­fi­ca­ti­ons. The queries and the data popu­la­ting the data­ba­se have been cho­sen to have broad indus­try-wide rele­van­ce. This bench­mark illus­tra­tes decis­i­on sup­port sys­tems that exami­ne lar­ge volu­mes of data, exe­cu­te queries with a high degree of com­ple­xi­ty, and give ans­wers to cri­ti­cal busi­ness questions.


About Exasol

Exa­sol is the ana­ly­tics data­ba­se. Its high-per­for­mance in-memo­ry ana­ly­tics data­ba­se gives orga­niza­ti­ons the power to trans­form how they work with data, on-pre­mi­ses, in the cloud or both – and turn it into value fas­ter, easier and more cost effec­tively than ever before.

To learn more about Exa­sol plea­se visit www.exasol.com