Schlagwort: Exasol

Exasol and AMD Achieve World Record Results on TPC‑H Benchmark

Best ever” results for a 1 TB sca­le fac­tor on indus­try stan­dard decis­i­on sup­port bench­mark were achie­ved with AMD EPYC™ 7002 series pro­ces­sors   Lon­don, 10 Sep­tem­ber 2019 – Exa­sol, the ana­ly­tics data­ba­se, is proud to announ­ce world record “best ever” results on indus­try stan­dard decis­i­on sup­port bench­mark TPC‑H. Exa­sol has main­tai­ned its posi­ti­on as the (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

Exasol Breaks TPC‑H Benchmark Price-Performance Records on AMD EPYC Processor

The bench­mark ran across two cate­go­ries, brea­king records in all Lon­don, 10 July 2019 – Exa­sol, the ana­ly­tics data­ba­se, is proud to announ­ce out­stan­ding results in a new TPC‑H bench­mark. Exa­sol has main­tai­ned its posi­ti­on as the undis­pu­ted lea­der – by a signi­fi­cant mar­gin – for both raw per­for­mance and pri­ce-per­­for­­mance for over a deca­de. Now, run­ning (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »