Tai­pei, Tai­wan – MSI, the most powerful mother­board brand, announ­ces that our brand new AMD high-end mother­boards are on a shelf, tog­e­ther with the launch of the new 3rd Gen AMD Ryzen Thre­ad­rip­per pro­ces­sors and TRX40 chip­set. The new 3rd Gen AMD Ryzen Thre­ad­rip­per pro­ces­sors adopt 7nm archi­tec­tu­re which sup­ports the latest PCIe 4.0 tech­no­lo­gy and pro­vi­de advan­ced per­for­mance with memo­ry fre­quen­cy and capa­ci­ty. It is noti­ceable that the pre­vious X399 mother­boards are not com­pa­ti­ble with the 3rd Gen Ryzen Thre­ad­rip­per pro­ces­sors. The­r­e­fo­re, MSI is well-pre­pared with three TRX40 mother­boards for various use, inclu­ding Crea­tor TRX40, TRX40 PRO 10G and TRX40 PRO WIFI to satis­fy any type of users.


To meet the most deman­ding requi­re­ments for con­tent crea­ti­on pro­ces­ses, Crea­tor TRX40 mother­board is well-desi­gned in every respect. In terms of design, the con­cept fol­lows the craft of “crys­tal.” The crys­tal design reflects the light magi­cal­ly with mil­li­ons of color effects. Crea­tor TRX40 also fea­tures the best hard­ware design for maxi­mum per­for­mance and long-las­ting operation.


To make sure that Crea­tor TRX40 can maxi­mi­ze the per­for­mance of the most high-end AMD pro­ces­sors, ther­mal design is defi­ni­te­ly an important issue. Crea­tor TRX40 is built with a well-con­s­truc­ted alu­mi­num design, enlar­ging heats­ink size that con­ta­ins more sur­face to cool down CPU, exten­ded heat-pipe and a sta­cked Fin Array to maxi­mi­ze the heat dis­si­pa­ti­on effect with ste­ady air­cur­rent and enlar­ge the radia­ting area. For chip­set ther­mal design, Frozr Heats­ink includes dou­ble ball bea­rings paten­ted fan with Pro­pel­ler Bla­de Tech­no­lo­gy to gene­ra­te more air­flow and gua­ran­tees dura­bi­li­ty. Fur­ther­mo­re, all three M.2 slots are cover­ed with dou­ble side M.2 Shield Frozr to avo­id thrott­ling of M.2 devices.


Fea­turing the latest PCIe 4.0 tech­no­lo­gy, the Light­ning Gen 4 solu­ti­on pro­vi­des the fas­test PCI‑E data trans­fer band­width with 64GB/s. PCIe 4.0 also ensu­res both back­ward and for­ward com­pa­ti­bi­li­ty with older and newer spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons. To car­ry the incre­asing­ly hea­vier gra­phics card, PCI‑E Steel Armor sup­ports more weight with extra sol­dier points and pre­vents elec­tro­ma­gne­tic inter­fe­rence. Crea­tor TRX40 is equip­ped with tri­ple Light­ning Gen 4 M.2 slots, which is the fas­test onboard sto­rage solu­ti­on to offer up to 64 Gb/s trans­fer speed.


Crea­tor TRX40 mother­board is built with an aggres­si­ve VRM design. For hea­vy pro­ces­sor loa­ding ope­ra­ti­on, 16 pha­ses 70A digi­tal power gua­ran­tees pre­cise and undis­tor­ted power deli­very to the pro­ces­sor and high power car­ry­ing capa­ci­ty. Dou­ble 8‑pin power con­nec­tors offers sta­ble power sup­p­ly to avo­id shut­down or other serious issues. Core Boost has been an MSI ico­nic tech­no­lo­gy for CPU power trans­mis­si­on sys­tem. The opti­mi­zed cir­cuit design reta­ins the high qua­li­ty power deli­very com­pon­ents in cer­tain area to deli­ver accu­ra­te current.


Deman­ding crea­tors and pro­sumers must be very con­cer­ned about net­work solu­ti­on. Crea­tor TRX40 is equip­ped with Dual LAN inclu­ding a 10G Super LAN. 10G Super LAN offers up to 10Gbps high-band­width and lower laten­cy, in com­bi­na­ti­on with other 10G-sup­port­ed devices to gain incre­di­ble data trans­fer speed while trans­fer­ring 4K vide­os, huge size pic­tures and other lar­ge files. For both Ether­net and Intra­net con­nec­tion, Dual LAN is the best solu­ti­on to redu­ce time-was­ting ope­ra­ti­on such as red­un­dan­cy, team­ing, or load balan­cing. Also, the latest Wi-Fi 6 AX solu­ti­on sup­ports up to 3x band­width and 4x net­work capa­ci­ty with two-way MU-MIMO tech­no­lo­gy for bet­ter efficiency.


Spe­ci­fi­cal­ly desi­gned for crea­tors, Crea­tor TRX40 is equip­ped with total 19x USB ports, which means desi­gners do not have to unplug and plug devices all the time due to lack of USB ports. Bes­i­des, Crea­tor TRX40 also offers the latest USB 3.2 Gen 2x2 solu­ti­on. The trans­fer speed is four times fas­ter than the most com­mon USB 3.2 Gen1 solu­ti­on. This is a gre­at impro­ve­ment for desi­gners as they have to spend a lot of time to trans­fer lar­ge data and files. In terms of the latest USB 3.2 Gen 2x2 solu­ti­on, the­re are alre­a­dy a num­ber of pro­ducts out to sup­port USB 3.2 Gen 2x2. For ins­tance, Wes­tern Digi­tal recent­ly intro­du­ced “WD_BLACKP50 Game Dri­ve SSD” that will be coming soon and fea­tures USB 3.2 Gen 2x2 inter­face, pushing the read speed up to 2000 MB/s.
Total 19x USB Ports


For pro­fes­sio­nal and office use, TRX40 PRO 10G and TRX40 PRO WIFI mother­boards are desi­gned to satis­fy various work­flows. Enhan­ced power design includes 12+3 digi­tal power pha­ses and dual 8 pin EPS-12V power con­nec­tors. With MSI exten­ded PWM heats­ink, heat-pipe, and Frozr heats­ink, the excel­lent ther­mal design ensu­res best heat dis­si­pa­ti­on effects while run­ning at full speed with high-end pro­ces­sor. Bes­i­des, two Light­ning Gen 4 M.2 slots are both equip­ped with M.2 Shield Frozr heats­inks for bet­ter pro­tec­tion and pre­vent throttling.
Wi-Fi 6 AX Solution
TRX40 PRO 10G and TRX40 PRO WIFI all have M.2 XPANDER‑Z GEN 4 add-on card expands 2x M.2 slots with heats­ink and fan for more storage.

MSI TRX40 Motherboards

Crea­tor TRX40