ASRock TRX40 Creator and Taichi Superior Design, Superior Performance, Best in Class

With superior performance comes a feature rich motherboard layered on an AMD Platform

TAIPEI, Tai­wan, Novem­ber 7th, 2019 – The lea­ding glo­bal mother­board, manu­fac­tu­rer, ASRock, is proud to announ­ce its latest two AMD™ powered mother­boards that are built on the AMD 3rd gene­ra­ti­on Ryzen Thre­ad­rip­per plat­form. The ASRock TRX40 comes in two fla­vors, the TRX40 Crea­tor and the TRX40 Tai­chi. Both are super cool mother­boards that extend the mea­ning of qua­li­ty and pushes the boun­da­ries of tech.

The lea­ding glo­bal mother­board, manu­fac­tu­rer, ASRock, is proud to announ­ce its latest two AMD™ powered mother­boards that are built on the AMD 3rd gene­ra­ti­on Ryzen Thre­ad­rip­per plat­form. The ASRock TRX40 comes in two fla­vors, the TRX40 Crea­tor and the TRX40 Tai­chi. Both are super cool mother­boards that extend the mea­ning of qua­li­ty and pushes the boun­da­ries of tech.

TRX40 Creator — Create consistent and smooth content without a hiccup

Crea­ting con­tent, images or video, requi­res a sta­ble machi­ne with good specs and relia­ble com­pon­ents. The TRX40 Crea­tor bears the hall­marks of a stur­dy ship powered by AMD’s Ryzen chip­set and dedi­ca­ted gra­phics so all design work flows smooth­ly wit­hout sin­king com­pon­ents. Trust ASRock to pro­vi­de design qua­li­ty with speed and uncom­pro­mi­sing work­man­ship within a design mas­ter­pie­ce. It stands out in the crowd as it sup­ports Nvidia’s Qua­dro gra­phics cards and it ful­ly sup­ports the Qua­dro SLI which is the best tool for crea­ting VR content.

The TRX40 Crea­tor sup­ports tri­ple hyper M.2 which is the next gene­ra­ti­on PCI Express 4.0 SSD chap­ter. It can per­form twice the speed and offers trans­fer speeds of up to 64Gbps which is light­ning fast for any mother­board and is cru­cial for any pro­fes­sio­nal nee­ding fast ren­de­ring or media pro­ces­sing. With the TRX40 Crea­tor each M.2 will have its own heats­ink to ensu­re high speed sto­rage devices always per­form at its best wit­hout any ther­mal issues.

Fast isn’t only about the pro­ces­sor, you need to be able to trans­fer your data at the speed of sound as well. The new 10Gbps net­work stan­dard spe­ci­al­ly desi­gned to satis­fy the user who is see­king imme­dia­te per­for­mance impro­ve­ments enhan­ces the qua­li­ty of media rich data trans­fers. Based on AQUANTIA’s AQti­on™ 10Gbps BASE‑T Ether­net cli­ent con­trol­ler, it offers bla­zin­gly fast 10-giga­bit per sec trans­fer speeds over Cat6 cabling, giving light­ning fast trans­fer speeds, per­fect for media cen­ter, work­sta­tion and gam­ing PCs.

You’­re not only get­ting fast data through the cables, ASRock TRX40 Crea­tor pro­vi­des the latest Wi-Fi 6 boost with the 802.11ax pro­to­col. 802.11ax works up to 2.4Gbps and natively ope­ra­tes in both 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz band­widths simul­ta­neous­ly. Signi­fi­cant impro­ve­ments in bi-direc­tion­al MU-MIMO gives zero laten­cy and a 40% boost than cur­rent Wi-Fi con­nec­tions. offers bla­zing fast net­work speeds so 4K files and lar­ge image trans­fers across wire­less net­works are ste­ady and a breeze.

TRX40 Taichi — Overclocks and provides abundant expandability

Over­clo­cking is a rite of pas­sa­ge for gamers and ner­dy media pro­fes­sio­nals and the TRX40 impro­ves on that becau­se it alre­a­dy runs at super­so­nic speed which deli­vers hig­her per­for­mance and hig­her power con­sump­ti­on on the TRX40 plat­form. The TRX40 Tai­chi mother­board is bold to chall­enge the limit and tog­e­ther with other expan­da­ble com­pon­ents deli­vers what unques­tionab­ly is tech­no­lo­gy nirvana.

Extre­me gamers and PC enthu­si­asts can never have too much high-speed sto­rage devices to sup­port their gam­ing cravings.The TRX40 Tai­chi comes bund­led with Hyper Quad M.2 Card which sup­ports an addi­tio­nal 4 more PCIe Gen4x4 NVMe M.2 sto­rage. It offers pre­mi­um coo­ling solu­ti­ons to ensu­re SSD’s always per­form at its best.

If you are loo­king for the quint­essen­ti­al power base of a mother­board, the TRX40 deli­vers the Digi Power Pha­se & 90A Dr. MOS tech­no­lo­gy. It’s a power pha­se design that ensu­res all com­pon­ents are stur­dy and offers a com­ple­te­ly smooth power deli­very to the CPU. Dr. MOS moni­tors cur­rent and tem­pe­ra­tu­re of each pha­se and boosts power and per­for­mance to the CPU so you don’t need to worry about laten­cy or slow power sur­ges, giving a super sta­ble sys­tem and tons of over­clo­cking potential.

The TRX40 Tai­chi brings high per­for­mance but with that comes heat. Heat that is every gamer’s night­ma­re as it drains power and resour­ces. TRX40 Taichi’s ther­mal design is part of its pre­mi­um pedi­gree. An extra-lar­ge alu­mi­num alloy heats­ink with dual coo­ling fans are able to effec­tively take away heat from the MOSFET, giving bet­ter per­for­mance and OC capability.

The ASRock TRX40 mother­board series per­so­ni­fies data trans­fer speeds more so than any other mother­board out the­re by using USB3.2 Gen2x2, with data trans­fer rates up to 20 Gbps, it is twice as fast as pre­vious gene­ra­ti­ons, pushing data trans­fer rates to the max.

For more info plea­se visit
TRX40 Creator:
TRX40 Taichi:

ASRock TRX40 Mother­board series pro­mo­ti­on video: