2020.01.02 4:00 AM

HONG KONG – Janu­ary 2, 2020 – ZOTAC Tech­no­lo­gy, a glo­bal manu­fac­tu­rer of inno­va­ti­on, is exci­ted to expand the ZBOX Mini PC uni­ver­se and debut a new pro­duct seg­ment at the upco­ming CES 2020 in the Cae­sars Palace Forum Suite, Las Vegas.


Pushing the Limits of the ZBOX Mini PC

ZOTAC was the crea­tor of the Mini PC form fac­tor 13 years ago this year. The small foot print, ener­gy effi­ci­en­cy, fle­xi­bi­li­ty, and per­for­mance are irre­sis­ti­ble facts that make the Mini PC a com­pel­ling form fac­tor. Today’s ZBOX Mini PCs are like day and night com­pared to our first Mini PC ent­ry. The inno­va­tions con­ti­nue to expand on pushing ZBOX Mini PCs to desk­top per­for­mance levels, shrin­king the design enve­lo­pe, and intro­du­cing more varie­ty into the ZBOX Mini PC eco­sys­tem.” said ZOTAC CEO, Tony Wong.


Crea­te Today, Ima­gi­ne Tomor­row with Inspi­re Studio

First up will be an exclu­si­ve look at the all-new series, Inspi­re Stu­dio, a dedi­ca­ted line for Crea­tors of media and enter­tain­ment such as vide­os, stun­ning vivid pho­tos, and more. Dres­sed in white, Inspi­re Stu­dio is a uni­que­ly iden­ti­fia­ble, com­pact and power den­se sys­tem com­ple­te with a desk­top-sized ZOTAC GAMING GeForce® RTX SUPER™ gra­phics card pai­red with a 65W 8‑core Intel® Core™ i7 processor.

With 32GB DDR4 memo­ry, 512GB NVMe M.2 SSD, a 2TB HDD, WiFi 6 and dual Ether­net con­nec­ti­vi­ty, and rea­dy to go with Win­dows 10 Pro, the pro­fes­sio­nal-class sys­tem enables crea­tors to acce­le­ra­te their crea­ti­ve work­flow in today’s most-used crea­ti­ve applications.


ZBOX on Edge

Intro­du­cing the ZBOX edge line of Mini PCs, an ultra-thin form fac­tor equip­ped with up to an Intel Core i5 pro­ces­sor. With today’s ever expan­ding con­nec­ted land­scape, more dedi­ca­ted, local­ly resour­ced com­pu­ting is nee­ded to sit at the outer edges to coll­ect and store IoT device data. Edge com­pu­ting looks to alle­via­te over­head, resour­ces, and band­width of cen­tral­ly loca­ted super­com­pu­ter dat­a­cen­ters and will play a more pro­mi­nent role in the future of IoT.

At just 28.5mm / 1.12in thin and an over­all volu­me of 0.64 liters, the ZBOX M series edge MI643 Mini PC is one of the thin­nest sys­tems with an Intel Core pro­ces­sor. Desi­gned with a wide degree of open ven­ti­la­ti­on, VESA moun­ting com­pa­ti­bi­li­ty, a low-pro­fi­le design, and over­all small foot­print, the ZBOX edge is desi­gned to be as fle­xi­ble as pos­si­ble for all mat­ters of instal­la­ti­on in terms of spa­cing and position.


The ZBOX M series edge stays con­nec­ted via 802.11ac WiFi, Blue­tooth 5, or via dual giga­bit Ether­net ports. To main­tain the thin pro­fi­le, the ZBOX edge reli­es sole­ly on dual M.2 SSD slots for sto­rage and sup­ports up to 64GB DDR4 memory.

For sys­tem needs requi­ring no moving parts, the new ZBOX C series edge CI341 Mini PC is pas­si­ve­ly coo­led for silent ope­ra­ti­on and also VESA mount com­pa­ti­ble. At just 32.1mm / 1.26 inch thin and an over­all volu­me of 0.70 liters, it’s the thin­nest ZBOX C series model released. It hou­ses an Intel Cele­ron N4100 quad-core pro­ces­sor for low-power effi­ci­en­cy and swift pro­ces­sing in deman­ding and tight work spaces with limi­t­ed air­flow and spacing.


MAGNUS Gets More Powerful

The powerful ZBOX E Series gets more powerful with a GeForce RTX SUPER gra­phics card based on the NVIDIA Turing™ archi­tec­tu­re for the first time. The ZBOX MAGNUS E Series are for hard­ware enthu­si­asts who sim­ply want the most powerful hard­ware in the ZBOX Mini PC.


Packed insi­de is a desk­top-sized ZOTAC GAMING GeForce RTX SUPER gra­phics card pai­red with a 45W Intel Core i7 or i5 pro­ces­sor. With expan­ded sup­port for up to 64GB of DDR4, the new MAGNUS EC72070S / EC52060S Mini PCs aim to take com­pact per­for­mance to the top.


The all-new MAGNUS EN92080V, with its slim 62.2mm / 2.45in body height, is a mons­ter of a Mini PC on its own with an NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 pai­red with a 45W 8‑core Intel Core i9 processor.


Learn More about ZBOX MAGNUS EC72070S / EC52060S

ZBOX nano Meets AMD Ryzen™

The last ZBOX nano palm-sized Mini PC released with an AMD pro­ces­sor was in 2015. Today, we intro­du­ce the new ZBOX nano Mini PCs powered by a 15W AMD Ryzen 3 pro­ces­sor. Actively coo­led under the ZBOX M Series MA621 nano and pas­si­ve­ly coo­led for silent ope­ra­ti­on under the ZBOX C series CA621 nano, both fea­ture the AMD Ryzen 3 3200U dual-core pro­ces­sor with Rade­on Vega 3 gra­phics for respon­si­ve ever­y­day computing.


ZBOX nano meets 10th Gen Intel Core Processors

Both the new palm-sized actively coo­led M series nano and the pas­si­ve­ly coo­led C series nano ZBOX Mini PCs are the first in the ZBOX line of Mini PCs to get the latest Intel pro­ces­sor refresh with a 10th Gen, 15W Intel Core i7 / i5 / or i3 pro­ces­sor at the heart.


VR GO Gets a GeForce RTX

The VR GO 3.0 back­pack PC arri­ves to power the latest VR head­sets with a mobi­le NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 gra­phics card and an Intel Core i7 pro­ces­sor. The fabric of the back­pack is updated to uti­li­ze a sweat­pro­of mate­ri­al for simp­ler main­ten­an­ce. In the fami­li­ar sleek and com­pact VR GO 2.0 design enhan­ced with SPECTRA 2.0 RGB light­ing, VR GO 3.0 aims to pro­vi­de more per­for­mance in today’s more ver­sa­ti­le VR land­scape while infu­sing the free­dom of move­ment and unte­the­ring of wires.


Join us at CES 2020 at Cae­sars Palace Forum Suite, from Janu­ary 6th to 9th. For more infor­ma­ti­on, plea­se send inqui­ries to