Atos to Deliver its ‘AION’ Supercomputer to the University of Luxembourg

PARIS, France, Jan. 7, 2020 — Atos, a global leader in digital transformation, has signed a four-year contract to supply its BullSequana XH2000 supercomputer, to the University of Luxembourg, renowned European university and international leader in research. The supercomputer, named as ‘AION’, will allow the university to further accelerate research and to face global competition, by achieving cutting-edge results.

The Bull­Se­qua­na XH2000 super­com­pu­ter will give rese­ar­chers 1.5 times more com­pu­ting capa­ci­ty than pre­vious­ly, with a theo­re­ti­cal peak per­for­mance of 1.7 peta­flops which will com­ple­ment the exis­ting super­com­pu­ting clus­ter. It will be equip­ped with AMD EPYC™ pro­ces­sors and Mel­lan­ox Infi­ni­Band HDR tech­no­lo­gy, con­nec­ted to a DDN sto­rage environment.

The new super­com­pu­ter will be used by the Uni­ver­si­ty and its Euro­pean and inter­na­tio­nal part­ners to acce­le­ra­te the rese­arch per­for­med in inten­si­ve com­pu­ting and lar­ge-sca­le Big Data ana­ly­tics. This includes cut­ting-edge deve­lo­p­ments for rese­arch in various domains such as par­tic­le phy­sics, mate­ri­al sci­en­ces, theo­re­ti­cal che­mis­try, earth sci­en­ces, nume­ri­cal wea­ther pre­dic­tion, astro­phy­sics, cryp­to­lo­gy, arti­fi­ci­al intel­li­gence, and eco­no­mic­al simulations.

One of the key reasons Atos was sel­ec­ted for this con­tract was due to our Bull­Se­qua­na XH2000’s high­ly-effi­ci­ent water-coo­led Direct Liquid Coo­ling (DLC) solu­ti­on, which ensu­res opti­mum ener­gy-effi­ci­en­cy.” said Antoine Ker­rin­ckx, CEO Bel­gi­um and Luxem­bourg at Atos. “As the lea­ding Euro­pean super­com­pu­ter manu­fac­tu­rer, we’re proud to be con­tri­bu­ting to the com­pe­ti­ti­ve­ness of Luxem­bourg and to enable rese­ar­chers fur­ther acce­le­ra­te in their work.”

Modern rese­arch requi­res signi­fi­cant com­pu­ting power and gene­ra­tes lar­ge amounts of data – the­r­e­fo­re we nee­ded a HPC solu­ti­on which responds to our gro­wing need for increased com­pu­ting capa­ci­ty in order to increase our rese­arch capa­bi­li­ties and enable us to go bey­ond the limits of tra­di­tio­nal simu­la­ti­on.” said Dr. Sébas­tien Var­ret­te, co-lea­ding with Prof. Pas­cal Bou­vry the High Per­for­mance Com­pu­ting ser­vice at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Luxem­bourg. “With the release of the AION sys­tem, the glo­bal capa­ci­ty of the HPC infra­struc­tu­re pro­vi­ded within the Uni­ver­si­ty will be increased both in terms of com­pu­ting (tota­ling 2.8 Peta­Flops with both sys­tems) and shared sto­rage (up to 10 Peta­Bytes).  This con­so­li­da­tes the University’s ambi­ti­on to offer a cut­ting-edge rese­arch infra­struc­tu­re to Luxem­bourg public rese­arch and ser­ves as edge access to the upco­ming Luxem­bourg Melu­Xi­na super­com­pu­ter in the EURO-HPC context.”

Deli­very of the ‘AION’ super­com­pu­ter is expec­ted in Q1 2020.

About Atos

Atos is a glo­bal lea­der in digi­tal trans­for­ma­ti­on with over 110,000 employees in 73 count­ries and annu­al reve­nue of over € 11 bil­li­on. Euro­pean num­ber one in Cloud, Cyber­se­cu­ri­ty and High-Per­for­mance Com­pu­ting, the Group pro­vi­des end-to-end Orchestra­ted Hybrid Cloud, Big Data, Busi­ness Appli­ca­ti­ons and Digi­tal Work­place solu­ti­ons. The group is the World­wi­de Infor­ma­ti­on Tech­no­lo­gy Part­ner for the Olym­pic & Para­lym­pic Games and ope­ra­tes under the brands Atos, Atos Syn­tel, and Uni­fy. Atos is a SE (Socie­tas Euro­paea), lis­ted on the CAC40 Paris stock index.