CORSAIR Launches New AMD-Powered VENGEANCE 6100 Series Gaming PCs

FREMONT, CA, Janu­ary 23rd, 2020 — CORSAIR®, a world lea­der in high-per­for­mance gam­ing peri­pherals and enthu­si­ast com­pon­ents, today announ­ced its new models of stun­ning AMD-powered gam­ing PCs, the CORSAIR VENGEANCE 6100 Series. Start­ing with the VENGEANCE 6180 and VENGEANCE 6182, the­se cut­ting-edge gam­ing PCs com­bi­ne the power of 3rd gene­ra­ti­on AMD Ryzen™ pro­ces­sors and AMD Rade­on™ RX 5700 Series gra­phics with high-qua­li­ty CORSAIR com­pon­ents, all in a com­pact cube form fac­tor that’s 33% smal­ler than a stan­dard mid-tower and brim­ming with ful­ly cus­to­mizable RGB lighting.


Sin­ce laun­ching in 2018, the CORSAIR VENGEANCE fami­ly has emer­ged as one of the most award­ed and sought-after gam­ing PCs on the mar­ket thanks to its impres­si­ve power, distinc­ti­ve style, and deep­ly embedded cus­to­mizable RGB light­ing. Both the CORSAIR VENGEANCE 6180 and 6182 incor­po­ra­te a liquid-coo­led AMD Ryzen 7 3700X CPU with eight cores and 16 threads, an AMD Rade­on RX 5700 XT 8GB gra­phics card, and 16GB of CORSAIR VENGEANCE RGB PRO DDR4-3200 Memo­ry. Both models are coo­led by a CORSAIR Hydro Series H100i RGB PLATINUM Liquid CPU coo­ler and powered by a CORSAIR RM650 80 PLUS Gold power supply.

The VENGEANCE 6182 boasts an X570 chip­set mother­board, enab­ling the world’s first main­stream PCI-Express 4.0 plat­form. This offers the band­width to sup­port the latest PCIe 4.0 devices, such as the included 1TB CORSAIR FORCE MP600 M.2 NVMe SSD. The VENGEANCE 6180, on the other hand, is equip­ped with a B450 mother­board and a 480GB CORSAIR FORCE MP510 SSD. For addi­tio­nal sto­rage capa­ci­ty for all your files and media, both models also fea­ture a 2TB HDD.

The VENGEANCE 6100 Series fea­tures exten­si­ve RGB light­ing throug­hout the sys­tem – a total of 140 indi­vi­du­al­ly addressa­ble RGB LEDs allow for mes­me­ri­zing light shows visi­ble through the three crys­tal-clear tem­pe­red glass panels of a com­pact CORSAIR 280X case. Powerful CORSAIR iCUE soft­ware enables sys­tem-wide syn­chro­niza­ti­on and cus­to­miza­ti­on of your light­ing, in-depth sys­tem moni­to­ring, and pre­cise con­trol over fan and pump speeds.

PC gamers in search of a powerful and sty­lish AMD sys­tem need look no fur­ther – it’s time to step up your game with a CORSAIR VENGEANCE 6100 Series PC.

Tech­ni­cal Specifications

CPU AMD Ryzen 7 3700X, Liquid-cooled
(8 Cores, 16 Threads, up to 4.4GHz)
Chip­set AMD B540 AMD X570
Gra­phics Card AMD Rade­on RX 5700 XT 8GB GDDR6
Hard Disk Drive 2TB 3.5” 7200RPM
Power Sup­p­ly CORSAIR RM650 80 PLUS Gold
Net­work 802.11ac 2x2 Wi-Fi, Giga­bit Ethernet
Front I/O 2x USB 3.1 Gen 1, Micro­pho­ne Jack, Head­pho­ne Jack
Rear I/O PS/2,
2x USB 2.0
4x USB 3.1 Gen 1
2x USB 3.1 Gen 2 (Type‑A and Type‑C)
7.1 HD Audio
3x DisplayPort
6x USB 3.2 Gen 1
2x USB 3.2 Gen 2 (Type‑A and Type‑C)
7.1 HD Audio
3x DisplayPort
Soft­ware Win­dows 10 Home 64-bit, CORSAIR iCUE, PC Doctor
Size 398mm x 276mm x 351mm
(15.7” x 10.9” x 13.8”)
War­ran­ty 2 Years
MSRP $1,999

Avai­la­bi­li­ty, War­ran­ty and Pricing

The CORSAIR VENGEANCE 6100 Series is available imme­dia­te­ly from the CORSAIR webs­to­re and the CORSAIR US net­work of aut­ho­ri­zed retail­ers and distributors.

The CORSAIR VENGEANCE 6100 Series is backed by a two-year war­ran­ty, along­side the CORSAIR world­wi­de cus­to­mer ser­vice and tech­ni­cal sup­port network.

For up-to-date pri­cing of the CORSAIR VENGEANCE 6100 Series, plea­se refer to the CORSAIR web­site or cont­act your local CORSAIR sales or PR representative.

Web Pages

To learn more about the CORSAIR VENGEANCE 6100 Series, plea­se visit:

For a com­ple­te list of all CORSAIR sys­tems, plea­se visit:

Pro­duct Images High-reso­lu­ti­on images of the CORSAIR VENGEANCE 6100 Series can be found at the link below:‑s0b6bddd39874d6f9

Pro­duct Images

High-reso­lu­ti­on images of the CORSAIR VENGEANCE 6100 Series can be found at the link below:‑s0b6bddd39874d6f9


Foun­ded in 1994, CORSAIR has grown from pio­nee­ring the high-per­for­mance DRAM mar­ket into one of the world’s lea­ding pro­vi­ders of high-per­for­mance gam­ing and strea­ming pro­ducts. CORSAIR offers a com­ple­te ran­ge of pro­ducts to equip gamers, enthu­si­asts, and esports ath­le­tes, inclu­ding mecha­ni­cal key­boards, pre­cis­i­on gam­ing mice, wire­less head­sets, pre­mi­um PC com­pon­ents, and the CORSAIR ONE ful­ly-inte­gra­ted gam­ing PC. With a com­pa­ny-wide com­mit­ment to qua­li­ty, inno­va­ti­ve design, advan­ced fea­tures and high-per­for­mance, CORSAIR pro­ducts have won thou­sands of media and indus­try awards, ear­ning their place in gamers’ hands and PCs fol­lo­wing years of deve­lo­p­ment and engi­nee­ring by a team dedi­ca­ted to buil­ding gre­at pro­ducts that they them­sel­ves would want to use.

In 2018 CORSAIR acqui­red Elga­to Gam­ing, a manu­fac­tu­rer of strea­ming pro­ducts. In 2019 CORSAIR acqui­red Ori­gin Com­pu­ters, a manu­fac­tu­rer of cus­tom high-per­for­mance gam­ing PCs and lap­tops, and SCUF Gam­ing, an inno­va­tor and crea­tor of high-per­for­mance gam­ing controllers.

Copy­right © 2020 CORSAIR Com­pon­ents, Inc. All rights reser­ved. CORSAIR, the sails logo, and Ven­ge­an­ce are regis­tered trade­marks of CORSAIR in the United Sta­tes and/or other count­ries. All other com­pa­ny and/or pro­duct names may be trade names, trade­marks, and/or regis­tered trade­marks of the respec­ti­ve owners with which they are asso­cia­ted. Fea­tures, pri­cing, avai­la­bi­li­ty, and spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons are sub­ject to chan­ge wit­hout notice.