WinRAR 5.90 Beta 1

Der Packer RAR oder eben Win­RAR gilt nach wie vor als einer der leis­tungs­fä­higs­ten sei­ner Art. Als kos­ten­pflich­ti­ge Share­ware hat er es jedoch seit gerau­mer Zeit schwer, auf dem Markt gegen die inte­grier­te Out-of-the-box-Lösung für ZIP-Datei­en unter Micro­soft-Betriebs­sys­te­men oder gar die völ­lig kos­ten­lo­sen und noch dazu Open-Source-Lösun­gen wie etwa  7‑Zip zu bestehen.


Ver­si­on 5.90 beta 1

1. RAR com­pres­si­on speed is impro­ved for CPUs with 16 and more cores.

2. “Fas­test” method (-m1 com­mand line equi­va­lent) typi­cal­ly achieves
a hig­her com­pres­si­on ratio for high­ly com­pres­si­ble data types
when crea­ting RAR5 archives.

3. Maxi­mum num­ber of uti­li­zed threads is increased from 32 to 64.
Com­mand line ‑mt<threads> switch accepts values from 1 to 64.

4. “Mul­ti­th­re­a­ding” para­me­ter on “Gene­ral” page of Win­RAR settings
is repla­ced with “Threads” input field, whe­re you can specify
the desi­red num­ber of CPU threads. It can take values from 1 to
maxi­mum num­ber of available logi­cal CPU units.

5. Win­RAR dis­plays packed and unpa­cked fol­der sizes when browsing
archi­ve contents.

6. “Total fol­ders” field is added to list of archi­ve parameters
dis­play­ed by Win­RAR “Info” com­mand. Same field is added to
“Archi­ve” page in archi­ve pro­per­ties in Win­dows Explorer.

7. Win­dow inclu­ding a pro­gress bar and “Can­cel” but­ton is displayed
if rea­ding archi­ve con­tents takes noti­ceable time.
It can be useful for archi­ve for­mats with slower access to contents,
such as lar­ge TAR based archi­ves like .tar.gz and tar.bz2.

8. Archi­ving and extra­c­tion pro­gress win­dows, also as pro­gress windows
for some other com­mands, can be resized.

9. “Repair” per­for­mance for RAR5 archi­ves with reco­very record
and wit­hout data shifts is impro­ved. It dete­rio­ra­ted in Win­RAR 5.80
and is now res­to­red to ori­gi­nal level.

10. Pass­word prompt is not issued when per­forming reco­very record based
repair for RAR5 archi­ves with encrypt­ed file names.
This com­mand can be per­for­med wit­hout pro­vi­ding a password.

11. If fol­der for con­ver­ted archi­ves in “Con­vert archi­ves” command
does not exist, Win­RAR attempts to crea­te it. Pre­vious versions
fai­led to crea­te con­ver­ted archi­ves in non-exis­tent desti­na­ti­on folder.

12. Bugs fixed:

a) “Repair” com­mand could erro­n­eous­ly dis­play “Reco­very record is
cor­rupt” mes­sa­ge when pro­ces­sing an archi­ve with valid recovery
record. This mes­sa­ge did not pre­vent fur­ther repair operation;

b) if quick open infor­ma­ti­on opti­on was set to “Do not add” in default
com­pres­si­on pro­fi­le and this pro­fi­le was loa­ded by some command
or dia­log, Win­RAR igno­red quick open infor­ma­ti­on when browsing
con­tents of RAR archi­ves. For exam­p­le, it hap­pen­ed after opening
archi­ving or pass­word dialogs;

c) Ctrl+C “Copy” short­cut key did not work in archi­ve com­ment window;

d) if “Put each file to sepa­ra­te archi­ve” and “Archi­ves in subfolders”
opti­ons were set, Win­RAR igno­red the desti­na­ti­on path specified
in archi­ve name field.



Down­load: Win­RAR
Ver­si­on: 5.90 Beta 1
Datei­grö­ße bis 3,07 MiB
Ver­öf­fent­licht am: 11.12.2019
Betriebs­sys­tem: Win­dows / Linux / Free­BSD / macOS
Lizenz: Share­ware
Web­sei­te RARLAB