AMD Radeon ProRender Blender Version 2.3

AMD Rade­on Pro­Ren­der ist eine leis­tungs­fä­hi­ge, phy­sik­ba­sier­te Ren­de­ring-Engi­ne von AMD, die als Plug­in für Blen­der ver­füg­bar ist und für alle Pro­dukt­de­signs, Archi­tek­tur­vi­sua­li­sie­run­gen, Gra­fik­ef­fek­te und mehr ver­wen­det wer­den kann.


Radeon ProRender for Blender v2.3Highlights

  • Instal­lers are chan­ged to be more user friendly 
    • On macOS, the instal­ler prompts users to choo­se a Blen­der Loca­ti­on, whe­re­as pre­vious ver­si­ons asked for the fol­der.  For exam­p­le, typi­cal­ly Blen­der installs to /Applications/  When prompt­ed, sel­ect this file direct­ly, in pre­vious ver­si­ons you would sel­ect the /Applications folder.
    • On win­dows, the instal­ler will allow the user to install for mul­ti­ple Blen­der ver­si­ons.  On macOS, sim­ply run the instal­ler mul­ti­ple times.
    • On linux, the Mate­ri­al Libra­ry instal­ler is sepa­ra­ted from the Blen­der plug­in.  Plea­se down­load that sepa­ra­te­ly.  If you alre­a­dy instal­led the plug­in and the mate­ri­al libra­ry in pre­vious ver­si­ons, the­re is no need to install the Mate­ri­al Libra­ry again.
    • Down­load files are smaller
    • The instal­ler no lon­ger checks for Open­CL sup­port.  If the­re are no Open­CL devices, none will show up in the plugin.
  • Sup­port for Blen­der 2.82 features: 
    • Sup­port for Blen­der 2.82 smo­ke and fire is added
    • Chan­ges to RGB Cur­ves node in Blen­der 2.82 are supported
    • Added sup­port of sca­le input on Map­ping node (as well as nega­ti­ve scale)
  • Impro­ved HSV nodes (which are wide­ly used in shader net­works).  Pre­vious­ly the­se could not be hoo­ked up to tex­tures.  Addi­tio­nal­ly, they should ren­der fas­ter than previously.
  • Object ID AOV pas­ses now out­put the “Pass Index” set­ting on Blen­der Objects.
  • Added sup­port for Look­dev mode stu­dio light “Strength”
  • Direc­tion Lights use an ang­le for soft­ness now

Fixed Issues

  • Hair width matches bet­ter to Blen­der if the object with hair atta­ched is scaled
  • Issue with mul­ti­ple UV’s if mesh modi­fiers were atta­ched to an object
  • Text objects cras­hing in viewport
  • Free­ze with view­port and mate­ri­al pre­view run­ning simultaneously
  • Issue with non-mesh objects using the UV Map node
  • Fixed mate­ri­al assign­ment to meta­ball and cur­ve objects for view­port modes
  • Adap­ti­ve sub­di­vi­si­on and tile ren­ders using the wrong came­ra to “adapt” sub­di­vi­si­on to. 
  • Force IES files to update in view­port (some­ti­mes they would not update when loa­ding a new file)
  • Loa­ding envi­ron­ment map set­ting from Blen­der 2.79 scenes.
  • Issue updating the view­port ren­der if a UV Map node is present
  • Fixed arti­facts when doing view­port ren­ders with Adap­ti­ve sampling
  • Crash with Color Ramp node con­nec­ted to displacement


Rade­on Pro­Ren­der for Blen­der v2.3 is com­pa­ti­ble with the fol­lo­wing applications:

  • Blen­der 2.80
  • Blen­der 2.81
  • Blen­der 2.82

Compatible Operating Systems

Rade­on Pro­Ren­der for Blen­der v2.3 is desi­gned to sup­port the fol­lo­wing ope­ra­ting sys­tem platforms:

  • Micro­soft Win­dows® 10 (64-bit)
  • Micro­soft Win­dows® 7 (64-bit)
  • Ubun­tu® 18.04.0
  • Ubun­tu® 16.04.3
  • macOS® High Sier­ra 10.13.3+
  • macOS® Moja­ve 10.14.0+
Down­load: AMD Rade­on Pro­Ren­der für Blender
Ver­si­on: 2.3 für Blen­der 2.80, 2.81 und 2.82
Datei­grö­ße ver­schie­den
Ver­öf­fent­licht am: 12.02.2020
Betriebs­sys­tem: Win­dows, Linux, macOS
Lizenz: Lizenz­be­din­gun­gen AMD