WinSCP 5.17.6

Die Open-Source-Soft­ware Win­SCP von Mar­tin Prik­ryl ist ein SFTP‑, FTP‑, Web­DAV- und S3-Cli­ent für Win­dows, der auch das alte SCP-Pro­to­koll unter­stützt. Die Free­ware bie­tet einen geschütz­ten Daten- und Datei­trans­fer zwi­schen ver­schie­de­nen Rech­nern und ermög­licht die Nut­zung ver­schlüs­sel­ter “Tun­nel”.



  • Added new af-south-1 and eu-south-1 AWS regi­ons. 1864
  • Trans­la­ti­on updated: Bra­zi­li­an Portuguese.
  • Not defaul­ting to Docu­ments fol­der on a net­work dri­ve even if it is map­ped. 1869
  • Work­around for lack of sup­port for max-keys para­me­ter in Back­bla­ze S3 API1871
  • Instal­ler upgraded to Inno Set­up 6.0.5.
  • Bug fix: Trans­fer set­tings are not pre­ser­ved when start­ing syn­chro­niza­ti­on in new window.
  • Bug fix: Keep remo­te direc­to­ry up to date win­dow can­not be res­to­red after it was mini­mi­zed to tray using Mini­mi­ze to Sys­tem Tray com­mand, when the win­dow was ope­ned from com­mand-line or using Start in New Win­dow com­mand. 1868
  • Bug fix: Start­ing syn­chro­niza­ti­on in a new win­dow should be dis­ab­led when Sel­ec­ted files only opti­on is sel­ec­ted, as that com­bi­na­ti­on is not imple­men­ted. 1870
  • Bug fix: Start­ing a syn­chro­niza­ti­on in a new win­dow does not work if the remo­te path con­sist of one level only.
  • Bug fix: Fail­ure when can­ce­ling an authen­ti­ca­ti­on of an ad-hoc ses­si­on from a workspace ope­ned from com­mand-line. 1875
  • Bug fix: GSSAPI key exch­an­ge authen­ti­ca­ti­on is off by default as it cau­sed fail­ures when old ver­si­on of MIT Ker­be­ros was instal­led on the machi­ne. 1874



Down­load: Win­SCP & Win­SCP Portable
Ver­si­on 5.17.6
Ver­öf­fent­licht am: 28.05.2020
Betriebs­sys­tem: Win­dows
Lizenz: Open Source