Changes in Intel’s Technology, Systems Architecture and Client Group

Jim Keller to Depart Intel; New Leaders Named

SANTA CLARA, Calif., June 11, 2020 – Today, Intel announ­ced that Jim Kel­ler has resi­gned effec­ti­ve June 11, 2020, due to per­so­nal reasons. Intel app­re­cia­tes Mr. Keller’s work over the past two years hel­ping them con­ti­nue advan­cing Intel’s pro­duct lea­der­ship and they wish him and his fami­ly all the best for the future. Intel is plea­sed to announ­ce, howe­ver, that Mr. Kel­ler has agreed to ser­ve as a con­sul­tant for six months to assist with the transition.

Intel has a vast­ly expe­ri­en­ced team of tech­ni­cal lea­ders within its Tech­no­lo­gy, Sys­tems Archi­tec­tu­re and Cli­ent Group (TSCG) under the lea­der­ship of Dr. Ven­ka­ta (Mur­thy) Ren­duch­in­ta­la, group pre­si­dent of TSCG and chief engi­nee­ring offi­cer. As part of this tran­si­ti­on, the fol­lo­wing lea­der­ship chan­ges will be made, effec­ti­ve immediately:

  • Sun­da­ri Mitra, the for­mer CEO and foun­der of Net­Speed Sys­tems and the cur­rent lea­der of Intel’s Con­fi­gura­ble Intellec­tu­al Pro­per­ty and Chas­sis Group, will lead a new­ly crea­ted IP Engi­nee­ring Group focu­sed on deve­lo­ping best-in-class IP.
  • Gene Scu­te­ri, an accom­plished engi­nee­ring lea­der in the semi­con­duc­tor indus­try, will head the Xeon and Net­wor­king Engi­nee­ring Group.
  • Daa­man Hej­ma­di will return to lea­ding the Cli­ent Engi­nee­ring Group focu­sed on sys­tem-on-chip (SoC) exe­cu­ti­on and desig­ning next-gene­ra­ti­on cli­ent, device and chip­set pro­ducts. Hej­ma­di has over two deca­des of expe­ri­ence lea­ding teams deli­ve­ring advan­ced SoCs both insi­de and out­side of Intel.
  • Navid Shah­ria­ri, an expe­ri­en­ced Intel lea­der, will con­ti­nue to lead the Manu­fac­tu­ring and Pro­duct Engi­nee­ring Group, which is focu­sed on deli­ve­ring com­pre­hen­si­ve pre-pro­duc­tion test sui­tes and com­po­nent debug capa­bi­li­ties to enable high-qua­li­ty, high-volu­me manufacturing.

Intel con­gra­tu­la­tes Sun­da­ri, Gene, Daa­man and Navid as we begin the next pha­se of our world-class engi­nee­ring orga­niza­ti­on and look for­ward to exe­cu­ting on our exci­ting road­map of products.