GLOBALFOUNDRIES Partners with Synopsys, Mentor, and Keysight on Interoperable Process Design Kit (iPDK) Support for 22FDX

Open­Ac­cess-based iPDK pro­vi­des a choice of design suite tools for deve­lo­pers working on GF’s best-in-class 22FDX platform

San­ta Cla­ra, Calif., July 21, 2020 – GLOBALFOUNDRIES® (GF®) today announ­ced the release and dis­tri­bu­ti­on of Open­Ac­cess iPDK libra­ri­es opti­mi­zed for its 22FDX® (22nm FD-SOI) plat­form. With its best-in-class per­for­mance, power con­sump­ti­on, and broad fea­ture inte­gra­ti­on capa­bi­li­ty, GF’s dif­fe­ren­tia­ted 22FDX plat­form is the solu­ti­on of choice for desi­gners and inno­va­tors working in 5G mmWa­ve, edge AI, Inter­net of Things (IoT), auto­mo­ti­ve, satel­li­te com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons, secu­ri­ty, and other applications.

The open-stan­dard based iPDK offers the same level of func­tion­a­li­ty and per­for­mance as PDKs desi­gned for spe­ci­fic ven­dor tools, while hel­ping enable inter­ope­ra­bi­li­ty and com­pa­ti­bi­li­ty among dif­fe­rent design tool sui­tes. Tools inclu­ding: the Cus­tom Com­pi­ler™ solu­ti­on from Syn­op­sys; Tan­nerTM soft­ware solu­ti­ons from Men­tor, a Sie­mens busi­ness; PathWa­ve Advan­ced Design Sys­tem (ADS) from Key­sight Tech­no­lo­gies; and any other tool sup­port­ing Open­Ac­cess will now be able to use GF iPDK libra­ri­es for its 22FDX plat­form. GF’s iPDK will con­sist of Open­Ac­cess tech­no­lo­gy files, sym­bols, com­po­nent descrip­ti­on for­mat (CDF), TCL call­backs, net­lis­ting infor­ma­ti­on, and PyCells.

The 22FDX iPDK is released and available along­side other EDA-spe­ci­fic 22FDX PDK bundles.

Pro­cess design kits are cri­ti­cal for enab­ling our cli­ents to ensu­re their designs are of high qua­li­ty and opti­mi­zed for manu­fac­tu­ring on GF’s dif­fe­ren­tia­ted plat­forms,” said Richard Tri­hy, vice pre­si­dent of design ena­blem­ent at GF. “Expan­ding our sup­port to iPDK pro­vi­des our cli­ents grea­ter fle­xi­bi­li­ty to use the design suite tools of their choice. The col­la­bo­ra­ti­ve natu­re of iPDK ulti­m­ate­ly leads to redu­ced design cos­ts and grea­ter value crea­ti­on for our cli­ents and our industry.” 

Glo­bal­Found­ries and Syn­op­sys have a long­stan­ding col­la­bo­ra­ti­on to enable mutu­al cus­to­mers with open and inter­ope­ra­ble EDA tech­no­lo­gy and IP for Glo­bal­Found­ries pro­cess nodes,” said Charles Mat­ar, seni­or vice pre­si­dent of Sys­tem Solu­ti­ons and Eco­sys­tem Ena­blem­ent in the Design Group at Syn­op­sys. “Exten­ding the adop­ti­on of open stan­dard-based inter­ope­ra­ble PDK helps acce­le­ra­te and broa­den the abili­ty of advan­ced IP and SoC teams to levera­ge Glo­bal­Found­ries’ 22FDX platform.”

Mentor’s enter­pri­se-rea­dy, full flow cus­tom IC design envi­ron­ment, tog­e­ther with the out­stan­ding blend of per­for­mance and low power that GF’s 22FDX pro­ces­ses deli­ver are a gre­at com­bi­na­ti­on for our shared IoT and power manage­ment cus­to­mers,” said Greg Lebsack, gene­ral mana­ger of IC Design Solu­ti­ons at Men­tor. “Inter­ope­ra­bi­li­ty gives our mutu­al cli­ents the choice and fle­xi­bi­li­ty that best ser­ve their busi­ness objec­ti­ves. We are plea­sed that our cus­to­mers can now levera­ge Glo­bal­Found­ries’ 22FDX plat­form with the new iPDK.”

Key­sight applauds Glo­bal­Found­ries for taking the important step of pro­vi­ding iPDK sup­port for its 22FDX plat­form,” said Tom Lil­lig, Gene­ral Mana­ger of PathWa­ve Soft­ware Solu­ti­ons at Key­sight Tech­no­lo­gies. “The design com­mu­ni­ty will bene­fit from the oppor­tu­ni­ty to shor­ten the pro­duct design-cycle for chips, as well as simu­la­ting chip per­for­mance, on 22FDX, with Keysight’s RFIC solu­ti­ons for design and simu­la­ti­on in PathWa­ve Advan­ced Design Sys­tem (ADS), PathWa­ve RFIC Design (Gold­en­Ga­te), and RFPro. This announce­ment is fur­ther pro­of of the value of col­la­bo­ra­ti­ve iPDKs to our industry.”

For more infor­ma­ti­on on GF’s 22FDX and iPDK release, cont­act your GF sales repre­sen­ta­ti­ve or visit

About GF

GLOBALFOUNDRIES (GF) is the world’s lea­ding spe­cial­ty foundry. GF deli­vers dif­fe­ren­tia­ted fea­ture-rich solu­ti­ons that enable its cli­ents to deve­lop inno­va­ti­ve pro­ducts for high-growth mar­ket seg­ments. GF pro­vi­des a broad ran­ge of plat­forms and fea­tures with a uni­que mix of design, deve­lo­p­ment and fabri­ca­ti­on ser­vices. With an at-sca­le manu­fac­tu­ring foot­print span­ning the U.S., Euro­pe and Asia, GF has the fle­xi­bi­li­ty and agi­li­ty to meet the dyna­mic needs of cli­ents across the glo­be. GF is owned by Muba­d­a­la Invest­ment Com­pa­ny. For more infor­ma­ti­on, visit