System Information Viewer Version 5.51

Sys­tem Infor­ma­ti­on View­er (SIV) ist ein kos­ten­lo­ses Win­dows-Tool zur Anzei­ge vie­ler nütz­li­cher Infor­ma­tio­nen des eige­nen PC-Sys­tems. Mit Win­dows 10, 8.1, 8.0, 7, Vis­ta, XP und NT 4 sowie Win­dows Me, 98 und 95 wer­den zahl­rei­che, auch älte­re Win­dows-Ver­sio­nen unterstützt.


  1. Added Win­dows 10 21H1 Build 20161 sup­port. Enab­led ope­ra­ti­on of [ACPI Eval], etc..
  2. Enhan­ced the SIV64s such that [Prime Num­bers], can pro­cess up to at least 10^10 on most Win­dows 64-bit sys­tems and more if you have enough memo­ry. I have vali­da­ted 10^12, but nee­ded 44GB of available memo­ry and took about 6 elap­sed days, 204 days of CPU time! Added the abili­ty to start pro­ces­sing from the end of the curr­ent­ly loa­ded data. The data can be from eit­her a save file or fresh­ly cal­cu­la­ted. Disable Clo­se when cal­cu­la­ting prime num­bers, impro­ved abor­ted shut­down, added num­ber of pairs con­fir­ma­ti­on data for all gaps up to 100 and the First Prime Num­bers for gaps up to 1550. Added [Prev][Check] and [Next] to check if a num­ber is prime. Added Right/Click menus to all the Up/Down con­trols. Enhan­ced [Prime Num­ber Pairs] and [Load] to use mul­ti­ple threads when the­re are many Prime Num­bers to process.
  3. Added ASRock B550M-ITX + ASUS Maxi­mus XII Extre­me + TXP4 + Giga­byte TRX40 Xtre­me + HP Z820 (158B) mother­board support.


Hin­weis: Soll­ten die Down­load­mir­rors noch nicht aktua­li­siert sein, kann man das Update-File auch über den Menü­punkt OK/Latest Releases beziehen.


Down­load: Sys­tem Infor­ma­ti­on View­er (offi­zi­el­ler Mirror)
Ver­si­on: 5.51
Datei­grö­ße 13,61 MiB
Ver­öf­fent­licht am: 14.08.2020
Betriebs­sys­tem: Win­dows
Lizenz: Free­ware