Nvidia GeForce-Treiber (GRD) 452.06 WHQL

Der Nvi­dia GeForce-Game-Rea­dy-Trei­ber für Win­dows ist in einer neu­en Ver­si­on erschie­nen. Er unter­stützt alle Nvi­dia-Kar­ten seit der GeForce 600er, über die GeForce 700er, die GeForce 900er, die GeForce 10xx. die GeForce 16xx und bis hin zur aktu­el­len GeForce RTX 20xx Serie, sowie alle Kar­ten der Titan-Serie.



Game Rea­dy Dri­ver Updates
Game Rea­dy Dri­vers pro­vi­de the best pos­si­ble gam­ing expe­ri­ence for all major new releases, inclu­ding Vir­tu­al Rea­li­ty games. Pri­or to a new title laun­ching, our dri­ver team is working up until the last minu­te to ensu­re every per­for­mance tweak and bug fix is included for the best game­play on day-one.

Game Rea­dy for Micro­soft Flight Simulator
This new Game Rea­dy Dri­ver pro­vi­des the latest per­for­mance opti­miza­ti­ons, pro­files, and bug fixes for Micro­soft Flight Simu­la­tor. In addi­ti­on, this release also pro­vi­des opti­mal sup­port for the World of War­craft: Shadow­lands pre-patch on the public test realm as well as for A Total War Saga: TROY and Tony Hawk’s Pro Ska­ter 1 + 2.

Learn more in our Game Rea­dy Dri­ver artic­le here

Fixed Issues in this Release
The fol­lo­wing sec­tions list the important chan­ges and the most com­mon issues resol­ved in this ver­si­on. This list is only a sub­set of the total num­ber of chan­ges made in this dri­ver ver­si­on. The NVIDIA bug num­ber is pro­vi­ded for reference.
• [Shadow of the Tomb Raider][DirectX 12]: The game may crash when laun­ched if Hard­ware-acce­le­ra­ted GPU sche­du­ling is enab­led. [3037544]
• [Death Stran­ding]: Tex­tu­re cor­rup­ti­on may be obser­ved during game­play on GeForce GTX 16/RTX 20 series GPUs. [200631405]
• [Path of Exi­le]: Black squa­re cor­rup­ti­on appears around characters.[3038439]
• [Sonic & All Stars Racing Trans­for­med]: The game cra­s­hes when play­ing in a water level. [3028931]
• [For­za Motor­sport 7]: The game starts to stut­ter after racing a few laps. [3035005]
• [Zhan Ge Jing Ji Chang]: Cor­rup­ti­on occurs in the game when play­ed in the Ten­cent mobi­le game simu­la­tor. [200631684]
• Seve­ral games ran­dom­ly free­ze for a few seconds during game­play. Affec­ted games include Assassin’s Creed Ori­g­ins, Pla­nets­ide 2, Assassin’s Creed III, Assassin’s Creed Odys­sey, and Assassin’s Creed Syn­di­ca­te. [3038632]
• The NVIDIA Con­trol Panel does not dis­play the nati­ve reso­lu­ti­on of some HDTVs if the timings are inva­lid. [3060459]
• Some dis­plays may show a green tint when Win­dows Night Light is enab­led. [3038686]
• Snow appears on the dis­play upon waking up the HDMI moni­tor. [3039265]
• [Notebook][Turing] Dis­play may show pixel­a­ted cor­rup­ti­on on waking note­book from long dis­play off [200633139]


Down­load: GeForce-Trei­ber
Ver­si­on: 452.06 WHQL
Datei­grö­ße ver­schie­den
Ver­öf­fent­licht am: 17.08.2020
Betriebs­sys­tem: Win­dows 7, 8.x, 10 64-Bit
Lizenz: Trei­ber